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FEMA P-2055, Post-disaster Building Safety Evaluation Guidance-Report on the Current State of Practice , including Recommendations Related to Structural and Nonstructural Safety and Habitability, 2020
- FEMA P-2055
- Post-disaster Building Safety Evaluation Guidance – Report on the Current State of Practice, including Recommendations Related to Structural and Nonstructural Safety and Habitability
- Foreword
- Preface
- Executive Summary
- Table of Contents
- List of Figures
- List of Tables
- Chapter 1: Introduction [Go to Page]
- 1.1 Legislative Mandate
- 1.2 Purpose and Scope of Guide
- 1.3 Target Audience
- 1.4 What is Covered
- 1.5 Organization of Guide
- Chapter 2: Context of Post-disaster Building Safety Evaluations [Go to Page]
- 2.1 Overview
- 2.2 Well-established Post-disaster Building Safety Evaluation Guidance
- 2.3 FEMA Grant Assistance for Post-disaster Building Safety Evaluations [Go to Page]
- Safety Inspections
- 2.4 Other Types of Building Assessments [Go to Page]
- 2.4.1 Preliminary Damage Assessment
- 2.4.2 FEMA Home Inspections [Go to Page]
- Resources
- 2.4.3 FEMA Public Assistance Site Visits and Inspections [Go to Page]
- Resources
- 2.4.4 Substantial Damage Determinations [Go to Page]
- Resources
- 2.4.5 FEMA Building Performance and Mitigation Assessment Teams [Go to Page]
- Resources
- 2.4.6 Utility Inspections
- 2.4.7 Insurance Claim Assessment
- 2.4.8 Research Organization Assessments
- 2.5 Building Code Administration and Enforcement Requirements for Building Safety Evaluations
- 2.6 Resources for Building Safety Evaluations under the National Incident Management System
- Chapter 3: Structural and Nonstructural Safety Evaluation [Go to Page]
- 3.1 Overview
- 3.2 Earthquakes [Go to Page]
- Best Practice
- Additional Discussion and Needs
- 3.3 Windstorms and Floods [Go to Page]
- Best Practice
- Additional Discussion and Needs
- 3.4 Land Instability [Go to Page]
- Best Practice
- Additional Discussion and Needs
- 3.5 Volcanic Eruptions [Go to Page]
- Interim Recommendation
- Additional Discussion and Needs
- Resources
- 3.6 Hail Storms [Go to Page]
- Interim Recommendation
- Additional Discussion and Needs
- 3.7 Snow and Ice Storms [Go to Page]
- Interim Recommendation
- Additional Discussion and Needs
- Resources
- 3.8 Fire [Go to Page]
- Interim Recommendation
- Additional Discussion and Needs
- Resources
- 3.9 Explosion [Go to Page]
- Interim Recommendation
- Additional Discussion and Needs
- 3.10 Multi-hazard Incidents [Go to Page]
- Interim Recommendation
- Additional Discussion and Needs
- Resources
- 3.11 Evaluation of Historic and Cultural Resources [Go to Page]
- Best Practice
- Additional Discussion and Needs
- Resources
- Chapter 4: Habitability Evaluation and Other Considerations [Go to Page]
- 4.1 Overview
- 4.2 FEMA Policies on Habitability
- 4.3 Habitability Evaluation Approaches and Evaluator Skills [Go to Page]
- 4.3.1 Habitability Evaluation Approaches
- 4.3.2 Evaluator Skills Needed
- 4.4 Environmental Hazard Evaluation [Go to Page]
- Best Practice
- Interim Recommendation
- Additional Discussion and Needs
- 4.4.1 Natural Gas
- Best Practice Evaluation Strategy for Building Safety Evaluator
- 4.4.2 Carbon Monoxide
- Best Practice Evaluation Strategy for Building Safety Evaluator
- 4.4.3 Chemical Release
- Best Practice Evaluation Strategy for Building Safety Evaluator
- 4.4.4 Soot and Fumes
- Best Practice Evaluation Strategy for Building Safety Evaluator
- 4.4.5 Blackwater, Sewage, and Mold
- Best Practice Evaluation Strategy for Building Safety Evaluator
- 4.4.6 Asbestos
- Best Practice Evaluation Strategy for Building Safety Evaluator
- 4.4.7 Lead-Based Paint
- Best Practice Evaluation Strategy for Building Safety Evaluator
- 4.4.8 Parasites
- Best Practice Evaluation Strategy for Building Safety Evaluator
- 4.4.9 Wild, Stray, and Dead Animals
- Best Practice Evaluation Strategy for Building Safety Evaluator
- 4.4.10 Biting and Stinging Insects
- Best Practice Evaluation Strategy for Building Safety Evaluator
- 4.4.11 Debris and Refuse
- Best Practice Evaluation Strategy for Building Safety Evaluator
- 4.5 Building Systems and Services: Permanent Standards and Potential Temporary Standards [Go to Page]
- 4.5.1 Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Services
- Pre-disaster Building Code Requirements
- Potential Temporary Standards after a Disaster
- Interim Recommendation
- 4.5.2 Fire Alarm, Carbon Monoxide Alarm, and Fire Protection Services
- Pre-disaster Building Code Requirements
- Potential Temporary Standards after a Disaster
- Interim Recommendation
- 4.6 Other Code Issues: Permanent and Potential Temporary Standards [Go to Page]
- 4.6.1 Habitable Space
