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ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice 113: Substation Structure Design Guide Recommended Practice for Design and Use, 2nd Edition, 2023
- Cover
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice
- Contents
- Preface
- Blue Ribbon Panel Reviewers
- Acknowledgments
- Dedication
- Chapter 1: Introduction
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- References
- Chapter 2: Definitions, Electrical Equipment, and Structure Types
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- 2.1 Purpose
- 2.2 Definitions, Substation Types, and Components
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- 2.2.1 Substation
- 2.2.2 Switchyard or Switching Station
- 2.2.3 Unit Substation
- 2.2.4 Transmission Line
- 2.2.5 Air-Insulated Substation
- 2.2.6 Gas-Insulated Substation, GIS
- 2.2.7 Electrical Clearance
- 2.2.8 Buswork System
- 2.2.9 Short-Circuit Force
- 2.2.10 Dead-End Structures
- 2.2.11 Box-Type Structure
- 2.2.12 Shielding Mast
- 2.2.13 Lightning Mast
- 2.3 Electrical Equipment and Supports
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- 2.3.1 Power Transformer and Autotransformer
- 2.3.2 Shunt Reactor
- 2.3.3 Current-Limiting Inductor or Air Core Reactor
- 2.3.4 Line Trap
- 2.3.5 Coupling Capacitor Voltage Transformer
- 2.3.6 Disconnect Switch
- 2.3.7 Circuit Switcher (Load Interrupter Switch)
- 2.3.8 Circuit Breaker
- 2.3.9 Potential and Current Transformers
- 2.3.10 Capacitor Bank
- 2.3.11 Surge Arrester
- 2.3.12 Neutral Grounding Resistor
- 2.3.13 Cable Terminator
- 2.3.14 Insulator
- 2.3.15 Bus Duct
- 2.3.16 Fire Barriers
- 2.3.17 Control Enclosures
- 2.3.18 Transformers
- 2.4 Definition of Responsibilities
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- 2.4.1 Owner
- 2.4.2 Structure Designer
- 2.4.3 Supplier or Fabricator
- References
- Chapter 3: Loading Criteria for Substation Structures
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- 3.1 Basic Loading Conditions
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- 3.1.1 Dead Loads
- 3.1.2 Equipment Operating Loads
- 3.1.3 Terminal Connection Loads for Electrical Equipment
- 3.1.4 Wire Tension Loads
- 3.1.5 Extreme Wind Loads
- 3.1.6 Ice Loads with Concurrent Wind
- 3.1.7 Seismic Loads
- 3.1.8 Short-Circuit (Fault) Loads
- 3.1.9 Construction and Maintenance Loads
- 3.1.10 Wind-Induced Oscillations
- 3.1.11 Loading Criteria for Deflection Limitations
- 3.1.12 National Electrical Safety Code Loads
- 3.1.13 State and Local Regulatory Loads
- 3.2 Application of Loads
- 3.3 Load Factors and Combinations
- 3.4 Alternate Design Loads and Load Factors
- 3.5 Serviceability Considerations
- References
- Chapter 4: Deflection Criteria (For Operational Loading)
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- 4.1 Structure Classifications and Deflection Limits
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- 4.1.1 Deflection Analysis and Criteria
- 4.1.2 Class A Structures
- 4.1.3 Class B Structures
- 4.1.4 Class C Structures
- 4.2 Special Considerations for Deflection Analysis
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- 4.2.1 Multiple-Use Structures
- 4.2.2 Rotational Limitation
- 4.2.3 Anchorage and Member Connection Restraints
- 4.2.4 Gross versus Net Deflections
- 4.2.5 Shielding Masts and Other Tall, Slender Structures
- 4.2.6 Rigid Bus Vertical Deflection Criteria
- 4.3 Summary
- Reference
- Chapter 5: Method of Analysis
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- 5.1 Overview
- 5.2 Stress Criterion versus Deflection Criterion
- 5.3 The Structure Model
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- 5.3.1 Individual Members and Connections
- 5.3.2 Truss Model
- 5.3.3 Frame Model
- 5.3.4 Finite-Element Model
- 5.3.5 Loads and Support Conditions
- 5.4 Static Analysis Method
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- 5.4.1 Approximate Analysis
