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BS EN 12354-5:2023 - TC Tracked Changes. Building acoustics. Estimation of acoustic performance of buildings from the performance of elements - Sounds levels due to the service equipment, 2023
- 30476388
- A-30443555 [Go to Page]
- undefined
- European foreword
- 1 Scope
- 2 Normative references
- 3 Terms and definitions
- 4 Relevant quantities [Go to Page]
- 4.1 General
- 4.2 Quantities to express building performances (output quantities) [Go to Page]
- 4.2.1 General
- 4.2.2 Relation between quantities
- 4.3 Quantities to express product performances (input quantities) [Go to Page]
- 4.3.1 General
- 4.3.2 Sources of sound
- 4.3.3 Transmission of sound
- 5 Calculation models [Go to Page]
- 5.1 General principles
- 5.2 Airborne sound transmission through building constructions [Go to Page]
- 5.2.1 General
- Figure 1 — Configurations for airborne sound transmission: source in receiving room (left); source in another room, case of rooms next to each other (right) [Go to Page]
- 5.2.2 Source in receiving room
- 5.2.3 Source in another room
- 5.3 Structure-borne sound transmission through building constructions [Go to Page]
- 5.3.1 General
- Figure 2 — Configurations for structure-borne sound transmission: source in receiving room (left); source in another room, case of rooms next to each other (right) [Go to Page]
- 5.3.2 General case [Go to Page]
- General
- Using the apparent unit power sound pressure level of the receiver
- Using the unit power sound pressure level of the receiver
- 5.3.3 Case with receiver mobility much lower than the source mobility
- Table 1 — Force level LFb,eq,stm in dB re 1 μN for the ISO tapping machine in 1/3 octave bands [Go to Page]
- 5.4 Accuracy
- 6 Application of models [Go to Page]
- 6.1 General
- 6.2 Equipment involving internal airborne transmission [Go to Page]
- 6.2.1 General
- 6.2.2 Source airborne sound power [Go to Page]
- General
- Duct openings
- Duct wall
- 6.2.3 Indirect airborne sound transmission through duct system [Go to Page]
- General
- Measurement
- Calculation
- 6.3 Equipment involving internal fluid-borne and structure-borne transmissions [Go to Page]
- 6.3.1 General
- 6.3.2 Water supply installations [Go to Page]
- General
- Table 2 — Compilation of sources and relevant type of transmission in water supply systems
- Figure 3 — General transmission situation of sources in water supply systems
- Figure 4 — Transmission situation for a basin mounted tap
- Figure 5 — Transmission situation for a wall mounted tap
- Figure 6 — Transmission situation for a whirlpool bath mounted on a three-dimensional reception plate according to EN 15657 [Go to Page]
- Guidelines
- 6.3.3 Water-heating systems
- 6.3.4 Waste water installations [Go to Page]
- General
- Prediction procedure
- 6.4 Equipment involving internal structure-borne transmission only [Go to Page]
- 6.4.1 General
- 6.4.2 Prediction procedure [Go to Page]
- Airborne sound
- Structure-borne sound
- Lift doors
- Annex A (normative) List of symbols (main text and normative annexes)
- Annex B (normative) Sound levels at low frequencies
- Figure B.1 — Examples of the Waterhouse correction for rectangular rooms
- Annex C (normative) Additional path by path prediction methods
- C.1 Introduction
- C.2 Method considering each transmission path ij globally
- C.3 Method considering each transmission path ij characterized by the flanking sound reduction index
- Annex D (informative) Non-stationary sources
- D.1 Descriptors used in field measurements
- D.2 Prediction of “Slow” and “Fast” time weighted descriptors for quasi-stationary and non-stationary sources
- Annex E (informative) Input quantities for estimating source sound powers along duct systems and sound transmission between rooms through duct systems
- E.1 Introduction
- E.2 Input quantities
- E.2.1 Sound power sources in the duct system
- E.2.1.1 General
- E.2.1.2 Fans generated sound
- E.2.1.3 Elements Flow-generated sound
- E.2.2 Sound power reduction in the duct system
- E.2.2.1 General
- E.2.2.2 Elements as unit
- E.2.2.3 Elements with reduction per unit length
- E.2.2.4 Elements in the duct with given insertion loss
- E.2.3 Sound radiation from air terminal devices and openings
- E.2.4 Sound radiation by duct wall
- E.2.5 Breaking-in sound power
- E.2.5.1 Through duct walls
- E.2.5.2 Through openings or devices
- E.3 List of symbols
- Table E.1 — List of symbols
- Annex F (informative) Estimation of receiver and source mobilities, and isolator on-site performance
- F.1 General
- F.2 Receiver mobility
- F.2.1 Heavyweight building elements
- Figure F.1 — Point mobility at 7 locations on concrete plate (left) and on aerated concrete plate (right)
- F.2.2 Lightweight building elements
- Figure F.2 — Real part of normalized point mobility, as function of normalized distance to fixing
- F.3 Source mobility
- F.3.1 General
- F.3.2 Compact sources
- Figure F.3 — Schematic drawing of a compact source
- Figure F.4 — Measured point mobility of a compact air pump and calculated values.
