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BS ISO/IEC 20000-2:2019 - TC Tracked Changes. Information technology. Service management - Guidance on the application of service management systems, 2019
- Foreword
- Foreword [Go to Page]
- Introduction [Go to Page]
- Figure 1 — PDCA methodology applied to service management
- Introduction [Go to Page]
- Figure 2 — Service management system
- 1.2 Application
- 1.1 General
- 1.2 Application
- 1.3 Structure [Go to Page]
- 4 Service management system general requirements
- 4.1 Management responsibility [Go to Page]
- 4.1.1 Management commitment
- Evidence of top management commitment
- Top management communications
- Service management objectives [Go to Page]
- Service management plan
- Resources to support the service management plan
- Contents of the service requirements
- The role of top management in agreeing and meeting service requirements
- Service provider's needs
- Conflicting requirements [Go to Page]
- Risks to the service
- 4.1.2 Service management policy
- Improvements and other changes to the policy [Go to Page]
- 4.1.3 Authority, responsibility and communication
- Communication procedures [Go to Page]
- 4.1.4 Management representative
- Responsibilities
- Asset management
- Reporting by the management representative
- 4.2 Governance of processes operated by other parties [Go to Page]
- 4.2.1 Guidance on processes operated by other parties
- 4.2.2 Other parties
- 4.2.3 Demonstration of accountability and authority
- 4.2.4 Process performance and compliance
- 4.2.5 Determining process performance and compliance
- 4.2.6 Controlling the planning and prioritization of process improvements
- 4.3 Documentation management [Go to Page]
- 4.3.1 Establish and maintain documents
- Production of documents, including records
- 4.3.2 Control of documents
- 4.3.3 Control of records
- 4.4 Resource management
- 4.4.1 Provision of resources
- Approval of resources [Go to Page]
- 4.4.2 Human resources
- Competence, skills, training and experience
- 4.5 Establish and improve the SMS
- 4.5.1 Define scope
- 4.5.2 Plan the SMS (Plan)
- Alignment of planning and agreements [Go to Page]
- Management roles, authorities and responsibilities
- Process interfaces
- 4.5.3 Implement and operate the SMS (Do)
- 4.5.4 Monitor and review the SMS (Check)
- Internal audit
- Management review
- 4.5.5 Maintain and Improve the SMS (Act)
- Management of improvements
- 4.1 Understanding the organization and its context [Go to Page]
- 4.1.1 Required activities
- 4.1.2 Explanation
- 4.1.3 Other information
- 4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties [Go to Page]
- 4.2.1 Required activities
- 4.2.2 Explanation
- 4.2.3 Other information
- 4.3 Determining the scope of the service management system [Go to Page]
- 4.3.1 Required activities
- 4.3.2 Explanation
- 4.3.3 Other information
- 4.4 Service management system [Go to Page]
- 4.4.1 Required activities
- 4.4.2 Explanation
- 4.4.3 Other information [Go to Page]
- 5 Design and transition of new or changed services
- 5.1 General
- 5.1.1 Intent of the requirements
- 5.1.2 Concepts
- 5.1.3 Explanation of requirements
- 5.2 Plan new or changed services
- 5.2.1 The need for new or changed services
- 5.2.2 Changes with major impact on service or customer
- 5.2.3 Policy on changes with major impact
- 5.2.4 Managing change as a project
- 5.2.5 Contributions from other parties
- 5.2.6 Risk Assessment
- 5.2.7 Service acceptance criteria
- 5.2.8 Service removal
- 5.3 Design and development of new or changed services
- 5.3.1 Activities performed by the service provider, customer and other parties
- 5.3.2 Risk management
- 5.3.3 Service Design Activities
- Design and develop services
- 5.4 Transition of new or changed services
- 5.5 Documents and records
- 5.6 Authorities and responsibilities
- 5.1 Leadership and commitment [Go to Page]
- 5.1.1 Required activities
- 5.1.2 Explanation
- 5.1.3 Other information
- 5.2 Policy [Go to Page]
- 5.2.1 Required activities
