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Princeton University Facilitied Department - Design Standards Manual, 2012
- Cover
- Table of Contents
- Introduction
- 1.1 University Administrative Departments [Go to Page]
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Index of References
- 3. Facilities Department Organization and Function
- 4. University Services Department Organization and Function
- 5.
Department of Public Safety Organization and Function
- 6. Office of Information Technology Organization and Function
- 1.2 Sustainable Building Guidelines [Go to Page]
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
Index of References
- 4.
Outline of Process
- 5.
Life-Cycle Cost Analysis
- 6. LEED Rating System
- 7. Materials Selection
- 8.
Waste Management
- 9. Site Planning
- 1.3 Project Responsibility Checklist [Go to Page]
- 1.
- 1.4 Regulatory Agencies [Go to Page]
- 1. Introduction
- 2.
State Review
- 3.
Local Review
- 4. Contacts
- 5. Index of References
- 6. Review Guidelines
- 7. Procedural Guidelines - Preliminary Design & Design
- 8. Procedural Guidelines - Code Review Applications and Submittals
- 9. Procedural Guidelines - Organization of Submittal Drawings
- 10. Procedural Guidelines - Timely Response to Review Comments
- 11. Procedural Guidelines - Code Variances and Variations
- 12. Procedual Guidelines - Permit Application to Local Agency
- 13. Procedural Guidelines - Approved Construction Documents
- 14. Periodic Testing
- 1.5 Documentation
and Archiving [Go to Page]
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Contacts
- 3. Index of References
- 4. Code References
- 5. Room Numbering Requirements
- 6. Existing Documentation Availability and Distribution
- 7. Archiving Requirements - Printed
- 8.
Archiving Requirements - Electronic
- 9. Closeout Documentation Review
- 10. Formatting of Printed Deliverables - As Built Drawings
- 11. Formatting of Electronic Deliverables
- 12. Use of Princeton University Existing Digital Data
- 13. Positional Tolerance Requirements for Internal Bldg Conditions, Surveys and As-Builts
- 2.1 Accessibility [Go to Page]
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Contacts
- 3. Index of References
- 4. Applicable Codes and Federal Standards
- 5. University Review Guidelines
- 6. Design and Procedural Guidelines
- 7. Guidelines and Requirements for Documentation
- 8. Other Considerations for Accessible Deign
- 2.2 Audio-Visual Standards [Go to Page]
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Contacts
- 3. Index of References
- 4. Code References
- 5.
Review Guidelines
- 6. Procedural Guidelines
- 7. Guidelines and Requirements for Documentation
- 8. Guidelines for Audio-Visual Equipment
- 9. Warrenty and Licensing
- 10. Requirements for Testing and Personnel Instruction
- 11. Requirements for As-Built Drawings and Project Closeout
- 2.3 Classroom and Conference Room Design [Go to Page]
- 1.
- 2. Contacts
- 3. Index of References
- 4. Code References
- 5. Review Guidelines
- 6. Procedural Guidelines
- 7. Guidelines and Requirements for Documentation
- 8. Guidelines for Classroom Design
- 9. Requirements for As-Built Drawings
- 2.4 Dormitory Design [Go to Page]
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Contacts
- 3. Index of References
- 4. Code References
- 5. Review Guidelines - General
- 6. Procedural Guidelines - Approach to Regulatory Agencies
- 7. Guidelines and Requirements for Documentation
- 8. Considerations for Dormitory Design
- 9. Custodial Closets
- 10. Signange Requirements
- 11. Environmental Issues
- 12. Requirements for As-Built Drawings
- 2.5 Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment [Go to Page]
- 1.
- 2.
- 3. Index of References
- 4. Review Guidelines
- 5. Design Guidelines
- 6. Requirements for As-Built Drawings and Project Closeout
- 2.6 Office of Information Technology [Go to Page]
- 1.
