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Content Description

Snow Guards, Solar Panel Mounts, and Cladding Clips, 2024
CEU: 0.1 | CEU Code: SG-EN-186702-0825

Good building envelope design provides a weathertight and insulated structure. However, additional attachments are often required for safety, aesthetic, or functional reasons. This course discusses the design and installation of snow retention systems and mounting systems for solar panels that maintain roof integrity, contribute to a long-lasting building envelope system, and support solar energy and safety.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe the mechanism by which snow retention systems prevent snow avalanches and where these retention systems are recommended.
  • Select the appropriate snow guards and mounting method for various roof slopes and assemblies to maintain watertightness.
  • Design a safe and effective snow guard layout to minimize sliding snow and ice.
  • Select the appropriate mounting system for solar panels on various types of roofs.
  • Recall the tests required for sealed and open-joint shop-fabricated ACM panel systems.

Faculty BIO

Mari Adamson started out as an account executive and has worked her way up to National Sales Manager overseeing a team of ten individuals ranging from sales to logistics. As a creative sales leader with over ten years' experience in the snow guard industry, Mari is skilled in working with architects, contractors, designers, project management, and research teams.

Jim Carpenter, Vice President of Global Operations leads our Sno Gem, Solar Connections International, and Universal Composite Panel Systems teams while bringing over 25 years of combined experience in the roofing, snow guard, composite panel, and solar industries.

Referenced Codes & Standards with this Course