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  • ASME
    ASME HST-2 Performance Standard for Hand Chain Manually Operated Chain Hoists - All Editions
    Edition: VAR
    Unlimited Users per year

Content Description

ASME has been defining hoist performance since 1983. ASME HST-2-2014 is a newly-revised Standard which establishes performance requirements for hand chain, manually-operated chain hoists for vertical lifting service involving material handling of freely suspended (unguided loads. These hoists use welded link type load chain as a lifting medium with one of the following types of suspension: (1 hook or clevis; (2 trolley. HST-2 contains an appendix which, in conjunction with ASME HST-3-1999, Performance Standard for Manually Lever-Operated Chain Hoists, replaces the requirements of MIL-H-904 for Hand Operated Chain Hoists This Standard is not applicable to: (1 damaged or malfunctioning hoists; (2 hoists that have been misused or abused (3 hoists that have been altered without authorization of the manufacturer or a qualified person; (4 hoists used for lifting or supporting people; (5 hoists used for the purpose of drawing both the load and the hoist up or down the hoist's own load chain; and (6 hoists used for marine and other applications as required by the Department of Defense (DOD. HST-2 includes an appendix on Hand Chain Manually Operated Chain Hoists used in marine and other applications as required by the Department of Defense (DOD. Both HST-2 and ASME HST-5-2014, Performance Standard for Air Chain Hoists serve as companion standards to ASME B30.16-2012, Overhead Hoists (Underhung. Intended for manufacturers, owners, inspectors, chief and principal engineers, users and others concerned with performance requirements for hand chain manually operated chain hoists plus all potential governing entities.

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