- 2. Contacts
- 3. Index of References
- 4. Code References
- 5. Review Guidelines
- 6. Procedural Guidelines - Preliminary Design and Design Develoment
- 7. Guidelines and Requirements for Documentation
- 8. Considerations for OIT Systems Design
- 9. Requirements for As-Built Drawings
- 2.7 Security [Go to Page]
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Contacts
- 3. Index of References
- 4. Procedural Guidelines - Programming and Schematic Design
- 5. Review Guidelines
- 6. Design Guidelines - "Passive" Security Features
- 7. Design Guidelines - "Active" Security Features
- 8. Requirements for As-Built Drawings
- 2.8 Environmental Graphics [Go to Page]
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Contacts
- 3. Index of References
- 4. Review Guidelines
- 5. Procedural Guidelines - Preliminary Design and Design Development
- 6. Guidelines for Installation and Performance
- 7. Guidelines for Door Number Labeling
- 2.9 Site Planning [Go to Page]
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Contacts
- 3. Index of References
- 4. Code References
- 5. Design Guidelines
- 6. Internal Review Guidelines - Site Plans/Landscaping
- 7. Internal Review Guidelines - Utilities
- 8. Internal Review Guidelines - Storm Water
- 9. Municipal Review Guidelines - Landscaping
- 10. Guidelines and Requirements for Documentation
- 11. Sustainability
- 12. Considerations for Exterior Design - Circulation
- 13. Considerations for Exterior Design - Planting Concepts
- 14. Considerations for Exterior Design - Reunion Sites
- 15. Considerations for Exterior Design - Lighting
- 16. General Survey Requirements
- 17. Requirements for As-Built Drawings
- 2.10 Laboratory Design [Go to Page]
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Contacts
- 3. Index of References
- 4. Code References
- 5. Review Guidelines
- 6. Procedural Guidelines
- 7. Guidelines and Requirements for Documentation
- 8. Guidelines for Laboratory Design
- 9. Requirements for As-Built Drawings
- 2.11 Graduate Apartment Design [Go to Page]
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Contacts
- 3. Index
of References
- 4. Code References
- 5. Review Guidelines - General
- 6. Procedural Guidelines - Approach to Regulatory Agencies
- 7. Guidelines and Requirements for Documentation
- 8. Considerations for Apartment Design
- 9. Custodial Closets
- 10. Signage Requirements
- 11. Environmental Issues
- 12. Requirements for As-Built Drawings
- 3.1 Access Control Systems [Go to Page]
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Contacts
- 3. Index of References
- 4. Code References
- 5. Review Guidelines
- 6. Procedural
- 7. Guidelines and Requirements for Documentation
- 8. Guidelines for System Installation and Performance
- 9. Requirements for Testing & Commissioning
- 10. Requirements for As-Built Drawings
- 3.2 Automatic Temperature Controls and Energy Management System [Go to Page]
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Contacts
- 3. Index of References
- 4.
