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PD IEC TS 62600-2:2019 Marine energy. Wave, tidal and other water current converters - Marine energy systems. Design requirements, 2021
- undefined
- 1 Scope
- Figures [Go to Page]
- Figure 1 – Marine energy converter system boundary for IEC TS 62600-2 and interfaces
- 2 Normative references
- 3 Terms and definitions
- 4 Symbols and abbreviated terms
- 5 Principal elements [Go to Page]
- 5.1 General
- 5.2 Design objectives
- 5.3 Technology assessment
- Figure 2 – Design process for a MEC
- 5.4 Risk assessment
- Tables [Go to Page]
- Table 1 – Technology classes
- 5.5 Safety levels
- Table 2 – Safety levels
- 5.6 Basis of design
- 5.7 Environmental conditions
- 5.8 Life cycle considerations
- 5.9 Load definition and load combinations
- 5.10 Limit state design
- 5.11 Partial safety factors
- 5.12 Structural modelling and analysis
- 6 Environmental conditions [Go to Page]
- 6.1 General
- 6.2 Primary environmental conditions [Go to Page]
- 6.2.1 General
- 6.2.2 Waves
- 6.2.3 Sea currents
- 6.2.4 Water level
- 6.3 Secondary environmental conditions [Go to Page]
- 6.3.1 General
- 6.3.2 Breaking waves
- Figure 3 – Definition of water levels [Go to Page]
- 6.3.3 Breaking wave-induced surf currents
- 6.3.4 Wind conditions
- 6.3.5 Sea and river ice
- 6.3.6 Earthquakes and tsunamis
- 6.3.7 Marine growth
- 6.3.8 Seabed movement and scour
- 6.3.9 Other environmental conditions
- 7 Design load cases [Go to Page]
- 7.1 General
- 7.2 Load categories
- Figure 4 – Process for determining design loads via load cases
- 7.3 Design situations and load cases [Go to Page]
- 7.3.1 General
- Table 3 – Types of loads that shall be considered [Go to Page]
- 7.3.2 Interaction with waves, currents, wind, water level and ice
- 7.3.3 Design categories and conditions
- Table 4 – ULS combinations of uncorrelated extreme events [Go to Page]
- 7.3.4 Limit states
- Table 5 – Design categories and conditions [Go to Page]
- 7.3.5 Partial safety factors
- 7.3.6 Load case modelling and simulation
- Table 6 – ULS partial load safety factors γf for design categories [Go to Page]
- 7.3.7 Design conditions
- Table 7 – Design load cases for WECs
- Table 8 – Design load cases for TECs
- 8 Materials [Go to Page]
- 8.1 General
- 8.2 Material selection criteria
- 8.3 Environmental considerations
- 8.4 Structural materials [Go to Page]
- 8.4.1 General
- 8.4.2 Metals
- 8.4.3 Concrete
- 8.4.4 Composites
- Table 9 – ISO test standards for composite laminates
- 8.5 Compatibility of materials
- 9 Structural integrity [Go to Page]
- 9.1 General
- 9.2 Material models
- 9.3 Partial safety factors for materials
- 9.4 Design of steel structures [Go to Page]
- 9.4.1 General
- 9.4.2 Steel partial safety factors
- 9.5 Design of concrete structures [Go to Page]
- 9.5.1 General
- 9.5.2 Concrete material partial safety factors
- Table 10 – Material partial safety factors γm for buckling [Go to Page]
- 9.5.3 Reinforcing steel
- 9.6 Design of composite structures [Go to Page]
- 9.6.1 General
- 9.6.2 Composite material partial safety factors
- Table 11 – Values for test value uncertainty, γm1
- Table 12 – Values for manufacturing variation γm2
- Table 13 – Values for environmental factors, γm3 [Go to Page]
- 9.6.3 Joints and interfaces
- Table 14 – Values for fatigue, γm4
- 10 Electrical, mechanical, instrumentation and control systems [Go to Page]
- 10.1 Overview
- 10.2 General requirements
