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ASME-B1.5 Acme Screw Threads , 1997
- Foreword
- Standards Committee Roster
- 1 General [Go to Page]
- 1.1 Scope
- 1.2 Federal Government Use
- 1.3 References
- 1.4 Reference Temperature
- 1.5 Units of Measure
- 1.6 Terminology
- 1.7 Computer-Generated Size,
- 2 Specifications for General Purpose Acme Screw Threads [Go to Page]
- 2.1 Angle of Thread
- 2.2 Pitch and Lead of Thread
- 2.3 Height of Thread
- 2.4 Thickness of Thread
- 2.5 Allowance (Minimum Clearance) at Major and Minor Diameters
- 2.6 Chamfers and Fillets
- 2.7 Basic Thread Form Dimensions
- 2.8 General Purpose Standard Acme Thread Series
- 2.9 Classification and Tolerances, General Purpose Acme Threads
- 2.10 Basic Diameters
- 2.11 Length of Engagement
- 2.12 Tolerances
- 2.13 Allowances (Minimum Clearance) (es) for Pitch Diameter
- 2.14 Limits of Size
- 2.15 Thread Designations
- 2.16 Formulas for Determining Diameters
- 2.17 Maximum-Material Profile Option
- 3 Specifications for Centralizing Acme Screw Threads [Go to Page]
- 3.1 Angle of Thread
- 3.2 Pitch and Lead of Thread
- 3.3 Height of Thread
- 3.4 Thickness of Thread
- 3.5 Allowance (Minimum Clearance) at Major and Minor Diameters
- 3.6 Chamfers and Fillets
- 3.7 Basic Thread Form Dimensions
- 3.8 Standard Centralizing Acme Thread Series
- 3.9 Classification and Tolerances, Centralizing Acme Threads
- 3.10 Basic Diameters
- 3.11 Length of Engagement
- 3.12 Tolerances
- 3.13 Allowances (Minimum Clearance) (es)
- 3.14 Limits of Size
- 3.15 Thread Designations
- 3.16 Formulas for Determining Diameters
- 3.17 Maximum-Material Profile Option
- 4 Gages for General Purpose Acme Threads [Go to Page]
- 4.1 Measurement Uncertainty Estimates
- 4.2 Application
- 4.3 Gage Blanks
- 4.4 Gage Tolerances
- 4.5 Gages for External Threads
- 4.6 Gages for Internal Threads
- 4.7 ASME B47.1 Gage Blanks
- 5 Gaging for Centralizing Acme Threads [Go to Page]
- 5.1 Gage Tolerances
- 5.2 Gages for External Centralizing Acme Thread
- 5.3 Gages for Internal Centralizing Acme Screw Threads
- Figures [Go to Page]
- 1 Profile for Acme Screw Thread
- 2 Design Profile for External and Internal General Purpose Acme Thread
- 3 Disposition of Allowances, Tolerances, and Crest Clearances for General Purpose Single-Start Acme Threads (All Classes)
- 4 Design Profile for External and Internal Centralizing Acme Thread
- 5 Disposition of Allowances, Tolerances, and Crest Clearances for Centralizing Single-Start Acme Threads, Classes 2C,3C, and 4C
- 6 Gage Acceptance Using Measurement Uncertainty
- 7 Maximum-Material Go Functional Limit for External Thread
- 8 Indicating Thread Gages - Maximum-Material Go Functional Diameter Limit and Size for External Thread
- 9 Go Thread Form - Full-Form and Truncated Setting Plug Gage for External Thread
- 10 Not Go Functional Diameter Limit for External Thread
- 11 Indicating Thread Gages - Minimum-Material Pitch Diameter Limit and Size, Cone and Vee, for External Thread
- 12 Indicating Thread Gages - Minimum-Material Thread Groove Diameter Limit and Size for External Thread
- 13 Thread Form of Full-Form and Truncated Thread Setting Plug Gage for External Thread Not Go Thread Gage
- 14 Indicating Plain Diameter Gages - Maximum/Minimum Major Diameter Limit and Size for External Thread
- 15 Indicating Diameter Gages - Maximum/Minimum Minor Diameter Limit and Size for External Thread
- 16 Indicating Thread Gages - Diameter Runout, Major to Pitch Diameter, for External Thread
- 17 Differential Gaging for External Thread
- 18 Single-Thread, Full-Form Indicating Gages - Cone and Vee Helical Segments and Zero Lead Rolls for External Thread
- 19 Maximum-Material Go Functional Limit for Internal Thread
- 20 Indicating Thread Gages - Maximum-Material Go Functional Size for Internal Thread
- 21 Not Go Functional Diameter Limit for Internal Thread
- 22 Indicating Thread Gages - Minimum-Material Pitch Diameter Limit and Size, Cone and Vee, for Internal Thread
- 23 Indicating Thread Gages - Minimum-Material Thread Groove Diameter Limit and Size, Ball and Radius, for Internal Thread
- 24 Thread Form of Solid Thread Setting Ring Gage for Internal Thread
- 25 Minor Diameter Limit - Cylindrical Plug Gages for Internal Thread
- 26 Indicating Thread Gages - Diameter Runout, Minor to Pitch Diameter, for Internal Thread
- 27 Differential Gaging for Internal Thread