Code References
- 5. Review Guidelines
- 6. Procedural Guidelines
- 7. Requirements for Documentation
- 8. Guidelines for System Installation and Performance
- 9. Requirements for Automatic Temperature Control System Testing & Commissioning
- 10. Master BAS Specification Implementation Guidance to the Design Engineer
- 11. Requirements for As-Built Drawings
- 3.3 Energy Guidelines [Go to Page]
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Contacts
- 3. Index of References
- 4. Code References
- 5. Requirements for Documentation
- 6. Energy Performance Targets
- 7. Modeling Procedures
- 8. Envelope Design Guidelines
- 9. Systems Performance
- 10. Daylighting
- 11. Renewable Energy
- 12. Measurement and Verification
- 3.4 Fire Alarms [Go to Page]
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Contacts
- 3. Index of References
- 4. Code References
- 5. Review Guidelines
- 6. Procedural Guidelines
- 7. Requirements for Documentation
- 8. Guidelines for System Installation and Performance
- 9. Requirements for Room and Device Designations
- 10. Requirements for Fire Alarm System Commissioning
- 11. Requirements for As- Built Drawings
- 3.5 Lighting Design [Go to Page]
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Contacts
- 3. Index of References
- 4. Code References
- 5. Review Guidelines
- 6. Procedural Guidelines
- 7. Guidelines and Requirements for Documentation
- 8. Guidelines for System Installation and Performance
- 9. Lighting Controls
- 10. Requirements for As-Built Drawings
- 11. Requirements for Spare Lamps
- 3.6 Utility Guidelines [Go to Page]
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Contacts
- 3. Index of References
- 4. Code References
- 5. Review Guidelines
- 6. Procedural Guidelines
- 7. Positional and Tolerance
Requirements for Existing Conditions Surveys
- 8. Guidelines and Requirements for Documentation
- 9. Guidelines for System Installation and Performance
- 10. Requirements for As-Built Drawings
- 3.7 Fire Suppression System - Sprinklers and Standpipes [Go to Page]
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Contacts
- 3. Index of Reference
- 4. Code References
- 5. Review Guidelines
- 6. Procedural Guidelines
- 7. Requirements for Documentation
- 8. Guidelines for System Installation and Performance
- 9. Requirements for Suppression System Testing
- 10. Requirements for As-Built Drawings
- 11. Requirements for Spare Parts
- 3.8 Fire Suppression System - Chemical [Go to Page]
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Contacts
- 3. Index of References
- 4. Code References
- 5. Review Guidelines
- 6. Procedural Guidelines
- 7. Requirements for Documentation
- 8. Guidelines for System Installation and Performance
- 9. Requirements for Suppression System Testing
- 10. Fire
- 11. Requirements for As-Built Drawings
- 3.10 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems Design [Go to Page]
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Contacts
- 3. Index of Appendices
- 4. Code References
- 5. Review Guidelines
- 6. Procedural Guidelines
- 7. Guidelines and Requirements for Documentation
- 8. Guidelines for System Installation and Performance
- 9. Requirements for HVAC System Testing and Commissioning
- 10. Requirements for As-Built Drawings
- 11. O & M Documentation
- 3.11 Plumbing Systems Design [Go to Page]
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Contacts
- 3. Index of References
- 4. Code References
- 5. Review Guidelines
- 6. Procedural Guidelines - Preliminary Design and Design Development
- 7. Guidelines and Requirements for Documentation
- 8. Guidelines for System Installation and Performance
- 9. Requirements for Plumbing System Testing, Sterilization & Commissioning
- 10. Plumbing System Electrical Alarm Requirements
- 11. Requirements for As-Built Drawings
- 3.12 Electrical Systems Design [Go to Page]
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Contacts
- 3. Index
of References
- 4. Code References
- 5. Review Guidelines
- 6. Requirements for Documentation
- 7. Design Guidelines - General Programming Issues
- 8. Design Guidelines - Schematic Design Phase
- 9. Design Guidelines - Design Development Phase
- 10. Design Guidelines - Construction Documentation of Equipment and Devices
- 11. Design Guidelines - Emergency and Stand - By Power Systems
- 12. Procedural Guidelines - Other Design Considerations
- 13. Procedural Guidelines - Commissioning, Warrenty Notification
- 14. Requirements for As-Built Drawings
- 3.13 Commissioning [Go to Page]
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Contacts
- 3. Index of References
- 4. Review Guidelines
- 5. Procedural Guidelines - Commissioning Approach
- 6. Requirements for Documentation
- 7. Building Commissioning Process
- 8. Measurement
and Verification
- 9. Other Commissioned Systems
- 10. Requirements for Commissioning Documentation
- 4.1 Communication Closets [Go to Page]
- Standards for Communication Closets - Office of Information Technology
- 1. Communication Closets
- 4.2 Corridors [Go to Page]
- A. Construction and Fire Rating
- B. Finishes
- C.
