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Polk County Land Development Code, 0
- Title-cover
- Table of Contents
- Chapter 1 [Go to Page]
- Section 101 Title
- Section 102 Authority
- Section 103 Purpose and Intent
- Section 104 Conflict With Comprehensive Plan
- Section 105 Relationship to Other Regulations
- Section 106 Repeals
- Section 107 Rules of Interpretation
- Section 108 Periodic Code Review
- Section 109 Dedications and Exactions
- Section 110 Applicability
- Section 111 Vested Rights
- Section 112 Reserved
- Section 113 Development of Regional Impact (DRI) Relationship to this Code
- Section 114 - 119 Reserved
- Section 120 Non-conformities
- Section 121 Eminent Domain Actions
- Section 122-129 Reserved
- Section 130 Administrative Fees
- Section 131 Severability
- Section 132 Effective Date and Amendments
- Section 133 Use of Document Reserved
- Chapter 2 [Go to Page]
- Section 201 Relationship to Comprehensive Plan
- Section 202 Development Areas
- Section 203 Land Use Districts Established
- Section 204 Standard Land Use Districts
- Section 205 Use Tables for Standard Land Use Districts
- Section 206 Accessory Uses (Revised 12/1/10 – Ord. 10-083; 01/03/05 - Ord. 04-80; 7/25/01 - Ord. 01-57)
- Section 207 Temporary Uses
- Section 208 Density and Dimensional Regulations for Standard Districts (Rev. 05/06/09 - Ord. 09-
- Section 209 Accessory Structures (Rev. 12/1/10 – Ord. 10-083: 12/17/0 3 - Ord. 03-96)
- Section 210 Fences and Walls Permitted and Regulated (Revised 03/25/03 - Ord. 03-22)
- Section 211 Pools and Screen Enclosures
- Section 212 Storage Buildings, and Greenhouses
- Section 213 Dumpsters
- Section 214 Distance Between Buildings
- Section 215 Setbacks from Private Roads
- Section 216 Commercial Vehicle Parking and Storage
- Section 217 Distressed or Abandoned Vehicles
- Section 218 Boats, Utility Trailers, Sports Vehicles and Recreational Vehicles
- Section 219 Setbacks for Residential Infill
- Section 220 Compatibility Standards (Revised 5/15/02 - Ord. 02-22; 2/11/02 - Ord. 02-04)
- Section 221 Principal Uses and Buildings
- Section 222 Agricultural (Revised 01/30/03 - Ord. 03-14)
- Section 223 Property Maintenance (Revised 06/08/04 Ord. 04-09)
- Section 224 Alcohol Sales
- Section 225 Maintenance of Commercial, Office, and Industrial Structures and Premises
- Section 226 - Irrigation Systems:
- Section 227 - Filling and Excavating Land
- Section 228 Measurement of Setbacks
- Section 229 Agritourism
- Section 230 Specific Provisions Applicable to Non-Residential Districts and Uses
- Section 231 Storage of Liquid Propane Tanks
- Chapter 3 [Go to Page]
- Section 301 Purpose and Intent
- Section 302 General Provisions
- Section 303 Criteria for Conditional Uses [Go to Page]
- A
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- Chapter 4 [Go to Page]
- Section 401 Selected Area Plan Districts, Established
- Section 401.01 I-4 / NE Parkway Plan Districts
- Section 401.01.01 Use Table for Interstate 4 Selected Area Plan Land Use Districts
- Section 401.02 Ronald Reagan Parkway Plan District (Revised 11/09/05 Ord. - 65; 06/08/04 Ord.
