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PD IEC/TR 62907:2014 Use cases related to ambient assisted living (AAL) in the field of audio, video and multimedia systems and equipment, 2014
- 30314989-VOR.pdf [Go to Page]
- 1 Scope
- 2 Normative references
- 3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations [Go to Page]
- 3.1 Terms and definitions
- 3.2 Abbreviations
- 4 Use case scenarios [Go to Page]
- 4.1 General
- 4.2 Enabling functions [Go to Page]
- 4.2.2 Interaction with humans (Monitoring)
- 4.2.3 Social participation
- 4.2.4 Physical interaction with human environment (assistance systems)
- 4.2.5 Data acquisition
- 4.2.6 Mechatronics and control
- 4.2.7 Data aggregation and storage
- 4.2.8 Defined function control and support
- 4.2.9 Complex cross-function service control and support
- 4.2.10 Integral service programmes
- 4.3 Spatial aspects and application environment [Go to Page]
- 4.3.1 General
- 4.3.2 Body and personal (aura)
- 4.3.3 Home
- 4.3.4 Personal vehicle
- 4.3.5 Public buildings
- 4.3.6 Global
- 4.4 AAL stakeholders and actors [Go to Page]
- 4.4.1 Explanation of terms
- 4.4.2 AAL solution/service user
- 4.4.3 AAL service provider
- 4.4.4 AAL auditor
- 4.4.5 AAL broker
- 4.4.6 AAL carrier
- 4.4.7 AAL application developer
- 5 Use case template [Go to Page]
- 5.1 Template
- 5.2 Description of the use case
- 5.3 Name of the use case
- 5.4 Name of author(s) or committee
- 5.5 Scope and objectives of use case
- 5.6 Short description
- 5.7 Complete description
- 5.8 Accessibility barriers for users
- 5.9 Which technologies need to be supported
- 5.10 Which standards are needed to meet identified requirements
- 5.11 Actors: people, systems, applications, databases, the power system, and other stakeholders [Go to Page]
- 5.11.1 Connected TV AAL user
- 5.11.2 Connected TV AAL service provider
- 5.11.3 Connected TV AAL broker
- 6 Use case clustering [Go to Page]
- 6.1 Criteria
- 6.2 Communication and social interaction use case scenario
- 6.3 Entertainment use case scenario
- 6.4 Daily life support use case scenario
- 6.5 Safety, security and privacy at home use case scenario
- 6.6 Monitoring, healthcare and wellbeing use case scenario
- 6.7 Active aging use case scenario
- 6.8 Mobility use case scenario
- 7 Common application requirements derived from the use cases [Go to Page]
- 7.1 Background
- 7.2 Information assistant
- 7.3 Intelligent behaviour of the environment
- 7.4 Anticipate emergency situations
- 7.5 Recognition of emergency situations
- 7.6 Security and privacy
- 8 Definition of common frameworks [Go to Page]
- 8.1 Summary
- 8.2 PERSONA Project
- 8.3 universAAL user interaction framework
- 8.4 GUIDE Project
- 9 User needs and accessibility principles [Go to Page]
- 9.1 Application of principles
- 9.2 User-focused principles
- 9.3 Interaction-focused principles
- 9.4 Task-focused principles
- 9.5 System-solution-focused principles
- 10 Usability and accessibility barriers of AAL service users as demonstrated in the connected TV scenario
- 11 User interface considerations of product and service design [Go to Page]
- 11.1 Summary
- 11.2 universAAL project (supporting rich human computer interaction)
- 11.3 GUIDE project
- 12 Analysis of standards [Go to Page]
- 12.1 Role of standards
- 12.2 Standards gaps in the field of audio, video and multimedia equipment
- 12.3 Conclusions and recommendations
- Annex A (informative) Draft definitions of AAL and accessibility (source: JEITA) [Go to Page]
- A.1 Overview
- A.2 Summary of AAL [Go to Page]
- A.2.1 User in AAL scope
- A.2.2 Definition of AAL
- A.2.3 AAL as considered in this Technical Report11F and entire AAL
- Annex B (informative) Use case template (source: IEC SG 5 AAL) [Go to Page]
- B.1 Name of use case
- B.2 Version management
- B.3 Basic information to use case
- B.4 Scope and objectives of the use case
- B.5 Narrative of use case
- B.6 Actors: People, systems, applications, databases, the power system, and other stakeholders
- B.7 Issues: Legal contracts, legal regulations, constraints and others
- B.8 Referenced standards and / or standardization committees (if available)
- B.9 Relation with other known use cases
- B.10 General remarks
- Annex C (informative) Telemonitoring USE CASE provided by Japan
- Annex D (informative) Health use case provided by Japan
- Annex E (informative) Standards Repository List of standards with relevance for AAL standardization [Go to Page]
- E.1 General
- E.2 Software Infrastructure for AAL/Middleware
- E.3 Networks and buses [Go to Page]
- E.3.1 Human body communication
- E.3.2 Wireless protocols for mobile applications
- E.3.3 (Wireless) Personal area networks
- E.3.4 Communication protocols
- E.4 File formats and persistent data structures [Go to Page]
- E.4.1 General purpose
- E.4.2 Terminologies and Semantics
- E.4.3 Integration Profiles
- E.4.4 User Interfaces: Usability, Ergonomics, Design for All
- E.4.5 Specifications and standards for operator models
- E.4.6 Localization
- E.4.7 Accessibility
- Bibliography
- Figures [Go to Page]
- Figure A.1 – Scope of AAL
- Figure A.2 – Classification by life situation
- Figure A.3 – Use case mapping under AAL
- Figure A.4 – Functional considerations under AAL
- Figure A.5 – Products and services under AAL
- Figure C.1 – Telemontoring of vital signs with connected TV – Power ON/OFF
- Figure C.2 – Telemonitoring of vital signs with connected TV – Power OFF
- Figure C.3 – Telemonitoring of vital signs with connected TV – Answers to questions
- Figure D.1 – Pedometer application for smartphone [Go to Page]