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Content Description

Secret Spaces: Designing Hidden Entrances with Invisible Hinges, 2024
CEU: 0.125 | CEU Code: SO-EN-185201-0224

Secret doors and spaces have been used throughout history to protect valuables, hide people, conceal activities, and provide amusement. This course examines some historic examples before discussing contemporary uses for hidden doors and rooms. Suggested design strategies and hardware specifications are discussed, and safety guidelines, common design mistakes that might expose the existence of a secret door, and some inspirational case studies are reviewed.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify suitable locations for secret spaces that meet user needs and reduce the likelihood of detection.
  • Describe potential safety hazards posed by secret doors and how to address them by specifying appropriate door hardware and construction details.
  • Apply the design strategies of concealment and distraction to design doors using invisible hinges that are completely concealed from view.
  • Design secret doors that avoid common detailing mistakes.

Faculty BIO

Deidre Whitman is the Vice President of Sales and Marketing for SOSS Door Hardware and celebrates seventeen years with the company this year. She graduated from Lourdes University with her bachelor's degree in 2010. Her career with SOSS started with order processing and customer service, eventually leading to outside sales and sales management. Deidre has also been involved with research and development and bringing new SOSS products to market. She enjoys learning how she can help solve design roadblocks and teaching people how SOSS Door Hardware can help them bring their projects to life. She believes in the quality of SOSS Invisible Hinges and the value SOSS Door Hardware products bring to people and their projects.