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Content Description

Architectural Metal Wall Panel Systems, 2024
CEU: 0.1 | CEU Code: MN-EN-181602-0525

As architects push the boundaries of design, materials that offer flexibility are essential; single-skin architectural metal wall panel systems provide such flexibility. Presented here are architectural metal wall panels, their fabrication process, design possibilities, and applications. Also discussed are the components and features of a perfect wall and a multicomponent wall assembly, the testing, safety, and installation of multicomponent metal wall panel systems, and how metal wall panels and their manufacturers can contribute to sustainability objectives.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe architectural metal wall panels and their fabrication process and discuss the design opportunities afforded by myriad profile options, colors, materials, finishes, and details.
  • Discuss perfect wall and multicomponent wall assemblies in terms of project suitability, sequence of components, speed of build, enhanced thermal performance and energy efficiency, and long-term durability and maintenance.
  • Recall the tests related to structural performance, air leakage, water penetration, and fire resistance that entire wall assemblies must pass to ensure code compliance and occupant comfort and safety.
  • Identify the LEED v4.1 BD+C credits to which architectural metal wall panels may potentially contribute to project points earned and outline sustainability measures manufacturers can implement to reduce their carbon footprint.

Faculty BIO

The instructor of this course is a SME. The course has been written by qualified education developers and is conducted in accordance with all applicable regulations.

Referenced Codes & Standards with this Course