- 5.4.2 First-Order Elastic Analysis
- 5.4.3 Second-Order Elastic Analysis
- 5.4.4 First-Order Inelastic Analysis
- 5.4.5 Analysis Requirements in Commonly Used Documents
- 5.5 Dynamic Analysis Method
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- 5.5.1 Steady-State Analysis
- 5.5.2 Eigenvalue Analysis: Natural Frequencies and Normal Modes
- 5.5.3 Response Spectrum Analysis
- 5.6 Recommendation for an Analysis Method
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- 5.6.1 Static Analysis
- 5.6.2 Dynamic Analysis
- 5.7 Analysis of Short-Circuit Events
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- 5.7.1 Rigid Bus Analysis Methods
- 5.7.2 Rigid Bus Analysis Methods Discussion
- 5.7.3 Short-Circuit Analysis Considerations
- References
- Chapter 6: Design
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- 6.1 General Design Principles
- 6.2 Design Methods
- 6.3 Steel Structures
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- 6.3.1 Ultimate Strength Design
- 6.4 Concrete Structures
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- 6.4.1 Reinforced Concrete Structures
- 6.4.2 Prestressed Concrete Structures
- 6.4.3 Prestressed Concrete Poles
- 6.5 Aluminum Structures
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- 6.5.1 Typical Substation Alloys and Tempers
- 6.5.2 Applications to Substation Structures
- 6.5.3 Use Limitation with Aluminum Substation Structures
- 6.5.4 Aluminum Connections
- 6.5.5 Aluminum Design Resources
- 6.6 Wood Structures
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- 6.6.1 Ultimate Strength Design
- 6.6.2 Allowable Strength Design
- 6.7 Seismic Design Guidelines
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- 6.7.1 Structures That Support Electrical Equipment Qualified for IEEE 693
- 6.7.2 Structures Not Covered by IEEE 693
- 6.8 Base Plate Design
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- 6.8.1 Determination of Anchor Rod Loads
- 6.8.2 Determination of Base Plate Thickness
- 6.8.3 Anchor Rod Holes in Base Plates
- 6.8.4 Base and Flange Plate Design for Deflection-Sensitive Structures
- 6.9 Rigid Bus Design
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- 6.9.1 Bus Layout Configuration
- 6.9.2 Rigid Bus Materials and Shapes
- 6.9.3 Fittings and Couplers
- 6.9.4 Insulators
- 6.9.5 Bus System Design
- 6.9.6 Rigid Bus Seismic Considerations
- 6.10 Special Considerations
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- 6.10.1 Precautions Regarding the Magnetic Fields of Air Core Reactors
- 6.10.2 Vortex-Induced Oscillation and Vibration
- 6.10.3 Galvanizing Steel Considerations
- 6.10.4 Painted or Metallized Steel Considerations
- 6.10.5 Member Connection Design
- 6.10.6 Weathering Steel Structures
- 6.10.7 Guyed Substation Structures
- 6.10.8 Aluminum with Dissimilar Materials
- References
- Chapter 7: Foundations
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- 7.1 Foundation Types
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- 7.1.1 Shallow Foundations
- 7.1.2 Deep Foundations
- 7.1.3 Direct Embedment
- 7.1.4 Helical Screw Anchor Piles
- 7.2 Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration
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- 7.2.1 General
- 7.2.2 Existing Geological Data
- 7.2.3 Site-Specific Subsurface Exploration
- 7.3 Additional Design Considerations
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- 7.3.1 Frost Action
- 7.3.2 Expansive or Collapsible Soils
- 7.3.3 Corrosion
- 7.3.4 Seismic Loads and Dynamic Loads
- 7.3.5 Soil–Structure Interaction
- 7.4 Loading Considerations
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- 7.4.1 Load Application
- 7.4.2 Load Combinations
- 7.5 Durability of Concrete
- 7.6 Special Considerations
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- 7.6.1 Operational Loads
- 7.6.2 Construction Loads
- 7.6.3 Group Effects
- 7.6.4 Slopes and Excavations
- 7.6.5 Constructability
