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Content Description

Retractable Screens: Invisible Thresholds to Sustainable Design, 2024
CEU: 0.1 | CEU Code: PM-EN-194101-0424

Homeowners are increasingly interested in creating outdoor living spaces that enhance their enjoyment and increase their homes' energy efficiency. This course outlines how retractable screens offer sustainable design solutions for homeowners, architects, and builders. Topics discussed include screen components and how retractable screens offer protection from insects and UV rays and contribute to enhancing a home's energy efficiency. Various case studies focusing on sustainability are examined.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe how screens offer health benefits by protecting against insect intrusion.
  • Explain how retractable screens reduce solar heat gain, creating comfortable indoor and outdoor living environments.
  • Recall how retractable screens contribute to passive cooling techniques by allowing natural ventilation and improved airflow,increasing energy efficiency and conservation by reducing the dependence on mechanical cooling systems.
  • Recall case studies that showcase how retractable screens help deliver sustainable design objectives such as reduced energy consumption and improved ventilation and how they can maintain the character of a space within a building's design.

Faculty BIO

Jason is a representative for Phantom Screens and helps with sales training, marketing support, dealer development, and Phantom programs. He also assists architects and builders with choosing innovative and sustainable designs for projects while maximizing aesthetic appeal.