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BS 1722-10:2019 - TC Tracked Changes. Fences Specification for anti-intruder fences in chain link and welded mesh, 2019
- Publication history
- Summary of pages
- Foreword [Go to Page]
- Publishing information
- Supersession
- Relationship with other publications
- Information about this document
- Use of this document
- Presentational conventions
- Contractual and legal considerations [Go to Page]
- Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligations.
- Introduction
- 1 Scope
- 2 Normative references
- 3 Terms and definitions
- 34 Wire for chain link fences [Go to Page]
- 3.14.1 General
- 3.24.2 Chain link mesh
- 3.34.3 Line wire
- 3.44.4 Stirrup wire
- 3.54.5 Tying wire
- 3.64.6 Barbed wire
- 4 Concrete components for chain link fences
- 4.1 General [Go to Page]
- 4.4 Intermediate posts
- 4.5 Straining posts
- 4.6 Gate posts
- 4.7 Struts [Go to Page]
- 95 Materials for welded mesh fences and construction [Go to Page]
- 9.15.1 Wire [Go to Page]
- General
- 5.1.2 Chain link mesh and line wire
- Welded mesh
- Line wire
- Stirrup wire
- Tying wire
- Barbed wire
- 5.2 Posts, gate posts and struts [Go to Page]
- 5.2.1 Materials and protective treatment
- Tolerances on size
- General construction
- 5.2.4 Fence posts and struts
- 5.2.5 Gate posts and struts
- 5.2.6 Baseplates and dowels
- 5.2.7 Welding
- 5.3 Gates [Go to Page]
- 5.3.1 General
- 5.3.2 Hinges [Go to Page]
- Hinge safety
- Hinges and security
- 5.3.5 Welding
- 5.4 Fittings, fixings and straining devices [Go to Page]
- 5.4.1 General
- 5.4.2 Eye bolt strainers
- 5.4.3 Winding brackets
- 5.4.4 Stretcher bars (clamping bars)
- 5.4.5 Staples and hairpin staples
- Long droppers for barbed wire
- Short droppers for barbed wire
- 5.4.8 Preformed rings
- Stainless steel clips (welded mesh fencing)
- 5.4.10 Bolts and washers
- 5.4.11 Extension arms [Go to Page]
- General
- Extension arms for straining posts and gate posts
- Extension arms for gates
- 6 Design
- 57 Steel posts for chain link fences [Go to Page]
- 5.17.1 Materials and protective treatments
- 5.27.2 Tolerances on size
- 5.37.3 General constructionalconstruction
- 5.47.4 FenceSteel fence posts and struts
- 5.57.5 GateSteel gate posts
- 5.67.6 Base platesSteel baseplates and dowels
- 6 Fittings for chain link fences [Go to Page]
- 6.1 Fixing and straining devices
- 6.2 Eye bolt strainers and cleats
- 6.3 Winding brackets
- 6.4 Stretcher bars
- 6.5 Staples
- 6.6 Zinc coated hair pin staples
- 6.7 Plastic coated hair pin staples
- 6.10 Bolts, nuts and washers
- 6.11 Extension arms (for attachment of barbed wire)
- 6.11.1 General
- 6.11.2 Extension arms for straining posts and gate posts
- 6.11.3 Extension arms for intermediate posts [Go to Page]
- 8 Installation [Go to Page]
- 8.1 General
- 78.2 Concrete surrounding bases of posts and struts, and sills for chain link fencesand welded mesh fences
- 88.3 Installation of chain link fences [Go to Page]
- Line and level
- Posts and struts [Go to Page]
- General
- Straining posts
- Struts
- Intermediate posts
- Gate posts
- Infill [Go to Page]
- Line wires
- Straining posts
- Intermediate posts
- Chain link mesh
- Cranked tops and extension arms [Go to Page]
- General
- Fixing barbed wire to cranked tops or extension arms
- Droppers
- Bolts
- 9.2 Concrete components
- 9.3 Steel components
- 9.4 Fittings [Go to Page]
- 9.4.1 General
- 9.4.2 Stretcher bars (clamping bars)
- 9.4.4 Extension arms (for attachment of barbed wire)
- 9.5 Concrete surrounding bases of posts and struts [Go to Page]
- 108.4 Installation of welded mesh fences
- 10.1 General [Go to Page]
- Line and level
- 10.34.2 Posts and struts [Go to Page]
- General
- Straining posts
- Struts
- Intermediate posts
- Gate posts
- Infill [Go to Page]
- Line wires
- Straining posts
- Intermediate posts
- Welded wire mesh
- Cranked tops and extension arms [Go to Page]
- General
- Fixing barbed wire to cranked tops or extension arms
- Droppers
- Bolts
- 119 Construction of gates [Go to Page]
- 11.19.1 General
- 11.29.2 Dimensions
- 11.39.3 Construction
- 11.49.4 Infilling
- 11.5 Extension arms and barbed wire
- 11.6 Hinges
- 11.7 Drop bolts and slam plates
- 11.8 Locking devices [Go to Page]
- 1210 Installation of gates [Go to Page]
- 12.110.1 General
- 12.210.2 Gate posts
- 12.310.3 Gates and fittings
- 12.410.4 Sills for gates
- 1311 Statement of conformity [Go to Page]
- 13.111.1 Fence manufacturer
- 13.211.2 Fence installer
- 13.311.3 Certificate
- 13.411.4 Statement
- Annex CA (informative) Specifying a wire mesh fence [Go to Page]
- C.1A.1 General
- C.2A.2 Site conditions
- C.3A.3 Construction of fence [Go to Page]
- Key
- A) Keep gaps Gaps between gate and support post, gate and ground, plus leafs, to a minimum.
