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Construction Quality in the Alternate Project Delivery Environment, 2021
- Contents
- Preface
- Prologue
- Chapter 1: Introduction to Quality [Go to Page]
- 1.1 Design-Bid-Build
- 1.2 Alternate Project Delivery Methods [Go to Page]
- 1.2.1 Design-Build
- 1.2.2 Construction Manager/General Contractor
- 1.2.3 Construction Management-At-Risk
- 1.2.4 Alternative Technical Concepts
- 1.2.5 Public-Private Partnership
- 1.2.6 Integrated Project Delivery
- 1.3 Changing Roles
- 1.4 Quality Assurance
- 1.5 Alternative Project Deliveries and Quality Assurance Responsibility
- 1.6 Quality Assurance Organization
- 1.7 Quality Control Plans
- 1.8 Public-Private Partnership
- 1.9 Quality Decisions
- 1.10 Warranties
- 1.11 Challenges
- References
- Chapter 2: Quality Management [Go to Page]
- 2.1 Process Management Programs for Quality
- 2.2 Total Quality Management [Go to Page]
- 2.2.1 Customer Focus (the Ultimate Judge)
- 2.2.2 Employee Empowerment (Involvement)
- 2.2.3 Process Centered (Input to Output)
- 2.2.4 Integrated System (Horizontal Thought, Elimination of Stovepipes)
- 2.2.5 Strategic and Systematic Approach (Organizational Vision)
- 2.2.6 Fact-Based Decision-Making (Collection and Analyzing of Data)
- 2.2.7 Communications (Organizational)
- 2.2.8 Continuous Improvement (Improvement of Processes)
- 2.3 International Organization for Standardization [Go to Page]
- 2.3.1 ISO 9000:2015, Quality Management Systems-Fundamentals and Vocabulary
- 2.3.2 ISO 9001:2015, Quality Management Systems-Requirements
- 2.3.3 ISO 9004:2009, Managing for the Sustained Success of an Organization-A Quality Management Approach
- 2.3.4 ISO 9000 Applied to a Construction Organization
- 2.4 Quality Management [Go to Page]
- 2.4.1 Convergence of Ideas
- 2.4.2 Customer (TQM 1 and ISO 1)
- 2.4.3 Leadership (ISO 2)
- 2.4.4 Those Who Do the Work (TQM 2 and ISO 3)
- 2.4.5 Teach, Train, and Coach Employees (Graniterock)
- 2.4.6 Process (TQM 3 and ISO 4)
- 2.4.7 Decision-Making (TQM 6 and ISO 6)
- 2.4.8 Improvement (TQM 8 and ISO 5)
- 2.5 Corporate Quality Management Plans [Go to Page]
- 2.5.1 Define Current Corporate Structure and Operations
- 2.5.2 Key Processes, Interfaces, and Outputs
- 2.5.3 Key Performance Indicators
- 2.5.4 Ethical, Social, Environmental, and Safety Policies
- 2.6 Innovation: The Future [Go to Page]
- 2.6.1 Need for a Flexible Approach
- References
- Chapter 3: Introduction to Quality Assurance [Go to Page]
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 Understanding Quality Assurance [Go to Page]
- 3.2.1 Traditional Approach to Quality Assurance
- 3.2.2 Quality Assurance in the Current Industry Environment
- 3.3 Elements Used and Development of a Quality Assurance Program
- 3.4 Role of Quality Assurance in Alternative Delivery (Design-Build) Projects
- 3.5 Testing [Go to Page]
- 3.5.1 On-Site Testing
- 3.5.2 Verification for Manufactured Products
- 3.5.3 Certification Acceptance
- 3.6 Forms of Alternative Contracting [Go to Page]
- 3.6.1 Warranty
- 3.6.2 Construction Manager-General Contractor, Also Known as Construction Management at Risk
- 3.6.3 Design-Build
- 3.6.4 Design-Build-Operate
- 3.6.5 Public-Private Partnership
- 3.6.6 Design-Sequencing
- 3.6.7 Integrated Project Delivery
- 3.6.8 Multi-Prime
- 3.6.9 Alternative Technical Concepts
- 3.7 Complexities of Quality Assurance for Alternate Delivery Projects
- Chapter 4: Prescriptive versus Performance Specifications [Go to Page]
- 4.1 Project Specifications [Go to Page]
- 4.1.1 Contract Documents
- 4.1.2 Contract Specification Defense
- 4.2 Prescriptive Specifications
- 4.3 Performance Specifications [Go to Page]
- 4.3.1 End Result Specifications
- 4.3.2 Quality Assurance Specifications
- 4.3.3 Performance-Related Specifications
- 4.4 Proprietary Specifications
- 4.5 Other Types of Specifications [Go to Page]
- 4.5.1 Statistically Based Specifications
- 4.5.2 Warranty Specifications
- 4.5.3 Materials and Workmanship Warranties
- 4.5.4 Performance Warranties
- 4.5.5 Composite Specifications
- 4.5.6 Reference Standards