- 5.2.2 Explanation
- 5.2.3 Other information
- 5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities, and authorities [Go to Page]
- 5.3.1 Required activities
- 5.3.2 Explanation
- 5.3.3 Other information [Go to Page]
- 6 Service delivery processes
- 6.1 Service level management
- 6.1.1 Intent of the requirements
- 6.1.2 Concepts
- 6.1.3 Explanation of requirements
- Catalogue of services
- Service level agreements
- Managing the catalogue of services and service delivery
- Managing other parties
- 6.1.4 Documents and records
- 6.1.5 Authorities and responsibilities
- 6.2 Service reporting
- 6.2.1 Intent of the requirements
- 6.2.2 Concepts
- 6.2.3 Explanation of requirements
- 6.2.4 Authorities and responsibilities
- 6.3 Service continuity and availability management
- 6.3.1 Intent of the requirements
- 6.3.2 Concepts
- 6.3.3 Explanation of requirements [Go to Page]
- Service continuity policy
- Service continuity and availability plans
- 6.3.4 Service continuity and availability monitoring and testing
- Availability monitoring and testing
- Management of risk to availability
- Review after invocation of a service continuity plan
- 6.3.5 Documents and records
- 6.3.6 Authorities and responsibilities
- 6.4 Budgeting and accounting for services
- 6.4.1 Intent of the requirements
- 6.4.2 Concepts
- 6.4.3 Explanation of requirements
- Cost types
- Apportioning overheads and allocation of direct costs
- Budgeting
- Accounting
- Charging
- 6.4.4 Documents and records
- 6.4.5 Authorities and responsibilities
- 6.5 Capacity management
- 6.5.1 Intent of the requirements
- 6.5.2 Concepts
- 6.5.3 Explanation of requirements
- Capacity plan
- 6.5.4 Documents and records
- 6.5.5 Authorities and responsibilities
- 6.6 Information security management
- 6.6.1 Intent of the requirements
- 6.6.2 Concepts
- 6.6.3 Explanation of requirements
- Information security controls
- Risk assessment
- Managing information security risks
- Information security changes and incidents
- 6.6.4 Documents and records
- 6.6.5 Authorities and responsibilities
- 6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities [Go to Page]
- 6.1.1 Required activities
- 6.1.2 Explanation
- 6.1.3 Other information
- 6.2 Service management objectives and planning to achieve them [Go to Page]
- 6.2.1 Required activities
- 6.2.2 Explanation
- 6.2.3 Other information
- 6.3 Plan the service management system [Go to Page]
- 6.3.1 Required activities
- 6.3.2 Explanation
- 6.3.3 Other information [Go to Page]
- 7 Relationship processes
- 7.1 Business relationship management
- 7.1.1 Intent of the requirements
- 7.1.2 Concepts
- 7.1.3 Explanation of the requirements
- Customer service management reviews
- Customer satisfaction
- 7.1.4 Documents and records
- 7.1.5 Authorities and responsibilities
- 7.2 Supplier management
- 7.2.1 Intent of the requirements
- 7.2.2 Concepts
- 7.2.3 Explanation of requirements
- Supplier details
- Managing sub-contracted suppliers [Go to Page]
- Figure 3 — Example of relationship with lead suppliers and sub-contracted suppliers
- Contract termination
- 7.2.4 Documents and records
- 7.2.5 Authorities and responsibilities
- 7.1 Resources [Go to Page]
- 7.1.1 Required activities
- 7.1.2 Explanation
- 7.1.3 Other information
- 7.2 Competence [Go to Page]
- 7.2.1 Required activities
- 7.2.2 Explanation
- 7.2.3 Other information
- 7.3 Awareness [Go to Page]
- 7.3.1 Required activities
- 7.3.2 Explanation
- 7.3.3 Other information
- 7.4 Communication [Go to Page]
- 7.4.1 Required activities
- 7.4.2 Explanation
- 7.4.3 Other information
- 7.5 Documented information [Go to Page]
- 7.5.1 General
- 7.5.2 Creating and updating documented information
- 7.5.3 Control of documented information
- 7.5.4 Service management system documented information
- 7.6 Knowledge [Go to Page]
- 7.6.1 Required activities
- 7.6.2 Explanation
- 7.6.3 Other information [Go to Page]
- 8 Resolution processes
- 8.1 Incident and service request management