- Section 401.03 North US 27 Selected Area Plan
- Section 401.04 US Highway 98 Selected Area Plan (Revised 12/1/10 – Ord. 10-082; 5/18/05 -
- Section 401.05 State Road 559 Selected Area Plan
- Section 401.06 The North Ridge Selected Area Plan (Revised 03/06/02 - Ord. 02-13)
- Section 402 Development of Regional Impact and Pre-Development of Regional Impact,and Utility Enclave Areas
- Section 403 Neighborhood Plan Districts, Established (Revised 01/18/05 Ord. 04-22)
- Section 403.01 Wahneta Neighborhood Plan (Wahneta NP)
- Chapter 5 [Go to Page]
- Section 501 Purpose and Intent
- Section 502 Standards for Land Use Districts in the Green Swamp ACSC
- Section 503 Planned Development in the Green Swamp ACSC
- Section 504 Ridge Special Protection Area (Ridge-SPA)
- Section 505 Polk City/Urban Growth Special Protection Area (PC-SPA)
- Section 506 Rural Special Protection Area (RURAL-SPA) (Rev. 12/08/04 - Ord. 03-68)
- Section 507 Resource Protection
- Section 508 Special Procedure Requirements
- Chapter 6 [Go to Page]
- Section 601 Purpose and Intent
- Section 602 General Provisions
- Section 603 - 609 Reserved
- Section 610 Surface Water Protection
- Section 611 - 619 Reserved
- Section 620 Wetland Protection
- Section 621 - 629 Reserved
- Section 630 Flood Hazard Management and Flood Plain Protection
- Sections 631 - 639 Reserved
- Section 640 Density Transfer and Credits
- Section 641 Airport Impact District (AID)
- Section 642 - 649 Reserved
- Section 650 Aquifer Protection
- Sections 651 - 659 Reserved
- Section 660 Ecological Communities
- Sections 661 - 669 Reserved
- Section 670 Wellhead Protection
- Sections 671 - 678 Reserved
- Section 679 Ridge Scenic Highway (Added 2/21/12 - Ord. 12-007)
- Section 680 Historic Preservation Sites
- Chapter 7 [Go to Page]
- Section 701 Purpose and Intent
- Section 702 Connection to Centralized Water, Sewer, and Reuse Water Provisions
- Section 703 Concurrency
- Section 704 Commercial, Industrial & Multi-Family Construction Plans
- Section 705 Access to County Transportation System
- Section 706 Right-of-Way Use Permits
- Section 707 Sidewalks
- Section 708 Parking Space Requirements
- Section 709 Parking Area Design
- Section 710 Alternative Parking Strategies
- Section 711 Clear Visibility Triangle
- Sections 712 - 714 Reserved
- Section 715 Mobile Home Stairs and Skirting Requirements
- Section 716 Used Mobile Homes
- Section 717 - 719 Reserved
- Section 720 Landscaping and Buffering
- Section 721 Credit for Existing Trees
- Sections 722 - 739 Reserved
- Section 740 Storm Water Management
- Sections 741 - 749 Reserved
- Section 750 Open Space
- Sections 751 - 752 Reserved
- Section 753 Cluster Design Option
- Section 754 Reserved
- Section 755 Zero-Lot-Line Design
- Section 760 Signs
- Section 761 Maximum Permissible Noise Levels by Land Use Designation
- Chapter 8 [Go to Page]
- Chapter 8 SUBDIVISIONS [Go to Page]
- Section 801 Purpose and Intent
- Section 802 Applicability
- Section 803 General Provisions
- Section 804 Construction Plans
- Section 805 Reserved
- Section 806 Plats
- Section 807 Completion Guarantee
- Section 808 Engineers Certification and Subdivider=s Guarantee
- Section 809 Final Plat Approval and Recording
- Section 810 Re-plats and Modifications
- Section 811 Streets
- Section 812 - 819 Reserved
- Section 820 Subdivision Design Standards
- Section 821 Access
- Section 822 Minimum Road Frontage
- Section 823 Right-of-Way Requirements
- Section 824 Roadway Design
- Sections 825 - 829 Reserved
- Section 830 Uniform Street Address System
- Chapter 9 [Go to Page]
- Section 901 Applicability
- Section 902 Development Approval
- Section 903 Review Procedures
- Section 904 Level 1 Review
- Section 905 Level 2 Review
- Section 906 Level 3 Review
- Section 907 Level 4 Review
- Section 908 Level 5 Review
- Section 909 Reserved
- Section 910 Impact Assessment Statements
- Section 911 Operating Permits
- Section 912 Code Amendments, Land Use District Modifications and Comprehensive PlanAmendments
- Section 913 Fee Refund Requests and Withdrawal of Applications
- Section 914 Transfer of Development Rights
- Section 915 Development Agreements
- Section 916 Reserved
- Section 917 Administrative Determinations
- Section 918 Administrative Decisions
- Section 919 Administrative Interpretations
- Section 920 Administrative Hearings by Planning Commission
- Section 921 Procedures for Appealing Decisions
- Sections 922- 929 Reserved
- Section 930 Variances & Special Exceptions
- Section 931 Criteria for Granting Variances
- Section 932 Waivers to Technical Standards
- Section 933 Re-application for Land Use Change
- Sections 934 - 959 Reserved
- Section 960 Public Notice
- Sections 961 - 969 Reserved
- Section 970 Agencies and Boards
- Section 971 Department of Growth Management
- Section 972 Development Review Committee
- Section 973 Citizen Boards
- Section 974 Planning Commission
- Section 975 Reserved
- Section 976 Board of Adjustment
- Sections 977- 979 Reserved
