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Building and Construction Authority - Building Control Act - Chapter 29, 1999
- PART I Preliminary
- 1. Short title
- 2. Interpretation
- 3. Authorised officers
- PART II Control of building works
- Division 1 - - - Application
- 4. Application to building works
- Division 2 - - - Building plan approvals and permits
- 5. Application for approval of plans of building works
- 5A. Deviations from approved building plans
- 5B. Lapsing or revocation of building plans approval
- 6. Permit to carry out structural works
- 6A. Modification or waiver of building regulations
- Division 3 - - - Building works
- 7. Supervision of building works
- 7A. Tests of and in connection with building works
- Division 4 - - - Duties of developers, qualified persons, site supervisors and builders
- 8. Duties of developers
- 9. Duties of qualified persons
- 10. Duties of site supervisors
- 11. Duties of builders
- Division 5 - - - Building occupancy
- 12. Occupation of buildings
- Division 6 - - - Accredited checkers
- 13. Unlawful undertaking work as accredited checker, etc.
- 14. Register of accredited checkers, etc.
- 15. Who may be registered as accredited checker, etc. , or accredited checking organisation
- 16. Registration of accredited checkers, etc. , or accredited checking organisations
- 17. Cancellation, etc. , of registration
- 18. Duties and independence of accredited checkers, etc. , and accredited checking organisations
- Division 7 - - - Enforcement and administration
- 19. Demolition, etc. , of unauthorised building works
- 20. Building offences
- 21. Pecuniary penalty
- 22. Appeals
- PART III Retrofitting of exterior features
- 22A. Application and interpretation of this Part
- 22B. Duty to retrofit exterior feature
- 22C. Retrofitting orders
- PART IIIA Disability and other performance requirements for buildings
- 22D. Interpretation of this Part
- 22E. Duty of building owner, etc. , not to alter
- 22F. Appeal against notice to reinstate
- 22FA. Interpretation of this Part
- 22FB. Submission of design score for building undergoing major energy-use change
- 22FC. Deviation from approved design score
- 22FD. Lapsing or revocation of approval of design score
- 22FE. Completion of major energy-use change and submission of as-built score
- 22FF. Periodic audit of energy efficiency of building cooling system
- 22FG. Persons who may carry out energy audit
- 22FH. Duties of person carrying out energy audit
- 22FI. Cancellation or suspension of registration of energy auditor
- 22FJ. Power to obtain energy consumption and other information
- PART IV Dangerous buildings and occurrences
- 22G. Interpretation of this Part
- 23. Dangerous building works
- 24. Dangerous buildings
- 24A. Dangerous slopes
- 25. Closure orders
- 25A. Investigations into dangerous occurrences
- PART V Inspection of Buildings
- 26. Interpretation of this Part
- 27. Application of this Part
- 28. Periodic inspection of buildings
- 29. Independence of structural engineers
- PART VA Licensing of builders
- 29A. Interpretation of this Part
- 29B. Prohibition against unlicensed builders
- 29C. Classes of builder’s licences
- 29D. Register of licensed builders
- 29E. Application for builder’s licence
- 29F. Who may be licensed as general builder
- 29G. Who may be licensed as specialist builder
- 29H. Conditions of builder’s licence relating to construction personnel
- 29I. Other conditions of builder’s licence
- 29J. Revocation of licences, etc.
- 29K. Appeal to Minister
- 29L. Power of Minister to make regulations
- 29M. Savings and transitional provision
- PART VI Miscellaneous
- 30. Exemption
- 31. Offences by bodies corporate, etc.
- 32. Protection from liability
- 33. Power to enter premises
- 34. Presumptions and defences
- 35. Occupier may execute work in default of owner
- 36. Proceedings if occupier opposes execution of works
- 37. Recovery of costs and expenses payable by owners
- 38. Recovery of costs and expenses by instalments
- 39. Power to vary interest rates
- 40. Liability of transferor of property in respect of expenses incurred by Commissioner of Building Control
- 41. Property and materials seized or removed by Commissioner of Building Control
- 42. Service of documents
- 42A. Inaccuracies in notices, etc.
- 43. Furnishing of information
- 43A. Furnishing documents false in a material particular
- 44. Powers of arrest
- 45. Evidence
- 46. Jurisdiction of Courts
- 47. General penalty
- 48. Composition of offences
- 49. Regulations
- 50. Adoption of codes and standards
- 51. Application of Act to Government
- 52. Presentation of order, notification and regulation to Parliament
- 53. Transitional provisions