- Annex A (normative)
- Concrete components [Go to Page]
- A.1 Materials [Go to Page]
- A.1.1 Cement
- A.1.2 Aggregate
- A.1.3 Admixtures
- A.1.4 Chloride content
- A.1.5 Reinforcement
- A.2 Moulds
- A.3 Manufacture [Go to Page]
- A.3.1 Mixing
- A.3.2 Placing and compacting
- A.3.3 Location of reinforcement
- A.3.4 Protection from freezing
- A.3.5 Maturing
- A.4 Surface characteristics [Go to Page]
- A.4.1 Surface finish as cast
- A.4.2 Surface finish as treated
- A.5 Tests
- A.6 Product information
- Annex B (normative)
- Steel components [Go to Page]
- B.1 Materials
- B.2 Material grades
- B.3 Protective treatment
- Annex C (normative) Solidity calculation [Go to Page]
- C.1 Chain link solidity example calculation
- C.2 Welded mesh example calculation [Go to Page]
- C.2.1 General
- C.2.2 Example for 3.00 mm wire, (50 × 50) mm mesh
- C.3.2 Example calculation for (5 × 50) mm standard galvanized chain link fencing on (50 × 50 × 3.0) mm pre-galvanized steel post
- C.3.3 Example calculation for (50 × 50 × 3) mm pre-galvanized tube
- C.3.4 Example calculation for (50 × 50 × 6 ) mm rolled steel angle
- Bibliography [Go to Page]
- Standards publications
- Tracked_Changes_Cover_Markup_new.pdf [Go to Page]
- compares BS 1722-10:2019 [Go to Page]
- Test example 1
- Version_Comparison.pdf [Go to Page]
- BS 1722-10:2019 to BS 1722-10:2006
- 30369051_NEW.pdf [Go to Page]
- Foreword
- Introduction
- 1 Scope
- 2 Normative references
- 3 Terms and definitions
- 4 Wire for chain link fences [Go to Page]
- 4.1 General
- 4.2 Chain link mesh
- 4.3 Line wire
- 4.4 Stirrup wire
- 4.5 Tying wire
- 4.6 Barbed wire
- Table 1 — Minimum diameters of wires in chain link
- 5 Materials and construction [Go to Page]
- 5.1 Wire
- 5.2 Posts, gate posts and struts
- Table 2 — Typical steel post sizes for individual gate leaf widths (pairs or singles) A)
- Table 3 — Typical dimensions for steel posts and struts
- 5.3 Gates
- Table 4 — Typical frame sizes for individual gate leaf widths (pairs or singles)
- Table 5 — Typical minimum requirements for fittings for gates
- Table 6 — Typical minimum dimensions for gate fittings
- Figure 1 — Example of a hinge design
- Figure 2 — Example of a hinge eyebolt
- Figure 3 — Example of a hinge pin
- Figure 4 — Example of a drop bolt arrangement
- Figure 5 — Example of a locking bar arrangement
- 5.4 Fittings, fixings and straining devices
- 6 Design
- 7 Steel posts [Go to Page]
- 7.1 Materials and protective treatments
- 7.2 Tolerances on size
- 7.3 General construction
- 7.4 Steel fence posts and struts
- 7.5 Steel gate posts
- 7.6 Steel baseplates and dowels
- Table 7 — Typical dimensions for steel posts and struts for a 2.4 m high fence
- Table 8 — Typical dimensions for steel gate posts
- 8 Installation [Go to Page]
- 8.1 General
- 8.2 Concrete surrounding bases of posts and struts, and sills for chain link and welded mesh fences
- 8.3 Installation of chain link fences
- 8.4 Installation of welded mesh fences
- 9 Construction of gates [Go to Page]
- 9.1 General
- 9.2 Dimensions
- Table 9 — Frame sizes for individual gate leaf widths (pairs or singles)
- 9.3 Construction
- 9.4 Infilling
- 10 Installation of gates [Go to Page]
- 10.1 General
- 10.2 Gate posts
- 10.3 Gates and fittings
- 10.4 Sills for gates
- 11 Statement of conformity [Go to Page]
- 11.1 Fence manufacturer
- 11.2 Fence installer
- 11.3 Certificate
- 11.4 Statement
- Annex A (informative) Specifying a wire mesh fence [Go to Page]
- Figure A.1 — Typical fences and posts conforming to BS 1722‑10
- Figure A.2 — Intermediate post options
- Figure A.3 — Joining welded mesh between posts
- Figure A.4 — Typical double gate detail (internal elevation)
- Figure A.5 — Typical gate arrangement with straining posts
- Annex B (normative) Steel components [Go to Page]
- Table B.1 — Recommended steel grades
- Annex C (normative) Solidity calculation [Go to Page]
- Figure C.1 — Example for 5.00 mm OD chain link 50 mm mesh
- Figure C.2 — Example for welded mesh
- Table C.1 — Drag coefficients (C d) of fences
- Table C.2 — Calculations for each component
- Bibliography [Go to Page]