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BS IEC 60034-27-2:2023 Rotating electrical machines - On-line partial discharge measurements on the stator winding insulation, 2023
- undefined
- English [Go to Page]
- 1 Scope
- 2 Normative references
- 3 Terms and definitions
- 4 Cause and effects of on-line PD
- 5 Noise and disturbances [Go to Page]
- 5.1 General
- 5.2 Noise and disturbance sources
- 6 Measuring techniques and instruments [Go to Page]
- 6.1 General
- Figures [Go to Page]
- Figure 1 – Generic overview of PD measuring system and its subsystems
- 6.2 Pulse propagation in windings
- 6.3 Signal transfer characteristics
- Figure 2 – Cascade of frequency response channels
- Figure 3 – Idealized frequency response of a PD pulse at the PD source andat the machine terminals; frequency response of different PD measuring systems:a) low frequency range, b) high frequency range, c) very high frequency range
- 6.4 PD sensors [Go to Page]
- 6.4.1 General
- 6.4.2 Design of PD sensors
- 6.4.3 Reliability of PD sensors
- 6.5 PD measuring device
- 6.6 PD measuring parameters [Go to Page]
- 6.6.1 General
- 6.6.2 PD magnitude
- 6.6.3 Additional PD parameters
- 7 Installation of measuring systems [Go to Page]
- 7.1 General
- 7.2 Installation of PD sensors
- 7.3 Outside access point and cabling
- 7.4 Installation of the PD measuring device
- 7.5 Installation of operational data acquisition systems
- 8 Normalization of measurements [Go to Page]
- 8.1 General
- 8.2 Normalization for low frequency systems [Go to Page]
- 8.2.1 General
- 8.2.2 Normalization procedure
- 8.3 Normalization / sensitivity check for high and very high frequency systems [Go to Page]
- 8.3.1 Specification for the electronic pulse generation
- Figure 4 – Measuring object, during normalization, neutral pointin same condition as during operation
- Figure 5 – Arrangement for sensitivity check [Go to Page]
- 8.3.2 Configuration of the machine
- 8.3.3 Sensitivity check
- 9 Measuring procedures [Go to Page]
- 9.1 General
- 9.2 Machine operating parameters
- 9.3 Baseline measurement [Go to Page]
- 9.3.1 General
- 9.3.2 Comprehensive test procedure
- 9.4 Periodic measurements
- Figure 6 – Recommended test procedure with consecutive loadand temperature conditions
- 9.5 Continuous measurements
- 10 Visualization of measurements [Go to Page]
- 10.1 General
- Table 1 – Operating condition stability to obtain valid trends in PD [Go to Page]
- 10.2 Visualization of trending parameters
- 10.3 Visualization of PD patterns
- Figure 7 – Example of the trend in peak PD activity in three phases overan 18-year interval using periodic measurements
- Figure 8 – Examples of a PRPD pattern
- Figure 9 – Phase to phase PD PRPD plots where the PD is caused by insufficient spacing between the endwindings of phases B and C
- 11 Interpretation of on-line measurements [Go to Page]
- 11.1 General
- 11.2 Evaluation of basic trend parameters
- 11.3 Evaluation of PD patterns [Go to Page]
- 11.3.1 General
- 11.3.2 PD pattern interpretation
- 11.4 Effect of machine operating factors [Go to Page]
- 11.4.1 General
- 11.4.2 Machine operating factors
- 11.4.3 Steady state load conditions
- 11.4.4 Transient load conditions
- 12 Test report
- Annex A (informative)Nature of PD in rotating electrical machines [Go to Page]
- A.1 Types of PD in rotating electrical machines [Go to Page]
- A.1.1 General
- A.1.2 Internal discharges
- A.1.3 Slot discharges
- A.1.4 Discharges in the end-winding
- A.1.5 Conductive particles
- A.2 Arcing and sparking [Go to Page]
- A.2.1 General
- A.2.2 Arcing at broken conductors
- A.2.3 Vibration sparking
- Annex B (informative)Disturbance rejection and signal separation [Go to Page]
- B.1 General
- B.2 Frequency domain separation
- B.3 Time domain separation
- B.4 Combination of frequency and time domain separation
- Figure B.1 – Example for time domain separation by time of pulse arrival
- B.5 Synchronous multi-channel measurement
- Figure B.2 – Combined time and frequency domain disturbance separation(time frequency map)
- B.6 Signal gating
- Figure B.3 – 3 phase star diagram of multi-channel measurement