- D. Doors and Hardware
- E. Miscellaneous
- 4.3 Custodial Closets, Storage and Special Facilities [Go to Page]
- Standards for Custodial Closets and Storage - Building Services
Grounds and Building Maintenance
- 1. Custodial Closets
- 2. Custodial Supply Areas
- 4.4 Door Hardware [Go to Page]
- 1. General
- 2. Standard: Non Electrified Hardware
- 3. Key Schedule and Core Installations
- 4. Electrified Hardware and Access Control Considerations
- 5. Requirements for Mechanical Rooms, Penthouses, Roof Access
- 6. Millwork and Cabinetry Locks
- 7. Access Panel Locks
- 8. Requirements for As-Built Drawings
- 4.5 Electrical Rooms [Go to Page]
- Standards for Electrical Rooms - Building Services
Grounds and Building Maintenance
- 1. Design Review
- 2. Room Construction
- 3. Distribution of Electrical Rooms
- 4. Clearances Between Equipment
- 5. Housekeeping Pads
- 6. Equipment Mounting
- 7. Coordination Between Other Services
- 8. Heating and Ventilation Requirements
- 9. Lighting Type, Convenience Receptacles and OIT outlets
- 10. Scaled vertical section cut(s)
- 11. Refer to Section 3.12 (Electrical Systems Design)
- 12. Requirements for As-Built Documentation
- 4.6 Elevators [Go to Page]
- Standards for Elevators - Grounds and Building Maintenance
- 1. Contacts
- 2. Index of References
- 3. Codes and Standards
- 4. Review and Procedural Guidelines
- 5. Design and Installation Guidelines - General
- 6. Design and Installation Guidelines - Elevator Machine Rooms
- 7. Design and Installation Guidelines - Elevator Hoistway and Pit
- 8. Design and Installation Guidelines - Related Work
- 9. Requirements for Testing
and Training
- 10. Requirements for As-Built Drawings
- 11. Non-conformance with Standards
- 4.7 Laundry Rooms [Go to Page]
- Standards for Laundry Rooms - Building Services
- 4.8 Mechanical Rooms [Go to Page]
- Standards for Mechanical Rooms - Building Services
Grounds and Building Maintenance
- 1. Design Review
- 2. Room Construction
- 3. Distribution of Mechanical Rooms
- 4. Clearance Between
- 5. Equipment Mounting
- 6. Coordination Between Other Services
- 7. Heating and Ventilating Requirements
- 8. Lighting Type and Convenience Receptacles
- 9. Miscellaneous
- 10. Requirements for As-Built Documentation
- 4.9 Painting [Go to Page]
- Standards for Painting - Grounds and Building Maintenance
- 1. Interior
- 2. Exterior
- 3. Special Coatings
- 4. Requirements for As-Built Drawings
- Interior Paint Finish Recommendations For New Buildings and Major Renovations
- 4.10 Masonry Roofing & Waterproofing [Go to Page]
- Standards for Masonry, Roofing and Waterproofing - Grounds and Building Maintenance
- 1. Contacts
- 2. Index of References
- 3. Codes and Standards
- 4. Review Guidelines
- 5. Guidelines and Requirements for Documentation
- 6. Guidelines for Installation and Performance - Roofing
- 7. Guidelines
for Installation and Performance - Waterproofing
- 8. Guidelines for Protection and Maintenance
- 9. Design Guidelines for Safety in Roofing Maintenance
- 10. Garden or Landscaping Walls - Exterior Masonry
- 11. Non- conformance With Standards
- 12. Requirements for As-Built Drawings
- 4.11 Toilet Rooms [Go to Page]
- Standards for Toilet Rooms - Building Services Grounds and Building Maintenance
- 1. Index of References
- 2. Toilet Rooms
- 4.12 Waste Removal & Loading Docks [Go to Page]
- Standards for Waste Removal & Loading Docks - Building Services
- 1. Index of References
- 2. Guidelines for Installation and Performance
- 3. Vehicular Access
- 4.13 Carpentry [Go to Page]
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Contacts
- 3. Index of References
- 4. Code References
- 5. Review Guidelines - General
- 6. Considerations for Design
[Go to Page]