- 8.1.1 Intent of the requirements
- 8.1.2 Concepts
- 8.1.3 Explanation of requirements [Go to Page]
- Table 1 — Example matrix of incident resolution target times based on priorities
- Incident and service request lifecycle and use of data
- 8.1.4 Major incident procedure
- 8.1.5 Documents and records
- 8.1.6 Authorities and responsibilities
- 8.2 Problem management
- 8.2.1 Intent of the requirements
- 8.2.2 Concepts
- 8.2.3 Explanation of requirements
- 8.2.4 Documents and records
- 8.2.5 Authorities and responsibilities
- 8.1 Operational planning and control [Go to Page]
- 8.1.1 Required activities
- 8.1.2 Explanation
- 8.1.3 Other information
- 8.2 Service portfolio [Go to Page]
- 8.2.1 Service delivery [Go to Page]
- 8.2.2 Plan the services
- 8.2.3 Control of parties involved in the service lifecycle
- 8.2.4 Service catalogue management
- 8.2.5 Asset management
- 8.2.6 Configuration management
- 8.3 Relationship and agreement [Go to Page]
- 8.3.1 General
- 8.3.2 Business relationship management
- 8.3.3 Service level management
- 8.3.4 Supplier management
- 8.4 Supply and demand [Go to Page]
- 8.4.1 Budgeting and accounting for services
- 8.4.2 Demand management
- 8.4.3 Capacity management
- 8.5 Service design, build and transition [Go to Page]
- 8.5.1 Change management
- 8.5.2 Service design and transition
- 8.5.3 Release and deployment management
- 8.6 Resolution and fulfilment [Go to Page]
- 8.6.1 Incident management
- 8.6.2 Service request management
- 8.6.3 Problem management
- 8.7 Service assurance [Go to Page]
- 8.7.1 Service availability management
- 8.7.2 Service continuity management
- 8.7.3 Information security management [Go to Page]
- 9 Control processes
- 9.1 Configuration management
- 9.1.1 Intent of the requirements
- 9.1.2 Concepts
- 9.1.3 Explanation of requirements
- Resources and capability
- Identification and definition of CIs
- Types of CIs
- Maintenance of CIs
- 9.1.4 Documents and records
- 9.1.5 Authorities and responsibilities
- 9.2 Change management
- 9.2.1 Intent of the requirements
- 9.2.2 Concepts
- 9.2.3 Explanation of requirements
- Planning and implementation
- Reviewing the request for change
- Emergency changes
- 9.2.4 Documents and records
- 9.2.5 Authorities and responsibilities
- 9.3 Release and deployment management
- 9.3.1 Intent of the requirements
- 9.3.2 Concepts
- 9.3.3 Explanation of requirements
- Release and deployment planning
- Release and deployment practices
- Testing of releases
- Deployment activities and procedures
- 9.3.4 Documents and records
- 9.3.5 Authorities and responsibilities
- 9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis, and evaluation [Go to Page]
- 9.1.1 Required activities
- 9.1.2 Explanation
- 9.1.3 Other information
- 9.2 Internal audit [Go to Page]
- 9.2.1 Required activities
- 9.2.2 Explanation
- 9.2.3 Other information
- 9.3 Management review [Go to Page]
- 9.3.1 Required activities
- 9.3.2 Explanation
- 9.3.3 Other information
- 9.4 Service reporting [Go to Page]
- 9.4.1 Required activities
- 9.4.2 Explanation
- 9.4.3 Other information
- 10.1 Nonconformity and corrective action [Go to Page]
- 10.1.1 Required activities
- 10.1.2 Explanation
- 10.1.3 Other information
- 10.2 Continual improvement [Go to Page]
- 10.2.1 Required activities
- 10.2.2 Explanation
- 10.2.3 Other information [Go to Page]
- Annex A
- Interfaces between processes and integration of processes with SMS [Go to Page]
- Table A.1 — Interfaces and integration for design and transition of new or changed services
- Table A.5 — Interfaces and integration for budgeting and accounting for services
- Table A.7 — Interfaces and integration for ISM
- Table A.11 — Interfaces and integration for problem management
- Table A.12 — Interfaces and integration for configuration management
- Table A.14 — Interfaces and integration for release and deployment management
- Bibliography
- Bibliography
- 30373342_NEW.pdf [Go to Page]
- undefined
- Foreword
- Introduction
- 1 Scope
- 1.1 General
- 1.2 Application
