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IEEE Standard for Policy Language for Dynamic Spectrum Access Systems, 2020
- 1900.5.1™-2020 Front Cover
- Title Page
- Abstract/Keywords
- Notice and Disclaimer of Liability Concerning the Use of IEEE Standards Documents
- Participants
- Introduction
- Contents
- 1. Overview [Go to Page]
- 1.1 Introductory prevailing conditions
- 1.2 Scope
- 1.3 Purpose
- 1.4 Word usage
- 1.5 Notion of “policy” in its various uses [Go to Page]
- 1.5.1 Current state
- 1.5.2 Cognitive radio environment
- 1.5.3 Underlying concepts
- 1.6 Related work [Go to Page]
- 1.6.1 IEEE Std 1900.5-2011
- 2. Normative references
- 3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations [Go to Page]
- 3.1 Definitions
- 3.2 Acronyms and abbreviations
- 4. Policy Language syntax representation [Go to Page]
- 4.1 Logical structure [Go to Page]
- 4.1.1 OWL 2 syntax—General definitions and OWL 2 constructs
- 4.1.2 RIF syntax—General definitions and RIF constructs
- 4.1.3 DSA Policy Language syntax presentation and syntactical constraints
- 4.1.4 RIF-DSA safeness criteria
- 4.2 Physical structure [Go to Page]
- 4.2.1 OWL 2 RL serialization
- 4.2.2 RIF-DSA and plain XML document
- 4.2.3 RIF and RDF/RDFS document
- 4.2.4 RIF and OWL 2 Document
- 4.2.5 Importing XML data and XML schemas into RIF
- 4.2.6 Importing RDF and OWL in RIF
- 4.3 Conformance
- 4.4 Extensibility
- 5. Policy Language semantics [Go to Page]
- 5.1 Semantics
- 5.2 Purpose of policy reasoner
- 5.3 Predicate logic as a programming language [Go to Page]
- 5.3.1 Orders of logical systems
- 5.4 DSA Policy Language—RIF-DSA logics [Go to Page]
- 5.4.1 Horn notation—Definite programs
- 5.4.2 Horn notation—Normal programs
- 5.4.3 Horn notation—Unit and goal clauses
- 5.4.4 RIF-DSA versus Horn notation
- 5.5 Expressivity of computable functions in DSA Policy Language [Go to Page]
- 5.5.1 Primitive recursive functions
- 5.5.2 Minimalization—μ-Operator
- 5.5.3 Characteristic functions
- 5.5.4 Transformation into horn-based predicates
- 5.5.5 Examples
- 5.5.6 Mapping of computable functions into DSA clauses
- 5.6 Negation [Go to Page]
- 5.6.1 Elimination of negation by new predicate introduction
- 5.6.2 Negation by NAF
- 5.7 Reasoning in DSA Policy Language [Go to Page]
- 5.7.1 Unification
- 5.7.2 Recursion
- 5.7.3 General first order language interpretations
- 5.7.4 DSA Policy Language interpretation specifics
- 5.7.5 Distinguishing slots in object-oriented languages and RIF
- 5.7.6 OWL 2 compatible RIF reasoning
- 5.8 Definite program execution
- 5.9 General program execution
- 5.10 Object model representation
- 5.11 Entity capability and state model representation
- 5.12 Condition, decision tree, classification tree, table, and/or rule model
- 5.13 Extensibility
- 6. Runtime environment [Go to Page]
- 6.1 Runtime environment for sensing and perceiving
- 6.2 Procedural attachments
- 7. Case-based language analysis [Go to Page]
- 7.1 Applicability of deontic logic for policy language [Go to Page]
- 7.1.1 Policy model using deontic logic
- 7.1.2 Functional view of cognitive radio modeling using Upper Ontology Nuvio
- 7.1.3 Custom domain model/ontology
- 7.2 IEEE Std 1900.5-2011 Use Case 1 [Go to Page]
- 7.2.1 Programmatic XSD-based schema transform into OWL 2 ontology
- 7.2.2 Sample XSLT style sheet to transform SCM schema into OWL 2 ontology
- 7.3 IEEE Std 1900.5-2011 Use Case 2
- 8. Origins and relationship to other standards
- Annex A (informative) Requirements from IEEE Std 1900.5-2011 [Go to Page]
- A.1 Requirements and objectives
- Annex B (informative) Listing of used CRO knobs and meters, schematic diagrams [Go to Page]
- B.1 Cognitive radio ontology: classes (232)
- B.2 SDROntology: objectproperties (156)
- B.3 SDROntology: dataproperties (39)
- B.4 SDROntology: individuals (19)
- B.5 SDROntology: datatypes (5)
- Annex C (informative) NUVIO upper ontology class
- Annex D (informative) OWL 2 and RIF syntax components [Go to Page]
- D.1 RIF-DSA [Go to Page]
- D.1.1 RIF-DSA—Specialization of RIF-FLD [Go to Page]
- D.1.1.1 Presentation syntax
- D.1.1.2 Semantics
- D.1.1.3 XML serialization
- D.1.1.4 Conformance
- D.1.2 RIF-DSA—Constructive description [Go to Page]
- D.1.2.1 Alphabet of RIF-DSA
- D.1.2.2 Symbol spaces of RIF-DSA
- D.1.2.3 Terms of RIF-DSA
- D.1.2.4 Schemas for externally defined terms
- D.1.2.5 Well-formed formulas [Go to Page]
- D. Well-formed formulas formal definition
- D.2 OWL 2 [Go to Page]
- D.2.1 OWL 2 Syntax Presentation—General definitions
- D.2.2 OWL 2 Syntax Presentation—Definitions of OWL 2 constructs
- D.2.3 OWL 2 RL syntactical constraints [Go to Page]
- D.2.3.1 OWL 2 RL supported datatypes
- D.2.3.2 OWL 2 RL class expressions
- D.2.3.3 OWL 2 RL data range
- D.2.3.4 OWL 2 RL axioms
- D.3 XPath 2.0 EBNF grammar
- Annex E (informative) Examples of automated generation, deployment, conformance, and enforcement [Go to Page]
- E.1 Type-handling in RIF+XML documents
- Annex F (informative) NAF semantics—Handling nonmonotonic semantics [Go to Page]
- F.1 Semantics of a definite program
- F.2 Semantics of a normal program
- F.3 Formal definition
- F.4 Least fixpoint lfp versus greatest fixpoint gfp
- F.5 Resolution with graph-theoretic procedure
- Annex G (informative) Algorithims [Go to Page]
- G.1 Property chain strict order algorithm
- G.2 Algorithm to check for RIA regularity
- Annex H (informative) Bibliography
- Back Cover [Go to Page]