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AAMI TIR45:2023 Guidance on the use of agile practices in the development of medical device software, 2023
- AAMI TIR45:2023; Guidance on the use of AGILE practices in the development of medical device software
- Title page
- AAMI Technical Information Report
- Copyright information
- Contents
- Committee representation
- Foreword
- Introduction
- 1 Scope [Go to Page]
- 1.1 Inclusions
- 1.2 Exclusions
- 1.3 Organization: Navigating this document
- 2 Normative references
- 3 Terms and definitions [Go to Page]
- 3.1 agile
- 3.2 acceptance test-driven development ATDD
- 3.3 backlog
- 3.4 build
- 3.5 burndown/burnup chart
- 3.6 CAPA
- 3.7 design input/output
- 3.8 done
- 3.9 emergence/emergent
- 3.10 evolutionary strategy [Go to Page]
- Figure 1—EVOLUTIONARY life cycle
- 3.11 executable requirements
- 3.12 increment
- 3.13 incremental [Go to Page]
- Figure 2—INCREMENTAL life cycle: “Staged delivery”
- Figure 3—INCREMENTAL life cycle: “Design to schedule”
- 3.14 increment layer
- 3.15 iteration
- 3.16 lean
- 3.17 product layer
- 3.18 release
- 3.19 release layer
- 3.20 refactor/refactoring
- 3.21 retrospective
- 3.22 software development life cycle model
- 3.23 software of unknown provenance SOUP
- 3.24 stakeholder
- 3.25 story
- 3.26 story layer
- 3.27 test-driven development TDD
- 3.28 traceability
- 3.29 validation
- 3.30 verification
- 3.31 waterfall
- 4 Setting the stage [Go to Page]
- 4.1 The AGILE perspective [Go to Page]
- 4.1.1 Agile benefits, values, principles, and practices
- 4.2 The regulatory perspective [Go to Page]
- 4.2.1 The United States FDA regulatory perspective [Go to Page]
- Figure 4—Design Controls from 21 CFR 820.30
- 4.2.2 European Union (EU) and other regulatory perspectives
- 4.2.3 IEC 62304 standard
- 4.2.4 Regulatory goals, values, principles, and practices
- 4.2.5 Where to learn more
- 4.3 Aligning perspectives [Go to Page]
- 4.3.1 Aligning on goals
- 4.3.2 Aligning on values
- 4.3.3 Aligning AGILE with a quality management system
- 4.3.4 Aligning on the level of rigor and robustness
- 5 Aligning on concepts [Go to Page]
- 5.1 incremental/evolutionary life cycle [Go to Page]
- 5.1.1 Specifying the software development life cycle
- 5.1.2 Mapping the process model to the life cycle model [Go to Page]
- Figure 5—Mapping IEC 62304’s activities into AGILE’S INCREMENTAL/EVOLUTIONARY life cycle
- 5.1.3 Executing process activities in multiple layers of abstraction
- 5.1.4 Process flow: the timing and sequence of process activity execution
- 5.1.5 Frequency and granularity of process activities
- 5.1.6 The importance of integration activities
- 5.1.7 The importance of software configuration management
- 5.1.8 Defining “done”
- 5.1.9 Feedback mechanisms
- 5.1.10 Aligning agile and non-agile development teams [Go to Page]
- Planning and synchronization
- Aligning design inputs
- Aligning design outputs
- 5.2 Inputs and outputs [Go to Page]
- 5.2.1 Which inputs
- 5.2.2 Entry criteria for inputs
- 5.2.3 Exit criteria for outputs
- 5.3 Design inputs and design outputs [Go to Page]
- 5.3.1 Activities for producing DESIGN INPUTs and DESIGN OUTPUTs [Go to Page]
- Figure 6—DESIGN INPUT/OUTPUT relationship: Highest level of abstraction
- 5.3.2 Breaking up the work [Go to Page]
- Figure 7—DESIGN INPUT/OUTPUT relationship: WATERFALL development
- 5.3.3 Timing of design inputs and design outputs within an agile story [Go to Page]
- Figure 9—DESIGN INPUT/OUTPUT relationship: STORY level
- Figure 10—DESIGN INPUT/OUTPUT relationship: STORY level showing activities
- Figure 11—DESIGN INPUT/OUTPUT relationship: STORY level showing detail and sequencing
- 5.3.4 Inputs to agile STORIES
- 5.3.5 Synchronizing design inputs and design outputs [Go to Page]
- Figure 12—Synchronizing DESIGN INPUT/OUTPUT at INCREMENT and RELEASE boundaries
- 5.3.6 Final verification
- 5.4 Design reviews [Go to Page]
- 5.4.1 Formal design review at stage boundaries
- 5.4.2 Reviews as a verification activity
- 5.4.3 Independence of review
- 5.5 Documentation [Go to Page]
- 5.5.1 Use of documentation [Go to Page]
- Figure 13—A linear flow of process activities
- Figure 14—A parallel flow of process activities
- 5.5.2 Sequencing of documentation activities
- 5.5.3 Sum-of-the-parts of documentation [Go to Page]
- Figure 15—Sum-of-the-parts documentation
- 5.5.4 Process artifacts (the audit trail)
- 5.5.5 Approvals and evidence
- 5.6 Managing the dynamic nature of agile [Go to Page]
- 5.6.1 Embrace change, manage change
- 5.6.2 Satisfy the customer
- 5.6.3 Maintain the software development process
- 5.6.4 The role of software tools in regulated agile
- 5.7 Human safety risk management
- 6 Aligning on practices [Go to Page]
- 6.1 Addressing IEC 62304 in an agile way [Go to Page]
- 6.1.1 Topics related to planning [Go to Page]
- Is agile too undisciplined to meet planning requirements?