- 7.6.6 Settlement, Rotation, and Deflection
- 7.6.7 Uplift
- 7.6.8 Seismic Base Isolation
- 7.6.9 Grounding
- 7.6.10 National Electrical Safety Council District Loading and Foundation Design
- References
- Chapter 8: Connections to Foundations
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- 8.1 Foundation Types and Anchorage Systems
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- 8.1.1 Spread Footing Foundation
- 8.1.2 Drilled Pier Foundation
- 8.1.3 Anchor Rods Installed without Grout Beneath Base Plates
- 8.1.4 Embedded Structural Steel
- 8.2 Anchor Materials
- 8.3 Anchor Arrangements and General Design Considerations
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- 8.3.1 Base Plates Supported by Anchor Rods with Leveling Nuts
- 8.3.2 Anchor Rods with Base Plates on Concrete or Grout
- 8.4 Anchors Cast in Place
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- 8.4.1 Types of Anchors
- 8.4.2 Design Considerations for Anchor Steel
- 8.4.3 Design Considerations for Concrete
- 8.5 Post-installed Anchors in Concrete
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- 8.5.1 Types and Application
- 8.5.2 Design
- 8.5.3 Installation
- References
- Chapter 9: Quality Control and Quality Assurance
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- 9.1 General
- 9.2 Steel Structures
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- 9.2.1 Material
- 9.2.2 Welding
- 9.2.3 Fabrication Inspection
- 9.2.4 Structure Coating
- 9.3 Aluminum Structures
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- 9.3.1 Material
- 9.3.2 Welding
- 9.3.3 Fabrication
- 9.3.4 Inspection
- 9.3.5 Structure Coating
- 9.4 Concrete Structures
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- 9.4.1 Reinforced Concrete
- 9.4.2 Prestressed Concrete Poles
- 9.4.3 Inspection
- 9.5 Wood Structures
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- 9.5.1 Material and Treatment
- 9.5.2 Manufacturing and Fabrication
- 9.5.3 Inspection
- 9.6 Shipping
- 9.7 Handling and Storage
- References
- Chapter 10: Construction, Maintenance, and Testing
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- 10.1 Construction
- 10.2 Maintenance
- 10.3 Worker Safety
- 10.4 Full-Scale Structural Proof Tests
- References
- Chapter 11: Retrofit of Existing Substation Infrastructures
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- 11.1 General
- 11.2 Alternative Methods for Retrofit or Reinforcement of Substation Infrastructures
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- 11.2.1 Types of Structures That May Require Reinforcement/Repair
- 11.2.2 Retrofit Methods
- 11.2.3 Methods of Anchorage Retrofit
- 11.2.4 Considerations When Retrofitting Steel Structures
- 11.2.5 Structure Finish and Its Consideration to the Retrofit Process
- 11.3 Environmental Concerns When Retrofitting Substations
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- 11.3.1 Asbestos in Existing Substations
- 11.3.2 Demolition Activities
- 11.3.3 Renovation Activities
- 11.3.4 Soil Contamination in Existing Substations
- 11.4 Enhancing Security and Resilience of Electrical Substations
- 11.5 Retrofit Design Considerations
- 11.6 Installation
- References
- Chapter 12: Oil Containment and Barrier Walls
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- 12.1 General
- 12.2 Oil Containment
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- 12.2.1 General
- 12.2.2 Containment Systems
- 12.2.3 Oil Retention Drainage
- 12.2.4 Design Considerations
- 12.3 Types of Barrier Walls
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- 12.3.1 General
- 12.3.2 Firewalls
- 12.3.3 Sound Walls
- 12.3.4 Ballistic Walls and Blast Walls
- References
- Appendix A: Examples
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- A.1 Load Development for a Three-Phase Bus Support Structure (Figure A-1a)
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- A.1.1 Extreme Wind Loads (Section 3.1.5)
