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Content Description

3 Steps to Understanding Commercial Solar Lighting Specifications, 2024
CEU: 0.15 | CEU Code: CA-EN-182705-0725

It's easy to be overwhelmed by outdoor solar lighting specs and components, especially when every manufacturer presents its products differently. Lighting professionals can help clients put these manufacturers on an equal playing field. Providing an in-depth introduction to the technology and benefits of off-grid solar lighting, this course explores why clients choose commercial solar lighting, what components make up a solar lighting system, and the three steps lighting professionals can take to ensure their clients choose a reliable, efficient, and cost-effective solution that meets their unique expectations.

Learning Objectives

  • Evaluate the sustainability and economic benefits of commercial solar lighting.
  • Discuss how the internal components of a solar light work.
  • Recall the most important project specifics a client should discuss with a potential manufacturer when specifying an outdoor solar lighting system.
  • Explain how to compare solar insolation data, solar panel sizing, batteries, and LED fixture performance in order to fully evaluate a solar lighting manufacturer's product.
  • Explain why project cost is more important than system cost and the ways that a manufacturer can adjust light output and placement, fixture mounting height, and lighting layout to design the most cost-effective solution.
  • Use the provided checklist to assess specification packages with clients.

Faculty BIO

Jake Dobson, Technical Sales Specialist, is responsible for developing and introducing new products for Sol Inc., a global leader in solar-powered commercial LED lighting solutions. Through years of experience, Jake has honed his expertise in the solar lighting industry. Sol strives to provide lighting that is engineered smart, built tough, and accurately sized for streets, pathways, parking lots, and more.