- 10.3 Electrical [Go to Page]
- 10.3.1 General
- Table 15 – Values for adhesive joints, γmj [Go to Page]
- 10.3.2 Electrical system design
- 10.3.3 Protective devices
- 10.3.4 Disconnect devices
- 10.3.5 Earth system
- 10.3.6 Lightning protection
- 10.3.7 Electrical cables
- 10.4 Mechanical [Go to Page]
- 10.4.1 General
- 10.4.2 Bearings
- 10.4.3 Gearing
- 10.5 Piping systems [Go to Page]
- 10.5.1 General
- 10.5.2 Bilge systems
- 10.5.3 Ballast systems
- 10.5.4 Hydraulic or pneumatic systems
- 10.6 Instrumentation and control system [Go to Page]
- 10.6.1 General
- 10.6.2 Locking devices
- 10.6.3 Protection against unsafe operating conditions
- 10.7 Abnormal operating conditions safeguard
- 11 Mooring and foundation considerations [Go to Page]
- 11.1 General
- 11.2 Unique challenges for wave energy converters
- 11.3 Unique challenges for tidal energy converters
- 11.4 Fixed structures
- 11.5 Compound MEC structures
- 12 Life cycle considerations [Go to Page]
- 12.1 General
- 12.2 Planning
- 12.3 Stability and watertight integrity [Go to Page]
- 12.3.1 General
- 12.3.2 Stability calculations
- 12.3.3 Watertight integrity and temporary closures
- 12.4 Assembly [Go to Page]
- 12.4.1 General
- 12.4.2 Fasteners and attachments
- 12.4.3 Cranes, hoists and lifting equipment
- 12.5 Transportation
- 12.6 Commissioning
- 12.7 Metocean limits
- 12.8 Inspection [Go to Page]
- 12.8.1 General
- 12.8.2 Coating inspection
- 12.8.3 Underwater inspection
- 12.9 Maintenance [Go to Page]
- 12.9.1 General
- 12.9.2 Maintenance planning
- 12.9.3 Maintenance execution
- 12.10 Decommissioning
- Annexes [Go to Page]
- Annex A (normative) Corrosion protection [Go to Page]
- A.1 General
- A.2 Steel structures [Go to Page]
- A.2.1 General
- Figure A.1 – Profile of the thickness loss resulting from corrosion of an unprotected steel structure in seawater (1 mil = 0,025 4 mm) [Go to Page]
- [Go to Page]
- A.2.2 Corrosion rates
- A.2.3 Protective coatings
- A.3 Cathodic protection [Go to Page]
- A.3.1 General
- A.3.2 Closed compartments
- A.3.3 Stainless steel
- A.4 Concrete structures [Go to Page]
- A.4.1 General
- A.4.2 Provision of adequate cover
- A.4.3 Use of stainless steel or composite reinforcement
- A.4.4 Cathodic protection of reinforcement
- A.5 Non-ferrous metals
- A.6 Composite structures
- A.7 Compatibility of materials
- Annex B (normative) Operational and structural resonance [Go to Page]
- B.1 General
- B.2 Control systems
- B.3 Exciting frequencies
- B.4 Natural frequencies
- B.5 Analysis
- B.6 Balancing of the rotating components
- Annex C (informative) Wave spectrum [Go to Page]
- C.1 Overview
- C.2 The Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum
- Figure C.1 – PM spectrum
- Figure C.2 – JONSWAP and PM spectrums for typical North Sea storm sea state [Go to Page]
- C.3 Relationship between peak and zero crossing periods
- C.4 Wave directional spreading
- Annex D (informative) Shallow water hydrodynamics and breaking waves [Go to Page]
- D.1 Selection of suitable wave theories
- Figure D.1 – Regions of applicability of stream functions, Stokes V, and linear wave theory [Go to Page]
- D.2 Modelling of irregular wave trains
- D.3 Breaking waves
- Figure D.2 – Breaking wave height dependent on still water depth
- Figure D.3 – Transitions between different types of breaking waves as a function of seabed slope, wave height in deep waters and wave period
- Bibliography [Go to Page]