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, 2024
- ASHRAE Online Bookstore
- Addenda
- Errata
- ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 79-2024 [Go to Page]
- Contents
- Foreword
- 1. Purpose and Scope [Go to Page]
- 1.1 Purpose. The purpose of this standard is to prescribe laboratory methods of testing fan-coil units to ensure uniform performance data for establishing ratings.
- 1.2 Scope. This standard includes procedures that
- 2. Definitions
- 3. Test Conditions [Go to Page]
- 3.1 Variations. The methods provided in this standard shall be used to determine fan-coil performance at various test conditions that may be prescribed in other standards or specifications.
- 3.2 Tolerances. In all cases, the test conditions shall be maintained within the tolerances specified in Section 8.6 during the prescribed test period.
- 3.3 Measurements from the instruments shall be traceable to primary standards calibrated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or to the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) if a National Metrology Institute (NMI) o...
- 4. Test Instruments [Go to Page]
- 4.1 Temperature Measuring Instruments. Temperature measuring instruments shall meet the requirements of ASHRAE Standard 41.11.
- 4.2 Pressure Measurement
- 4.3 Airflow Measurement
- 4.4 Water Flow Measurement
- 4.5 Other Measurement
- 5. Test Apparatus [Go to Page]
- 5.1 Airflow and Temperature Measuring Facilities
- 5.2 Test Methods, Air Side
- 5.3 Reconditioning Equipment
- 5.4 Water Measuring Apparatus
- 5.5 Electrical Power Measurement
- 6. Installation of Fan Coil Under Test [Go to Page]
- 6.1 Fan Coil. Install the fan coil under test in the test room in accordance with the manufacturer’s illustrations, particularly with respect to distances to adjacent walls and ceilings.
- 6.2 External Static Pressure Measurement
- 6.3 Measurement of Fan Speed. A means of measuring the fan speed shall be provided. If a stroboscopic device is used, provide a sight hole in the fan coil under test that shall be sealed with transparent material. This sight hole shall be located so ...
- 6.4 Water Pressure-Drop Test Connection Location. All water pressure-drop tests shall be conducted using connecting pipes of the same size as recommended by the manufacturer. If headers or special fittings are required, they shall be included in the ...
- 6.5 Alterations to the Fan Coil Under Test. No alterations to the fan coil under test shall be made except attachment of required test apparatus and instruments in the prescribed manner. Such alterations made to the fan coil under test shall not in a...
- 6.6 Remote Pressure Sensors. When required to be remotely mounted, pressure sensors shall be connected to the equipment so that the readings are not influenced by fluid heat in the tubing or by the length and diameter of the tubing itself.
- 6.7 Barometric Pressure Variations. No changes shall be made in fan speed or system resistance to correct for barometric variations.
- 7. Test Methods and Procedures [Go to Page]
- 7.1 General
- 7.2 Isothermal Air Delivery Tests
- 7.3 Cooling and Heating Capacity Tests
- 8. Calculations [Go to Page]
- 8.1 Isothermal Air Delivery Tests
- 8.2 Cooling and Heating Capacity Tests
- 8.3 Average Capacities and Heat Balance Calculations
- 8.4 Water Pressure-Drop Tests. The water pressure-drop test shall be performed separately from the thermal performance testing. The airflow across the coil shall be zero. Each water flow rate tested in the thermal performance test shall require a wat...
- 8.5 Symbols
- 8.6 Test Tolerances
- 8.7 Data to Be Recorded. Table 2 shows, generally, the data to be recorded during a test. Items indicated by an “×” are required for the test being conducted.
- 9. Sound Measurement Methods and Procedures [Go to Page]
- 9.1 Test Conditions. The thermal conditions are not critical to an accurate measurement of sound; therefore, the unit under test is not required to be in a conditioned space nor does the unit need to have the water in the coil.
- 9.2 Ducted Fan Coils. For any fan coil that has provisions for a duct on the inlet or discharge, follow the method of test in AHRI Standard 2606, except the sound data shall be recorded for the octave band range from 125 to 8000 Hz (63 Hz is optional).
- 9.3 Nonducted Fan Coils. For any fan coil with no provision for a duct to be attached and/or that has free inlet(s) and free discharge, follow the method of test in Section 9.4.
- 9.4 Sound Measurement Methods for Fan-Coil Units with Free Inlets and Free Discharge. The sound test for the octave band range 125 to 8000 Hz shall be conducted using either ANSI/ASA S12.587 (ANSI/AHRI 220- 2014) reverberation room comparison method ...
- 9.5 Sound Data Recorded and Calculations. The information to be recorded shall be as shown in ANSI/ AHRI 260, Section 4.96. Sound level calculation shall be made as shown in ANSI/AHRI 260 Section 56.
- 10. Reference Properties and Data [Go to Page]
- 10.1 Thermodynamic Properties of Air. The thermodynamic properties of air-water vapor mixture shall be obtained from ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals4.
- 10.2 Thermodynamic Properties of Water. The thermodynamic properties of water shall be obtained from ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals4.
- 10.3 Heat Transmission Coefficients. The heat transmission coefficients for various materials shall be obtained from ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals4.
- 11. References
- Normative Appendix A: Primary Airflow Measurement [Go to Page]
- A1. Nozzles [Go to Page]
- A1.1 Construction. Construction of nozzles shall be in accordance with Figure A-1. Nozzles shall be of a size such that the throat velocity is not less than 3000 fpm (15 m/s) or more than 7000 fpm (36 m/s). When nozzles are constructed in accordance ...
- A1.2 Areas. Areas of a nozzle shall be computed from the average of diameter measurements made to an accuracy of ±0.20% in four places approximately 45 degrees apart around the nozzle in each of two planes through the nozzle throat, one at the outle...
- Normative Appendix B: Alternate Airflow Measurement
- Informative Appendix C: Alternate Mixing-Tube Reference Dimensions
- Informative Appendix D: Examples of Various Types of Exposed and Concealed Fan Coils [Go to Page]