- B.7 Pattern recognition
- Annex C (informative)Examples of Phase Resolved Partial Discharge (PRPD) pattern [Go to Page]
- C.1 General
- C.2 Principal appearance of phase resolved PD patterns
- Figure C.1 – Phase-earth driven PD – PD predominantly centeredon 45° and 225° after zero crossing of phase-to-earth voltage
- Figure C.2 – PD events and other sources, e.g. non-PD sources, that are not centered on 45° and 225° after zero crossing of phase-to-earth voltage
- C.3 Example of typical PRPD patterns recorded in laboratory [Go to Page]
- C.3.1 General
- C.3.2 Internal discharges
- Figure C.3 – Example of internal void discharges PRPD pattern,recorded during laboratory simulation
- Figure C.4 – Example of internal delamination PRPD pattern,recorded during laboratory simulation [Go to Page]
- C.3.3 Slot partial discharges
- Figure C.5 – Example of delamination between conductorand insulation PRPD pattern, recorded during laboratory simulation [Go to Page]
- C.3.4 Discharges in the end-winding
- Figure C.6 – Slot partial discharges activity and corresponding PRPD pattern,recorded during laboratory simulation
- Figure C.7 – Corona activity at the S/C and stress grading coating,and corresponding PRPD pattern, recorded during laboratory simulation
- Figure C.8 – Surface tracking activity along the end arm and correspondingPRPD pattern, recorded during laboratory simulation
- Figure C.9 – Surface discharges at the junction between stress control and conductive slot coatings:a) Insulating tape simulating a bad electrical connection between conductive slot coating and stress control coating and the corresponding PRPD;b) and c) the connection is completely interrupted
- C.4 Example of typical PRPD patterns recorded on-line [Go to Page]
- C.4.1 General
- C.4.2 Internal discharges
- Figure C.10 – Gap type discharge activities and corresponding PRPD patterns,recorded during laboratory simulations
- Figure C.11 – Example of internal void discharges PRPD pattern,recorded on-line
- Figure C.12 – Example of internal delamination PRPD pattern, recorded on-line [Go to Page]
- C.4.3 Slot partial discharges
- Figure C.13 – Example of delamination between conductor andinsulation PRPD pattern, recorded on-line [Go to Page]
- C.4.4 Discharges in the end-winding
- Figure C.14 – PD pattern of phase 2 recorded on-line in April 2012without any filtering indicating slot PD
- Figure C.15 – Picture of a bar removed for expertise chosen to be the one with the highest level on phase 2 and close to line side when scanning slots using the TVA probe in January 2014
- Figure C.16 – PD pattern recorded on-line on phase 2 in September 2016 (maximum scale is 1 V)
- Figure C.17 – PRPD plot and photo of a stator bar in the same phase of a large aircooled turbine generator showing signs of deterioration of the slot conductive coating, as well deterioration of the interface between the slot conductive coating and the stress control coating
- Figure C.18 – Surface tracking activity along the end arm andcorresponding PRPD pattern, recorded on-line
- Figure C.19 – Degradation caused by gap type dischargesand corresponding PRPD patterns, recorded on-line
- C.5 Other complex examples
- Figure C.20 – PRPD pattern recorded on-line, illustratingmultiple PD sources showing the complexity
- Figure C.21 – Three phase PRPD showing phase to phase PD between A and B phases as well as B and C phases; photo showing the as-found PD in the endwinding area due to inadequate separation between the phases
- Annex D (normative)Specifications for conventional PD coupling capacitors [Go to Page]
- D.1 General
- D.2 Datasheet information
- D.3 Type tests [Go to Page]
- D.3.1 General
- D.3.2 Voltage endurance
- D.3.3 Tracking resistance
- D.3.4 Lightning impulse test
- D.3.5 Dissipation factor
- D.3.6 Capacitance stability in temperature
- D.3.7 Thermal cycling
- D.3.8 Frequency response
- D.4 Mechanical vibration and shock capabilities
- D.5 Routine tests [Go to Page]
- D.5.1 General
- D.5.2 Dielectric withstand test at power frequency
- D.5.3 Partial discharge extinction voltage test
- D.5.4 Capacitance and dissipation factor [Go to Page]