- 4.6 A New Contracting Environment [Go to Page]
- 4.6.1 Achieving Quality
- References
- Chapter 5: Quality Assurance in the Design Phase [Go to Page]
- 5.1 Overview
- 5.2 Project Planning Relationship to Qualtiy Assurance Considerations
- 5.3 Quality Assurance of Plans and Specifications [Go to Page]
- 5.3.1 Design Concepts
- 5.3.2 Quality Assurance of Design Activities
- 5.3.3 Design Quality Checks
- 5.3.4 Outline for a Typical Quality Review Process
- 5.3.5 Specification Development
- 5.4 Relationship between Design and Construction Quality Assurance
- 5.5 Incorporation of Construction Quality Assurance Requirements in Bid Documents
- 5.6 Summary
- References
- Chapter 6: Quality Assurance in the Construction Phase [Go to Page]
- 6.1 Overview
- 6.2 Quality Assurance Programs [Go to Page]
- 6.2.1 Elements Required in Development
- 6.2.2 Quality Assurance Elements Required on the Project
- 6.2.3 Execution
- 6.2.4 Quality Assurance Review Process
- 6.3 Applying Quality Assurance to Alternative Project Delivery Methods [Go to Page]
- 6.3.1 Contractor Shared Risk in Alternate Project Delivery
- 6.3.2 Construction Manager/General Contractor
- 6.3.3 Design-Build and Its Variations
- 6.3.4 Public-Private Partnerships
- 6.3.5 Integrated Project Delivery/Alliancing
- 6.3.6 Design Sequencing
- 6.3.7 Multi-Prime
- 6.3.8 Alternative Technical Concepts
- 6.3.9 Electronic Documentation System
- 6.4 Application to Specific Construction Elements [Go to Page]
- 6.4.1 Quality Assurance for Sitework and Soils
- 6.4.2 Quality Assurance for Aggregates
- 6.4.3 Quality Assurance for Asphaltic Cement Concrete
- 6.4.4 Quality Assurance for Portland Cement Concrete
- 6.4.5 Quality Assurance for Structures: Steel, Aluminum, Timber, and Other Building Envelope Components
- 6.5 Building Construction Quality Assurance Processes [Go to Page]
- 6.5.1 Introduction to Building Code Requirements
- 6.5.2 Building Construction Disciplines
- 6.5.3 Building Inspections
- 6.5.4 Inspector Requirements
- 6.5.5 Quality Assurance/Quality Control Inspections for Building Construction
- 6.5.6 Tools for Conducting Quality Assurance
- 6.5.7 Quality Assurance for Masonry Construction
- 6.5.8 Timber/Wood Products
- References
- Chapter 7: Introduction to Quality Control [Go to Page]
- 7.1 What is Quality Control?
- 7.2 How Does Quality Control Fit into an Overall Quality Management Plan?
- 7.3 Quality Control for Site Work [Go to Page]
- 7.3.1 Manufactured Products
- 7.3.2 Examples of Manufactured Product Quality Control
- 7.3.3 Methods for Supplied Products Incorporated into the Work: Materials under Certification Acceptance
- 7.4 How is Quality Control Established and Maintained? [Go to Page]
- 7.4.1 Conformance
- 7.4.2 Nonconformance
- 7.4.3 Lines of Responsibility
- 7.5 Role of Quality Control in Alternative Project Deliveries
- 7.6 Quality Control Testing
- 7.7 Looking Forward at Asphalt Mixture Designs
- 7.8 Looking Forward at Concrete Mixture Designs
- References
- Chapter 8: Variation and Sampling [Go to Page]
- 8.1 Variation
- 8.2 Types of Variation
- 8.3 True Variation
- 8.4 Reported Variation
- 8.5 Causes of Variation
- 8.6 Variation in Construction
- 8.7 Sampling and Acceptance Plans
- 8.8 Guidance for Developing Sampling and Acceptance Plans
- 8.9 Case Study: Probability Sampling Method
- References
- Chapter 9: Tools for Construction Quality Improvement [Go to Page]
- 9.1 Introduction
- 9.2 Data Collection
- 9.3 Data Acquisition and Management in the Digital Age
- 9.4 Quality Imrprovement Tools [Go to Page]
- 9.4.1 Checksheets and Datasheets
- 9.4.2 Materials Tickets
- 9.4.3 Tally Sheets
- 9.4.4 Stem-and-Leaf Plots
- 9.4.5 Location Plots
- 9.4.6 Matrix Methods
- 9.4.7 Project Planning Tools
- 9.4.8 Flowcharts
- 9.4.9 Affinity and Interrelationship Diagrams
- 9.4.10 Ishikawa Diagrams
- 9.4.11 Pareto Analysis
- 9.4.12 Histograms and Cumulative Frequency Plots
- 9.4.13 Scatterplots
- References
- Chapter 10: Run Charts, Control Charts, Statistical Sampling, and Percent within Limits [Go to Page]
- 10.1 Introduction
- 10.2 Statistical Sampling
- 10.3 Run Charts and Control Charts
