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Seismic Design Manual, 3rd Edition, 2018
- Seismic Design Manual, 3rd Edition
- Contents
- Foreword
- Preface
- Scope
- Part 1—General Design Considerations [Go to Page]
- 1.1 Scope
- 1.2 Applicable Specifications, Codes and Other References [Go to Page]
- Specifications, Codes and Standards for Structural Steel Buildings
- Other AISC Reference Documents
- 1.3 Seismic Design Overview and Design Considerations [Go to Page]
- Performance Goals
- Applicable Building Code
- Risk Category and Seismic Design Category
- Earthquake Ground Motion and Response Spectrum
- Maximum Considered Earthquake and Design Basis Earthquake
- Systems Defined in ASCE/SEI 7
- Seismic Performance Factors [Go to Page]
- Response Modification Coefficient, R
- R = 3 Applications
- Deflection Amplification Factor, Cd
- Overstrength Seismic Load & Capacity-Limited Seismic Load Effect
- Redundancy Factor
- Maximum Force Delivered by the System
- Building Joints. [Go to Page]
- Expansion Joints
- Seismic Joints
- Building Separations
- Building Drift [Go to Page]
- Deflection Compatibility
- Lowest Anticipated Service Temperature
- Quality Control and Quality Assurance
- Design Drawing Requirements [Go to Page]
- Structural Design Drawing Requirements
- SFRS Member and Connection Material Specifications
- Demand Critical Welds
- Locations and Dimensions of Protected Zones
- Additional Structural Design Drawing Detail Requirements in the Provisions
- AWS D1.8 Structural Welding Code—Seismic Supplement
- Composite Systems
- Wind and Seismic Design
- 1.4 Identification of SFRS Elements and Sample Connection Details [Go to Page]
- Identification of SFRS Elements
- Sample Connection Details
- 1.5 Design Table Discussion [Go to Page]
- Seismic Weld Access Hole Configurations
- Member Ductility Requirements
- Local Buckling Requirements [Go to Page]
- Table 1-A Limiting Width-to-Thickness Ratios for W-Shape Flanges and Webs in Compression
- Table 1-B Limiting Width-to-Thickness Ratios for Angle Legs in Compression
- Table 1-C Limiting Width-to-Thickness Ratios for Rectangular and Square HSS Walls in Compression
- Table 1-D Limiting Width-to-Thickness Ratios for Round HSS and Pipe Walls in Compression
- Strength of Steel Headed Stud Anchors
- ASCE/SEI 7 Design Coefficients and Factors for SFRS
- Part 1 References
- Design Tables [Go to Page]
- Table 1-1 Workable Weld Access Hole Configurations for Beams
- Table 1-2 Summary of Member Ductility Requirements
- Table 1-3 Sections that Satisfy Seismic Width-to-Thickness Requirements, W-Shapes
- Table 1-4 Sections that Satisfy Seismic Width-to-Thickness Requirements, Angles
- Table 1-5a Sections that Satisfy Seismic Width-to-Thickness, Rectangular HSS Requirements Rectangular HSS
- Table 1-5b Sections that Satisfy Seismic Width-to-Thickness Requirements, Square HSS
- Table 1-6 Sections that Satisfy Seismic Width-to-Thickness Requirements, Round HSS
- Table 1-7 Sections that Satisfy Seismic Width-to-Thickness Requirements, Pipes
- Table 1-8 Shear Stud Anchor Nominal Horizontal Shear Strength and 25% Reduced Nominal Horizontal Shear Strength for Steel Headed Stud Anchors, kips
- Table 1-9a Design Coefficients and Factors for Steel and Steel and Concrete Composite Seismic Force-Resisting Systems
- Table 1-9b Design Coefficients and Factors for Nonbuilding Structures Similar to Buildings
- Part 2—Analysis [Go to Page]
- 2.1 Scope
- 2.2 Role of Structural Analysis in Design [Go to Page]
- Ductile Design Mechanism
- Capacity Design
- 2.3 Analysis Procedures [Go to Page]
- Elastic, Inelastic and Plastic Analysis
- Stability Design Methods in the AISC Specification [Go to Page]
- Direct Analysis Method
- Effective Length Method
- First-Order Analysis Method
- Analysis Methods in ASCE/SEI 7 and the Direct Analysis Method [Go to Page]
- Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure and the Direct Analysis Method
