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Content Description

Adjustable Lavatories and Salon Sink Systems: Senior Safety and Wellness, 2024
CEU: 0.1 | CEU Code: AD-EN-196701-0425

Seniors represent a rapidly growing segment of the population and are entitled to living spaces that promote their safety and wellness. This course emphasizes the importance of accessibility and universal design in meeting the diverse needs of users of all ages and abilities. Specifically, it explores the use of adjustable lavatories and salon sink systems in senior living residences and how they cater to the needs of residents and personal care workers. The course also covers relevant plumbing and electrical codes and standards.

Learning Objectives

  • Summarize the principles and goals of universal design and the key differences between universal and accessible design.
  • Recall design trends for assisted-living and long-term care residences that focus on enhancing quality of life while providing a sense of comfort, security, and belonging.
  • Discuss how adjustable lavatories and salon sink systems address universal and accessible design and meet the needs of seniors and their personal care providers, ensuring safe and comfortable use for all.
  • Specify adjustable lavatories and salon sink systems that are compliant with the Uniform Plumbing Code, International Plumbing Code, National Standard Plumbing Code", and NFPA 70, National Electrical Code.

Faculty BIO

Arden Olson is the president of Accessible Systems, Inc. In his career, he has been an innovator in several industries, from lighting products, to electrochromic windows, to mobile and renewable energy. He has been developing accessibility solutions for the Adjust-a-Sink brand since 2014.

Referenced Codes & Standards with this Course