- A.1.2 Combined Ice and Wind Loads (Section 3.1.6)
- A.1.3 Seismic Loads (Section 3.1.7)
- A.1.4 Short-Circuit Loads (Section 3.1.8)
- A.1.5 Deflection Case Wind Loads (Section 3.1.11)
- A.2 Load Development for a Dead-End Structure Example
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- A.2.1 Extreme Wind Loads (Section 3.1.5)
- A.2.2 Combined Ice and Wind Loads (Section 3.1.6)
- A.2.3 NESC District Loading—Heavy Loading (IEEE 2023)
- A.3 Anchor Rod on Leveling Nuts Design Example
- A.4 Base Plate Design Example
- A.5 Deflection Examples
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- A.5.1 Deflection Example, Three-Phase Bus Support Stand—Class “B” Structure
- A.5.2 Deflection Example, Three-Phase Switch Support Stand, Single Column—Class “A” Structure
- A.5.3 Deflection Example, Three-Phase Switch Support Stand, Double Column—Class “A” Structure
- A.6 Dynamic Analysis of a Steel Lattice Rack-Type Structure (Figure A-8)
- References
- Appendix B: Short-Circuit Forces
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- B.1 Short-Circuit Current
- B.2 Electromagnetic Force Variation with Time
- B.3 Application of Short-Circuit Forces to Structures
- References
- Appendix C: Seismic Design Parameters
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- References
- Appendix D: Draft Pre-Standard Substation Civil/Structural Design Standard
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- D.1 Purpose
- D.2 Scope
- D.3 Applicable Documents
- D.4 Definitions
- D.5 Load Cases and Combinations for Strength Design
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- D.5.1 Introduction
- D.5.2 Basic Load Cases
- D.5.3 Supplemental and Serviceability Load Cases
- D.5.4 Load Combination and Load Factors
- D.5.5 Reliability Adjustment
- D.6 Loads
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- D.6.1 Dead Loads
- D.6.2 Equipment Operating Loads
- D.6.3 Terminal Connection Loads for Electrical Equipment
- D.6.4 Wire Loads
- D.6.5 Extreme Wind Loads
- D.6.6 Ice Loads with Concurrent Wind
- D.6.7 Legislated Loads
- D.6.8 Other High-Consequence Events
- D.6.9 Seismic Loads
- D.6.10 Short-Circuit (Fault) Loads
- D.6.11 Construction and Maintenance Loads
- D.6.12 Loading Criteria for Deflection Limits
- D.6.13 National Electrical Safety Code Loads
- D.7 Design of Members
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- D.7.1 General Design Principles
- D.7.2 Design Methods
- D.7.3 Steel Structures
- D.7.4 Concrete Structures
- D.7.5 Aluminum Structures
- D.7.6 Wood Structures
- D.7.7 Base Plate Design
- D.7.8 Rigid Bus Design
- D.7.9 Special Design Considerations
- D.8 Barrier Structure Requirements: Oil Spill Containment, Fire, Sound, and Ballistic Walls
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- D.8.1 Structural Design Considerations
- D.8.2 Barrier Walls
- D.9 Design of Connections to Foundations
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- D.9.1 Anchorage Systems for Given Foundation Types
- D.9.2 Anchor Materials
- D.9.3 Anchor Arrangements and General Considerations
- D.9.4 Anchors Cast in Place
- D.9.5 Post-installed Anchors in Concrete
- D.10 Foundations
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- D.10.1 Definitions
- D.10.2 Geotechnical Subsurface Explorations
- D.10.3 Environmental Considerations
- D.10.4 Durability
- D.10.5 Foundation Load Combinations
- D.11 Quality Assurance and Control
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- D.11.1 Introduction
- D.11.2 Material
- D.11.3 Welding
- D.11.4 Structure Coating
- D.11.5 Fabrication Inspection
- D.11.6 Visual Inspection
- D.11.7 Inspection of Welds
- D.11.8 AISC Compliance
- D.11.9 Inspection Reports
- D.11.10 Shipping
- D.11.11 Handling and Storage
- D.12 Construction and Maintenance
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- D.12.1 Introduction
- D.12.2 Construction and Maintenance Access
- References
- Index [Go to Page]