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Content Description

Site Security with Precast Concrete, 2024
CEU: 0.1 | CEU Code: WA-EN-186602-1224

Comprehensive site security design should balance managing traffic flow and preventing vehicular intrusion with enhancing the existing character of the site. This course presents FEMA's guidance on risk assessment and layers of defense, vehicle impact test standards, bollard types, the precast concrete manufacturing process, barrier system design considerations, and incorporating precast concrete bollards and site furnishings into perimeter security design.

Learning Objectives

  • Explain the three layers of defense used in site security and how bollards can be incorporated into these layers to protect people and buildings.
  • Recall suitable applications for high- and low-speed crash-rated bollards and the ASTM standards used to test and certify security bollards.
  • Describe the wet-cast concrete manufacturing process and the ASTM standards that test and evaluate concrete mixtures to ensure their strength and safety.
  • Discuss how precast concrete bollards and site furnishings can be used as decorative and security elements in site design, enhancing the site's aesthetic value while protecting lives and property.

Faculty BIO

Rob Mulry began his career with Wausau Tile in 2007 as a Site Furnishings project manager. Since then, he's worked in our Paving and Terrazzo department as a project manager while also being our Senior Technical Product Manager for all product lines. In 2019, he was promoted to Paving Manager where his leadership skills began to shine, and in 2022, the Terrazzo Tile department came under his management. Rob's commitment to continued learning and growth, matched with his forward-thinking style, has helped Wausau Tile bring multiple new and exciting products to the market over the years. His leadership and innovation will continue to keep Wausau Tile at the forefront of product offerings while providing the highest standards of quality and customer service.

Referenced Codes & Standards with this Course