- F.3.3 Plate-like machine bases
- Figure F.5 — Point mobility at four mounts on a fan plate base: average in third octaves (solid black line); characteristic mobility (dashed line)
- F.3.4 Flange-cantilever machine bases
- Figure F.6 — Point mobility at four points on a fan flange base: average in third octaves (solid black line); estimate (dashed line)
- F.3.5 Frame bases
- Figure F.7 — Point mobility at eight mount points on a frame base with average value (solid black line) and characteristic beam mobility (dashed line)
- F.4 Isolator performance
- Table F.1 — Isolator insertion gain for various installation conditions
- Annex G (informative) Calculation examples
- G.1 General
- G.2 Cases with receiver mobility much lower than the source mobility (heavy structures)
- G.2.1 General
- G.2.2 Situation
- Figure G.1 — Ground plan of building
- Figure G.2 — Section A and Section B (in Figure G.1)
- G.2.3 Results for R’ and L‘n,i
- Table G.1 — R’ and L’n from the calculations according to EN ISO 12354-1 and EN ISO 12354-2
- G.2.4 Source data: LWa and LFb,eq
- Table G.2 — LWa and LFb,eq of an idealized “worst case” airborne and structure-borne source
- G.2.5 Results for L’ne,a, L’ne,s,i and L’ne
- Table G.3 — L’ne,a and L’ne,s,i and L’ne from the calculations according to EN 12354-5
- G.3 General Case (lightweight structures)
- G.3.1 Using the apparent unit power sound pressure level of the receiver
- G.3.1.1 General
- G.3.1.2 Transmission situation
- G.3.1.3 Construction details
- Figure G.3 — Detail of junction: exterior walls and separating floor
- Figure G.4 — Configuration considered
- G.3.1.4 Measured data for transmission
- Table G.4— for wall and floor excitation as indicated in Figure G.4 a)
- G.3.1.5 Prediction examples
- Table G.5 — Mobility of receiving structures for both examples and estimated source mobility
- Table G.6 — Installed power levels for both examples
- Table G.7 — Apparent normalized sound pressure levels for both examples
- G.3.2 Using the unit power sound pressure level of the receiver and EN ISO 12354-2
- G.3.2.1 General
- G.3.2.2 Building configuration
- Figure G.5 — Junction between floor and double-frame separating double-wall
- G.3.2.3 Airborne sound prediction
- Table G.8 — Apparent normalized sound pressure level calculation for airborne sound transmission of a unit power airborne sound source
- G.3.2.4 Structure-borne sound prediction
- Table G.9 — Floor unit power sound level calculation using Formula (G.1)
- Table G.10 — Floor apparent unit power sound pressure level calculation
- G.3.2.5 Total apparent sound level of any service equipment
- Table G.11 — Floor apparent unit power sound pressure level calculation
- G.4 Calculation examples of Single Number Quantities (SNQ) applicable to products characterized using EN 14366-1
- G.4.1 General
- Figure G.6 — Pipe system configuration
- G.4.2 Example for heavy structures
- G.4.2.1 General
- G.4.2.2 Situation
- G.4.2.3 Results for L’n,wall
- Table G.12 — L’n,wall for the building configuration of Figure G.6 (horizontal transmission)
- G.4.2.4 Calculation of single-number values for L’ne,s,wall
- G.4.3 Example for lightweight structures
- G.4.3.1 General
- G.4.3.2 Situation
- Results for
- Table G.13 — for the building configuration of Figure G.6 (horizontal transmission)
- G.4.3.3 Calculation of single-number values for L’ne,s,wall
- Table G.14 — Receiver (wall) mobility
- Bibliography [Go to Page]