- 1.3 Structure
- 2 Normative references
- 3 Terms and definitions
- 4 Context of the organization
- 4.1 Understanding the organization and its context
- 4.1.1 Required activities
- 4.1.2 Explanation
- 4.1.3 Other information
- 4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties
- 4.2.1 Required activities
- 4.2.2 Explanation
- 4.2.3 Other information
- 4.3 Determining the scope of the service management system
- 4.3.1 Required activities
- 4.3.2 Explanation
- 4.3.3 Other information
- 4.4 Service management system
- 4.4.1 Required activities
- 4.4.2 Explanation
- 4.4.3 Other information
- 5 Leadership
- 5.1 Leadership and commitment
- 5.1.1 Required activities
- 5.1.2 Explanation
- 5.1.3 Other information
- 5.2 Policy
- 5.2.1 Required activities
- 5.2.2 Explanation
- 5.2.3 Other information
- 5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities, and authorities
- 5.3.1 Required activities
- 5.3.2 Explanation
- 5.3.3 Other information
- 6 Planning
- 6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities
- 6.1.1 Required activities
- 6.1.2 Explanation
- 6.1.3 Other information
- 6.2 Service management objectives and planning to achieve them
- 6.2.1 Required activities
- 6.2.2 Explanation
- 6.2.3 Other information
- 6.3 Plan the service management system
- 6.3.1 Required activities
- 6.3.2 Explanation
- 6.3.3 Other information
- 7 Support of the service management system
- 7.1 Resources
- 7.1.1 Required activities
- 7.1.2 Explanation
- 7.1.3 Other information
- 7.2 Competence
- 7.2.1 Required activities
- 7.2.2 Explanation
- 7.2.3 Other information
- 7.3 Awareness
- 7.3.1 Required activities
- 7.3.2 Explanation
- 7.3.3 Other information
- 7.4 Communication
- 7.4.1 Required activities
- 7.4.2 Explanation
- 7.4.3 Other information
- 7.5 Documented information
- 7.5.1 General
- 7.5.2 Creating and updating documented information
- 7.5.3 Control of documented information
- 7.5.4 Service management system documented information
- 7.6 Knowledge
- 7.6.1 Required activities
- 7.6.2 Explanation
- 7.6.3 Other information
- 8 Operation of the service management system
- 8.1 Operational planning and control
- 8.1.1 Required activities
- 8.1.2 Explanation
- 8.1.3 Other information
- 8.2 Service portfolio
- 8.2.1 Service delivery
- 8.2.2 Plan the services
- 8.2.3 Control of parties involved in the service lifecycle
- 8.2.4 Service catalogue management
- 8.2.5 Asset management
- 8.2.6 Configuration management
- 8.3 Relationship and agreement
- 8.3.1 General
- 8.3.2 Business relationship management
- 8.3.3 Service level management
- 8.3.4 Supplier management
- 8.4 Supply and demand
- 8.4.1 Budgeting and accounting for services
- 8.4.2 Demand management
- 8.4.3 Capacity management
- 8.5 Service design, build and transition
- 8.5.1 Change management
- 8.5.2 Service design and transition
- 8.5.3 Release and deployment management
- 8.6 Resolution and fulfilment
- 8.6.1 Incident management
- 8.6.2 Service request management
- 8.6.3 Problem management
- 8.7 Service assurance
- 8.7.1 Service availability management
- 8.7.2 Service continuity management
- 8.7.3 Information security management
- 9 Performance evaluation
- 9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis, and evaluation
- 9.1.1 Required activities
- 9.1.2 Explanation
- 9.1.3 Other information
- 9.2 Internal audit
- 9.2.1 Required activities
- 9.2.2 Explanation
- 9.2.3 Other information
- 9.3 Management review
- 9.3.1 Required activities
- 9.3.2 Explanation
- 9.3.3 Other information
- 9.4 Service reporting
- 9.4.1 Required activities
- 9.4.2 Explanation
- 9.4.3 Other information
- 10 Improvement
- 10.1 Nonconformity and corrective action
- 10.1.1 Required activities
- 10.1.2 Explanation
- 10.1.3 Other information
- 10.2 Continual improvement
- 10.2.1 Required activities
- 10.2.2 Explanation
- 10.2.3 Other information
- Annex A (informative) Mandatory documented information in ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018
- Bibliography [Go to Page]