- 28 Single-Thread, Full-Form Indicating Gages - Cone and Vee Helical Segments and Zero Lead Roils for Internal Thread
- 29 Indicating Plain Diameter Gages - Maximum/Minimum Minor Diameter Limit and Size for Internal Thread
- 30 Indicating Diameter Gages - Maximum/Minimum Major Diameter Limit and Size for Internal Thread
- 31 Not Go Thread Plug Gage for Major Diameter of Centralizing Internal Thread
- Tables [Go to Page]
- 1 General Purpose Acme Screw Thread Form, Design Dimensions
- 2 Basic Diameters and Thread Data for General Purpose Single-Start Acme Screw Threads, Standard Series
- 3 Tolerances on Major and Minor Diameters of General Purpose External and Internal Single-Start Threads
- 4 Tolerances and Allowances for Major and Minor Diameters, General Purpose Acme Single-Start Screw Threads
- 5 Pitch Diameter Tolerances for Single-Start Acme Screw Threads, Classes 2G and 2C
- 6 Pitch Diameter Tolerances for Single-Start Acme Screw Threads, Classes 3G and 3C
- 7 Pitch Diameter Tolerances for Single-Start Acme Screw Threads, Classes 4G and 4C
- 8 Tolerances on 14.5 deg Flank Angle for External and Internal Product Threads
- 9 External Pitch Diameter Allowances (es) for Single-Start Acme Screw Threads,
- 10 Limiting Dimensions and Tolerances for General Purpose Single-Start Acme Screw Threads, Standard Series, Classes 2G,3G, and 4G
- 11 Centralizing Acme Screw Thread Form, Basic Dimensions
- 12 Centralizing Acme Single-Start Screw Threads, Basic Diameters and Thread Data
- 13 Tolerances on Major and Minor Diameters of Single-Start Centralizing External and Internal Threads
- 14 Tolerances and Allowances for Major Diameter, Centralizing Single-Start Acme Screw Threads
- 15 Limiting Dimensions and Tolerances for Centralizing Single-Start Acme Screw Threads, Standard Series, Classes 2C,3C, and 4C
- 16 Estimated Measurement Uncertainty Values for Screw Thread Gage Elements
- 17 Tolerances for Go and Not Go Thread Gages, Working and Setting, General Purpose Single-Start Acme Screw Threads (0.250 in.Through 5.000 in.)
- 18 ASME B47.1 Go Gage Blank Lengths
- 19 Go Setting Plug Gages for Working Adjustable Ring Gages and Indicating Gages for External Thread and Go Working Plug Gages for Internal Thread, General Purpose Single-Start Acme Screw Threads, Standard Series, Classes 2G,3G, and 4G
- 20 Not Go Setting Plug Gages for Working Adjustable Ring Gages for External Threads and Not Go Working Plug Gages for Internal Threads, General Purpose Single-Start Acme Screw Threads, Standard Series, Classes 2G,3G, and 4G
- 21 Limiting Dimensions, Go and Not Go Working Adjustable Ring Gages for External Threads, General Purpose Single-Start Acme Screw Threads, Standard Series, Classes 2G,3G, and 4G
- 22 Limiting Dimensions, Solid-Setting Thread Ring Gages for Internal Thread Indicating Gages, Single-Start Acme Screw Threads
- 23 Plain Gage Tolerances
- 24 Tolerances for Go and Not Go Thread Gages, Working and Setting, for Centralizing Single-Start Acme Screw Threads (0.250 in.Through 5.000 in.)
- 25 Limiting Dimensions, Go and Not Go Setting Plug Gages for Adjustable Ring and Indicating Gages for External Thread, Centralizing Single-Start Acme Screw Threads, Standard Series, Classes 2C,3C, and 4C
- 26 Limiting Dimensions, Go and Not Go Working Adjustable Ring Gages for External Thread, Centralizing Single-Start Acme Screw Threads, Standard Series, Classes 2C,3C, and 4C
- 27 Limiting Dimensions, Go and Not Go Working Plug Gages for Internal Thread, Centralizing Single-Start Acme Screw Threads, Standard Series, Classes 2C,3C, and 4C
- 28 Limiting Dimensions, Not Go Thread Plug Gages for Major Diameter of Centralizing Single-Start Internal Acme Screw Threads, Standard Series, Classes 2C,3C, and 4C
- Nonmandatory Appendices [Go to Page]
- A Acme Centralizing Threads Alternate Series With Minor Diameter Centralizing Control
- B Multiple-Start Acme Threads
- C General Purpose Acme Thread Class 5G
- D Centralizing Acme Thread Classes 5C and 6C
- E Three-Wire Method for Measurement of Pitch Diameter of 29 deg External Acme Threads
- F Bali Method for Measurement of Internal Pitch Diameter of 29 deg Acme Screw Threads
- G Go Gage Functional Size Compensation, Flank Angle Correction, Limit Gaging of Setting Ring, and Gaging Problem Areas
- H Tolerances for Acme Screw Thread Gages Over 5.000 in
- I Determining Limits of Size for Multiple-Start Diameter/Pitch Combinations [Go to Page]