- Pre-disaster Building Code Requirements
- Potential Temporary Standards after a Disaster
- 4.6.2 Means of Egress/Emergency Escape
- Pre-Disaster Building Code Requirements
- Potential Temporary Standards After a Disaster
- 4.6.3 Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities, Access and Functional Needs, and Seniors
- The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- The Fair Housing Act
- Pre-disaster Requirements
- Issues to Consider
- Temporary Standards After a Disaster
- 4.6.4 Security
- Pre-disaster Building Code Requirements
- Issues to Consider
- Potential Temporary Standards after a Disaster
- 4.7 Application to Non-Residential Occupancy Types
- 4.8 Framework for Developing Temporary Habitability Policies [Go to Page]
- 4.8.1 Interim Post-disaster Use of Residential Buildings
- 4.8.2 Example Temporary Habitability Standard after a Disaster
- 4.8.3 Issues to Consider in Developing Temporary Habitability Standards
- Technical Questions
- Administrative and Policy Questions
- 4.8.4 Approach Options for Implementing Temporary Habitability Policies
- Chapter 5: Pre-disaster Program Management [Go to Page]
- 5.1 Overview
- 5.2 Pre-planning [Go to Page]
- Interim Recommendation
- 5.3 Resource Typing [Go to Page]
- Best Practice [Go to Page]
- Post-disaster Building Safety Evaluator
- Post-disaster Building Safety Evaluation Strike Team Leader
- Post-disaster Building Safety Evaluation Strike Team Technical Supervisor
- Post-disaster Complex Structural Condition Evaluator
- Post-disaster Complex Architectural System Condition Evaluator
- Post-disaster Building Safety Evaluation Team
- Post-disaster Building Safety Evaluation Strike Team
- Organization Chart
- Additional Resource Types
- 5.4 Certification and Training [Go to Page]
- 5.4.1 Post-disaster Building Safety Evaluators [Go to Page]
- Best Practice
- Additional Discussion and Needs
- 5.4.2 Emergency Management Personnel [Go to Page]
- Interim Recommendations
- Additional Discussion and Needs
- 5.5 Mutual Aid Resources and Agreements [Go to Page]
- 5.5.1 Emergency Management Assistance Compact
- 5.5.2 Other Mutual Aid Systems [Go to Page]
- Best Practice
- Additional Discussion and Needs
- 5.6 Volunteers, Liability, Good Samaritan Laws, and Workers’ Compensation [Go to Page]
- 5.6.1 Good Samaritan Laws
- 5.6.2 Federal Volunteer Protection Act
- 5.6.3 Workers’ Compensation
- 5.6.4 Portability of Licensure [Go to Page]
- Best Practice
- Interim Recommendation
- Additional Discussion and Needs
- Resources
- 5.7 Necessary Laws and Policies [Go to Page]
- Interim Recommendation
- Resources
- Chapter 6: Post-disaster Program Management and Implementation [Go to Page]
- 6.1 Overview
- 6.2 Implementing the Post-disaster Safety Evaluation Section of the Emergency Management Plan [Go to Page]
- Best Practice
- 6.3 Deployment Safety and Tools [Go to Page]
- 6.3.1 Recommended Equipment for Personal Safety of Evaluators
- 6.3.2 Safety from Environmental Hazards
- Best Practice
- 6.3.3 Field Tools and Resources for Evaluators
- Best Practice
- 6.4 Evaluation Prioritization [Go to Page]
- Interim Recommendation
- Additional Discussion and Needs
- 6.5 Deployment Resources [Go to Page]
- 6.5.1 National Level
- Best Practice
- 6.5.2 State Level
- Best Practice
- Interim Recommendation
- 6.6 Data Collection and Reporting [Go to Page]
- Best Practice
- Interim Recommendation
- 6.7 Quality Assurance [Go to Page]
- Interim Recommendation
- Additional Discussion and Needs
- 6.8 Reevaluation Triggers [Go to Page]
- Interim Recommendation
- Additional Discussion and Needs
- 6.9 Changing or Removing a Placard [Go to Page]
- Interim Recommendation
- Additional Discussion and Needs
- 6.10 Cordoning and Barricading [Go to Page]
- Best Practice
- Additional Discussion and Needs
- 6.11 Communication with the Public, the Media, and Building Owners and Occupants [Go to Page]
- Interim Recommendation
- Chapter 7: Emerging Technologies and Development Needs [Go to Page]
- 7.1 Overview
- 7.2 Building Owner’s Guide to Safety Assessment [Go to Page]
- Recommendations
- 7.3 Emerging Technologies [Go to Page]
- 7.3.1 Social Media
- 7.3.2 Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
- 7.3.3 Strong-motion Data
- 7.3.4 Geospatial Data
- 7.3.5 Aerial Vehicles
- 7.3.6 Other Technologies and Applications
- Recommendations
- Chapter 8: Conclusions and Recommendations [Go to Page]
- 8.1 Guide Overview
- 8.2 Key Conclusions
- 8.3 Best Practices for Post-disaster Building Safety Evaluators
- 8.4 Best Practices for Emergency Managers and Building Officials
- 8.5 Best Practices for Policy Makers
- Appendix A: Glossary and Acronyms [Go to Page]
- A.1 Glossary
- A.2 Acronyms
- Appendix B: Referenced Codes and Standards
- References
- Project Participants
- Back Cover [Go to Page]