- Modal Response Spectrum Analysis and the Direct Analysis Method
- 2.4 Structural Modeling [Go to Page]
- Strength of Structural Elements
- Stiffness of Structural Elements [Go to Page]
- Steel Elements
- Composite Elements
- Connections and Panel Zones
- Column Bases and Foundations
- Diaphragms for Three-Dimensional Analysis
- Gravity Loads [Go to Page]
- Gravity Loads in Diagonal Braces and Special Plate Shear Walls
- Part 2 References
- Part 3—Systems Not Specifically Designed for Seismic Resistance [Go to Page]
- 3.1 Scope
- 3.2 General Discussion
- 3.3 Design Example Plan and Elevations
- 3.4 Moment Frames [Go to Page]
- Example 3.4.1. Moment Frame Story Drift Check
- Example 3.4.2. Moment Frame Column Design
- Example 3.4.3. Moment Frame Beam Design
- Example 3.4.4. Moment Frame Beam-to-ColumnConnection Design
- 3.5 Braced Frames [Go to Page]
- Example 3.5.1. Braced Frame Brace Design
- Example 3.5.2. Braced Frame Column Design
- Example 3.5.3. Braced Frame Brace-to-Beam/ColumnConnection Design
- Part 3 References
- Part 4—Moment Frames [Go to Page]
- 4.1 Scope
- 4.2 Ordinary Moment Frames (OMF) [Go to Page]
- OMF Design Example Plan and Elevation
- Example 4.2.1. OMF Story Drift and Stability Check
- Example 4.2.2. OMF Column Strength Check
- Example 4.2.3. OMF Beam Strength Check
- Example 4.2.4. OMF Beam-Column Connection Design
- 4.3 Special Moment Frames (SMF) and Intermediate Moment Frames (IMF) [Go to Page]
- SMF Design Example Plan and Elevation
- Example 4.3.1. SMF Story Drift and Stability Check
- Example 4.3.2. SMF Column Strength Check
- Example 4.3.3. SMF Beam Strength Check
- Example 4.3.4. SMF Beam Stability Bracing Design—Equal Depth Beams
- Example 4.3.5. SMF Beam Stability Bracing Design—Unequal Depth Beams
- Example 4.3.6. SMF Beam-Column Connection Design—RBS
- Example 4.3.7. SMF Beam-Column Connection Design—BFP
- Example 4.3.8. SMF Strong-Column Weak-Beam Exceptions
- 4.4 Special Trust Moment Frames (STMF) [Go to Page]
- Overview of Applicable Design Provisions
- STMF Design Example Plan and Elevation
- Example 4.4.1. STMF Story Drift and Stability Check
- Example 4.4.2. STMF Special Segment Design Checks
- Example 4.4.3. STMF Nonspecial Segment Design
- Example 4.4.4. STMF Column Strength Checks
- Example 4.4.5. STMF Truss-Column Connection Design
- Example 4.4.6. STMF Truss Chord Splice Connection Design
- 4.5 Column Splice and Column Base Design Examples [Go to Page]
- Example 4.5.1. Gravity Column Splice Design in a Moment Frame Building
- Example 4.5.2. SMF Column Splice Design
- Example 4.5.3. SMF Column Base Design
- Example 4.5.4. SMF Embedded Column Base Design
- 4.6 Design Table Discussion [Go to Page]
- Table 4-1. Comparison of Requirements for SMF, IMF and OMF
- Table 4-2. SMF Design Tables
- Part 4 References
- Part 5—Braced Frames [Go to Page]
- 5.1 Scope
- 5.2 Ordinary Concentrically Braced Frames (OCBF) [Go to Page]
- OCBF Design Example Plan and Elevation
- Example 5.2.1. OCBF Diagonal Brace Design
- Example 5.2.2. OCBF Column Design
- Example 5.2.3. OCBF Beam Design
- Example 5.2.4. OCBF Brace-to-Beam/Column Connection Design
- Example 5.2.5. OCBF Tension-Only Diagonal Brace Design
- MT-OCBF Design Example Plan and Elevation
- Example 5.2.6. MT-OCBF Diagonal Brace Design
- Example 5.2.7. MT-OCBF Column Design
- Example 5.2.8. MT-OCBF Column Design Using Tension-Only Bracing Exception
- Example 5.2.9. MT-OCBF Strut Design Using Tension-Only Bracing Exception
- 5.3 Special Concentrically Braced Frames (SCBF) [Go to Page]
- Design of Gusseted Beam-to-Column Connections to Accommodate Large Drifts
- SCBF Design Example Plan and Elevation
- Example 5.3.1. SCBF Brace Design
- Example 5.3.2. SCBF Analysis
- Example 5.3.3. SCBF Column Design
- Example 5.3.4. SCBF Beam Design
- Example 5.3.5. SCBF Beam Desi
- Example 5.3.6. SCBF Column Splice Design
- Example 5.3.7. SCBF Brace-to-Beam Connection Design
- Example 5.3.8. SCBF Brace-to-Beam Connection Design
