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  • ACI
    ACI SP-352: Live Load Distribution on Concrete Bridges: Design, Evaluation, Construction, Innovation
    Edition: 2022
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Content Description

In recent years, both researchers and practicing engineers worldwide have been investigating the effect of live load distribution on concrete bridges during design, evaluation, and construction. Papers discussing live load distribution issues and innovation for concrete bridge decks and/or supporting girders were considered for inclusion in this Special Publication. Papers in the following areas of interest were sought: AASHTO methodology, other available codes/specification provisions, simplification of the AASHTO methodology, traffic non-parallel to girders, construction stage issues, partial composite deck-girder systems, long-span girders, slab-span structures, and bridges with missing as-built plans. To exchange international experiences among a global group of researchers, ACI Committees 343 and 342 organized two sessions entitled “Live Load Distribution on Concrete Bridges: Design, Evaluation, Construction and Innovation” at the Fall 2021 ACI Virtual Convention. This Special Publication contains the technical papers from experts who presented their work at these sessions. The first session was focused on girder bridges and the second session was focused on non-girder bridges. The technical papers in this Special Publication are organized in the order in which they were presented at the ACI Convention. Overall, in this Special Publication, authors from different backgrounds and geographical locations share their experiences and perspectives on how live load distribution affects concrete bridges during design, evaluation, and construction. Contributions were made from different regions of the world, and the technical papers were authored by experts at universities, government agencies, and private companies. The co-editors, Dr. Nur Yazdani and Dr. Benjamin Dymond, are grateful for the contributions from the Special Publication authors and sincerely value the time and effort of the authors in preparing the papers in this volume. Furthermore, the Special Publication would not have been possible without the effort expended by the experts who peer reviewed the papers in this volume.

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Founded in 1904 and headquartered in Farmington Hills, Michigan, USA, the American Concrete Institute is a leading authority and resource worldwide for the development and distribution of consensus-based standards, technical resources, educational & training programs, certification programs, and proven expertise for individuals and organizations involved in concrete design, construction, and materials, who share a commitment to pursuing the best use of concrete. ACI has over 95 chapters, 110 student chapters, and nearly 20,000 members spanning over 120 countries.