- Section 980 Enforcement of Site Requirements
- Section 981 Enforcement of Code Provisions
- Chapter 10 [Go to Page]
- A
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- Appendix A [Go to Page]
- Section A101 Purpose and Intent
- Section A102 Drainage Design Requirements [Go to Page]
- A. Storm Sewer Design
- B. Ditches
- C. Culverts, Bridges and Pipes
- D. Side Drains
- E. Seasonal High Water Table
- F. Underdrains
- Section A103 Road Design Requirements [Go to Page]
- A. Stabilized Subgrade
- B. Base Course
- C. Surface Course
- D. Flexible Pavement Road Design
- E. Rigid Pavement Design
- F. Access and Intersection Improvement
- Section A201 Site Construction Standards
- Section A202 Clearing and Grubbing [Go to Page]
- A. Road Construction and Embankment
- B. Stumps
- Section A203 Excavation [Go to Page]
- A. Requirements
- Section A204 Soil Cement Standards
- A. Testing
- B. Materials
- C. Equipment
- D. Construction Methods
- E. Opening to Traffic
- F. Maintenance
- G. Inspection
- H. Batch Plant Soil Cement Construction Specifications
- Section A204 Soil Cement Standards [Go to Page]
- A. Testing
- B. Materials
- C. Equipment
- D. Construction Methods
- E. Opening to Traffic
- F. Maintenance
- G. Inspection
- H. Batch Plant Soil Cement Construction Specifications
- Section A205 Limerock Base [Go to Page]
- A. Materials
- B. Equipment
- C. Transporting Limerock
- D. Spreading Limerock
- E. Compacting and Finishing Base
- F. Prime/Curing
- G. Testing Surface
- H. Tests
- I. Deficiencies
- Section A206 Prime and Tack Coats for Base Courses [Go to Page]
- A. Materials
- Section A207 Asphaltic Concrete Surface Course [Go to Page]
- A. Asphaltic Concrete Mixes
- B. Materials
- C. Composition of Mixture
- D. Contractor Quality Control
- E. Mechanical Spreading & Screening Equipment
- F. Equipment
- G. Marshall Mixes Construction Methods
- H. Marshall Mix Acceptance Tests
- I. Superpave Mixes Construction Methods
- J. Superpave Mix Acceptance Tests
- K. Finished Surface Requirements
- Section A208 Portland Cement Concrete Pavement [Go to Page]
- A. Subgrade Preparation for Rigid Pavement
- B. Materials, Proportioning and Construction for Rigid Pavements
- C. Equipment
- D. Mixing and Placing for Rigid Pavement
- Section A209 Culverts and Storm Sewers [Go to Page]
- A. Pipe
- Section A210 Inlets and Manholes [Go to Page]
- A. Materials
- B. Forms
- C. Placing and Curing Concrete
- D. Masonry Construction
- E. Pre-Cast Inlets and Manholes
- F. Placing Pipes
- G. Flow Channels
- Section A211 Underdrains [Go to Page]
- A. Pipe Diameter
- B. Excavation Trench
- C. Placing the Filter Fabric
- D. Laying the Pipe
- E. Placing and Compacting Filter Aggregate
- F. Backfill Above Filter Aggregate
- G. Certification
- H. Acceptance of Underdrains
- Section A212 Sidewalks and Concrete Curb [Go to Page]
- A. Materials
- B. Forms
- C. Construction Methods
- D. Joints
- E. Finishing
- F. Curing
- G. Backfilling and Compaction
- H. Requirements for Machine-Laying
- Section A213 Seeding and Mulching [Go to Page]
- A. Materials
- B. Construction Methods
- C. Sodding
- Section A214 Traffic Control [Go to Page]
- A. Pavement Markings
- B. Materials
- C. Installation
- Section A215 Restoration of Existing Right-of-Way [Go to Page]
- A. Traffic Control
- B. Excavation
- C. Utility Foundations
- D. Backfill and Compaction to Sub-Grade or Existing Ground
- E. Compaction
- F. Base and Pavement Restoration
- G. Unpaved Road Restoration
- H. Seeding and Mulching
- Section A216 Utility Appurtenances in Roadways [Go to Page]
- A. Location
- B. Backfill for Structures and Tests
- C. Finished Grade Requirements
- Section A301 Commercial, Industrial and Multi-Family
- Section A302 Purpose and Intent
- Section A303 Drainage Design Requirements
- Section A304 Road and Parking Area Design Requirements [Go to Page]
- A. Stabilized Subgrade
- B. Base Cour
- C. Surface Course
- D. Flexible Pavement Road Design
- E. Rigid Pavement Design
- Section A401 Site Construction Standards for Non-Residential Development
- Section A402 Clearing and Grubbing
- Section A403 Excavation [Go to Page]
- A. Requirements
- Section A404 Culverts and Storm Sewers
- Section A405 Inlets and Manholes
- Section A406 Inspection, Testing and Certification Requirements [Go to Page]
- A. Pre-Construction Meeting
- B. Inspection and Testing
- C. Certification
- Appendix B [Go to Page]
- APPENDIX B [Go to Page]
- Planting Material Guidelines
- Appendix C [Go to Page]
- A. Purpose
- B. Intent
- C. Applicability
- D. Types of Traffic Impact Studies
- E. Minor Traffic Study
- F. Major Traffic Study
- G. Developments of Regional Impact
- H. TPO Pre-Application Conference
- I. Level-of-Service Standards
- J. Traffic Impact Area
- K. County Data
- L. Procedures for Traffic Counts
- M. Trip Generation
- N. Percent New Trips
- O. Traffic Distribution and Assignment
- P. Internal Capture
- Q. Intersection Analysis
- R. Segment Analysis
- Appendix D [Go to Page]