- Example 5.3.9. SCBF Brace-to-Beam/Column Connection Design
- Example 5.3.10. SCBF Brace-to-Beam/Column Connection Design with Elliptical Clearance and Fixed Beam-to-Column Connection
- Example 5.3.11. SCBF Brace-to-Beam/Column Connection Design—In-Plane Brace Buckling
- 5.4 Eccentrically Braced Frames (EBF) [Go to Page]
- EBF Design Example Plan and Elevation
- Example 5.4.1. EBF Story Drift Check
- Example 5.4.2. EBF Link Design
- Example 5.4.3. EBF Beam Outside of the Link Design
- Example 5.4.4. EBF Brace Design
- Example 5.4.5. EBF Column Design
- Example 5.4.6. EBF Brace-to-Link Connection Design
- Example 5.4.7. EBF Brace-to-Beam/Column Connection Design
- 5.5 Buckling-Restrained Braced Frames (BRBF) [Go to Page]
- BRBF Design Example Plan and Elevation
- Example 5.5.1. BRBF Brace Design
- Example 5.5.2. BRBF Column Design
- Example 5.5.3. BRBF Beam Design
- Example 5.5.4. BRBF Brace-to-Beam/Column Connection Design
- 5.6 Connection Design
- Part 5 References
- Part 6—Composite Moment Frames [Go to Page]
- 6.1 Scope
- 6.2 Composite Ordinary Moment Frames (C-OMF) [Go to Page]
- Overview of Applicable Design Provisions
- 6.3 Composite Intermediate Moment Frames (C-IMF) [Go to Page]
- Overview of Applicable Design Provisions
- 6.4 Composite Special Moment Frames (C-SMF) [Go to Page]
- Overview of Applicable Design Provisions
- 6.5 Composite Partially Restrained Moment Frames (C-PRMF) [Go to Page]
- Overview of Applicable Design Provisions
- 6.6 Connection Design [Go to Page]
- Reinforced Concrete Column-to-Steel Beam Connections
- Round Filled Composite Column-to-Steel Beam Connections
- Rectangular Filled Composite Column-to-Steel Beam Connections
- Part 6 References
- Part 7—Composite Braced Frames and Shear Walls [Go to Page]
- 7.1 Scope
- 7.2 Composite Ordinary Braced Frames (C-OBF) [Go to Page]
- Overview of Applicable Design Provisions
- Discussion
- 7.3 Composite Special Concentrically Braced Frames (C-SCBF) [Go to Page]
- Overview of Applicable Design Provisions
- Discussion
- 7.4 Composite Eccentrically Braced Frames (C-EBF) [Go to Page]
- Overview of Applicable Design Provisions
- Discussion
- 7.5 Composite Shear Walls [Go to Page]
- General System Behavior [Go to Page]
- Shear Wall Coupling
- Degree of Coupling
- Steel Coupling Beam Design
- Beam Embedment Length (Connection)
- Detailing Requirements in the Embedded Region
- Wall Overstrength
- Composite Ordinary Shear Walls (C-OSW) [Go to Page]
- Overview of Applicable Design Provisions
- Steel Coupling Beam Design
- Beam Embedment Length
- Composite Coupling Beams [Go to Page]
- Expected Plastic Moment
- Shear Strength
- Embedment Length
- Example 7.5.1. C-OSW Steel Coupling Beam Design
- Example 7.5.2. C-OSW Composite Coupling Beam Design
- Composite Special Shear Walls (C-SSW) [Go to Page]
- Overview of Applicable Design Provisions
- Steel Coupling Beam Design
- Wall Overstrength
- Beam Embedment Length
- Intermediate Web Stiffeners
- Face Bearing Plates
- Stiffeners within the Embedded Region
- Vertical Transfer Bars
- Example 7.5.3. C-SSW Steel Coupling Beam Design
- Part 7 References
- Part 8—Diaphragms, Collectors and Chords [Go to Page]
- 8.1 Scope
- 8.2 General Discussion
- 8.3 Flexural and Torsional Buckling of Collector Elements [Go to Page]
- Bracing and Compressive Strength of Collectors
- Major Axis Buckling
- Minor Axis and Torsional Buckling
- 8.4 Design Examples [Go to Page]
- Example 8.4.1. Diaphragm Chord and Collector Design
- Part 9—Provisions and Standards [Go to Page]
- 9.1 Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings, July 12, 2016 [Go to Page]
- Preface
- Table of Contents
- Symbols
- Glossary
- Abbreviations
- Provisions
- Commentary
- 9.2 Prequalified Connections for Special and Intermediate Steel Moment Frames for Seismic Applications, May 12, 2016 [Go to Page]
- Preface
- Table of Contents
- Symbols
- Glossary
- Standard
- Commentary
- Index [Go to Page]