- 10.4 Percent within Limits [Go to Page]
- 10.4.1 Selection of Quality Characteristics for APD Projects
- 10.4.2 Development of Appropriate Specifications
- 10.4.3 Selection of Test Methods for Monitoring Quality Characteristics
- 10.4.4 Process for Certifying Personnel for Sampling and Testing Procedures
- 10.4.5 Statistically Based Procedures Evaluating Quality Characteristics
- 10.5 Example PWL Process Calculations [Go to Page]
- 10.5.1 Evaluation of the F-Test Statistic
- 10.5.2 Evaluation of the t-Test Statistic
- 10.5.3 Project-Specific PWL
- 10.5.4 Benefits of PWL
- 10.5.5 Application to APDs
- References
- Chapter 11: Special Inspection [Go to Page]
- 11.1 Introduction
- 11.2 Historical Development of Code Provisions
- 11.3 Current IBC Special Inspection Requirements
- 11.4 Jurisdictional Inspections, Structural Observations, and Special Inspections
- 11.5 Roles and Responsibilities [Go to Page]
- 11.5.1 Building Official
- 11.5.2 Project Owner
- 11.5.3 RDP in Responsible Charge
- 11.5.4 Architect of Record
- 11.5.5 Structural Engineer of Record
- 11.5.6 Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing Engineer of Record
- 11.5.7 Special Inspection Coordinator
- 11.5.8 Third-Party Agencies
- 11.5.9 Approved Agency for Special Inspections
- 11.5.10 Special Inspector
- 11.5.11 Contractor
- 11.5.12 Commissioning Agent
- 11.6 Conducting the Special Inspections and Testing Program
- 11.7 Periodic versus Continuous Inspections
- 11.8 Reporting
- 11.9 Structural Special Inspection [Go to Page]
- 11.9.1 Soils and Foundations
- 11.9.2 Framing
- 11.9.3 Steel Construction
- 11.9.4 Concrete Construction
- 11.9.5 Prefabricated Building Components
- 11.9.6 Masonry Construction
- 11.9.7 Wood Construction
- 11.9.8 Wind Resistance
- 11.9.9 Seismic Resistance
- 11.10 Nonstructural Special Inspection [Go to Page]
- 11.10.1 Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems
- 11.10.2 Sprayed Fire-Resistant Materials
- 11.10.3 Mastic and Intumescent Fire-Resistant Coatings
- 11.10.4 Fire-Resistant Penetrations and Joints
- 11.10.5 Smoke Control Testing
- 11.11 Alternative Products and Methods of Construction
- References
- Chapter 12: Acceptance [Go to Page]
- 12.1 Background/Overview
- 12.2 Role of Acceptance in a Quality Management Plan [Go to Page]
- 12.2.1 Balance of Risks
- 12.2.2 Evaluation of Operating Characteristics
- Level of Quality
- 12.2.3 Expected Pay Curves
- 12.3 Acceptance Process [Go to Page]
- 12.3.1 Testing
- 12.3.2 Payment
- 12.3.3 Pay Adjustments
- 12.4 Fundamental Elements of Acceptance Testing
- 12.5 Forms of Acceptance Criteria
- 12.6 Contractual Aspects of Acceptance Criteria
- 12.7 Payment Methods Associated with Various Acceptance Criteria [Go to Page]
- 12.7.1 Example Single Pay Factor
- 12.7.2 Example Multiple Payment Factors
- 12.7.3 Example Additional Pay Factor: Pavement Ride Quality
- 12.7.4 Incentive/Disincentive Payments
- 12.8 Executing Payment
- 12.9 Final Project Acceptance [Go to Page]
- 12.9.1 Acceptance for the Standard Contract Format
- 12.9.2 Acceptance in the New Alternate Project Delivery Contract Environment
- 12.10 Disputes
- References
- Chapter 13: Benchmarking [Go to Page]
- 13.1 Introduction to Benchmarking
- 13.2 Benefits of Benchmarking
- 13.3 Types of Benchmarking [Go to Page]
- 13.3.1 Internal Benchmarking
- 13.3.2 Competitive Benchmarking
- 13.3.3 Functional or Generic Benchmarking
- 13.4 The Benchmarking Process
- 13.5 Performance Goals and Measures for Benchmarking
- 13.6 Data Collection and Analysis
- 13.7 Benchmarking Organizations [Go to Page]
- 13.7.1 CII Benchmarking
- 13.7.2 Other Benchmarking Systems
- 13.8 Benchmarking Horizontal Construction
- References
- Chapter 14: The Cost of Quality [Go to Page]
- 14.1 Introduction
- 14.2 Prevention, Appraisal, and Failure Cost Model [Go to Page]
- 14.2.1 Prevention and Appraisal Costs
- 14.2.2 Failure Costs
- 14.3 Importance of ``Hidden'' Quality Costs
- 14.4 Measurement and Use of Quality Costs
- 14.5 Other Cost of Quality Models
- 14.6 Closing
- References
- Index
- About the Authors [Go to Page]