- Is shippable software, after every increment, a realistic expectation?
- Agile’s focus on “working software” and continuous integration forms a very effective integration strategy
- agile's done is done concept is core to creating a verification plan
- 6.1.2 Topics related to software requirements analysis and documentation [Go to Page]
- Relationship between STORIES and requirements
- STORIES and Requirements: One thing or two?
- When does a story have enough definition to begin work?
- Requirements done when a story is done
- Requirements documentation
- Can executable requirements be a valid part of the requirements definition and documentation?
- How does agile address requirements verification and validation?
- 6.1.3 Topics related to software architecture [Go to Page]
- Evolving architecture
- Architecture planning
- Architecture verification
- 6.1.4 Topics related to detailed design [Go to Page]
- Activities of detailed design
- Emergent design
- Documentation of detailed design
- 6.1.5 Topics related to implementation and unit verification
- 6.1.6 Topics related to integration and integration testing
- 6.1.7 Topics related to software system testing [Go to Page]
- The importance of software system test planning
- The value of continuous testing
- The importance of regression testing
- Tests are as important as the code
- Documentation of software system testing results
- Traceability to Software System Testing
- 6.1.8 Topics related to software release
- 6.1.9 Topics related to configuration management and change management [Go to Page]
- Software configuration identification
- Agile’s impact on change control
- 6.1.10 Objective evidence for activities defined in IEC 62304 [Go to Page]
- Table 1—Examples of objective evidence
- 6.2 Using agile practices for regulatory compliance [Go to Page]
- 6.2.1 Product backlog, backlog Refinement, and “Definition of Ready”
- 6.2.2 Sprint backlog
- 6.2.3 ITERATIONS and increments
- 6.2.4 “Definition of Done”
- 6.2.5 iteration review
- 6.2.6 Product owner role
- 6.2.7 Scrum master role
- 6.2.8 Development team role
- 6.2.9 Continuous integration
- 6.2.10 Pairing
- 6.2.11 Test driven development
- 6.2.12 “Stop the line”
- 6.2.13 retrospectives/reflections
- 6.2.14 Collective ownership
- 6.2.15 Coding standards
- 6.3 Addressing other regulatory requirements in an agile way [Go to Page]
- 6.3.1 Topics related to design validation [Go to Page]
- Figure 16—Design validation activities in an AGILE model
- Using a story’s definition as inputs to design validation
- Product owner role in design validation
- Demo as a design validation activity
- Design validation testing in the agile model
- Aligning incremental design validation with regulatory requirements
- 6.3.2 Topics related to risk management (safety) [Go to Page]
- Figure 17—Risk management activities in an AGILE model
- Risk management as part of backlog management
- Risk management as part of backlog execution
- Integrating risk management expertise
- 6.3.3 Topics related to cybersecurity [Go to Page]
- Figure 18—Cybersecurity activities in an AGILE model
- Cybersecurity as part of backlog management
- Cybersecurity as part of backlog execution
- Integrating cybersecurity expertise
- 6.3.4 Topics related to usability [Go to Page]
- Figure 19—Usability activities in an AGILE model
- Product owner’s role in usability
- Usability as part of backlog management
- Usability as part of backlog execution
- Addressing usability during product demos
- Integrating usability expertise
- Appendix A (informative) Analysis of the value statements from the manifesto for agile software development [Go to Page]
- A.1 Individuals and interactions over process and tools
- A.2 Working software over comprehensive documentation
- A.3 Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
- A.4 Responding to change over following a plan
- Appendix B (informative) Applying agile development to IEC 62304 – Quick Guide [Go to Page]
- B.1 Regulation, Standards and Procedures
- B.2 agile Software Development and 62304 [Go to Page]
- Figure B.1—Overview of software development processes and activities
- Figure B.2—Medical Device Standards and 62304 processes
- B.3 agile - 4 layers of abstraction [Go to Page]
- B.3.1 Planning for Development for each of the agile Layers [Go to Page]
- Figure B.3—62304 Planning activities
- B.3.2 The product layer
- B.3.3 The Release Layer
- B.3.4 The Increment Layer
- B.3.5 The story layer
- B.4 Software Integration and Integration Testing
- B.5 Software System Testing
- Appendix C (informative) Quick reference guide [Go to Page]
- Table C.2—Index of activities of interest
- Bibliography [Go to Page]