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Content Description

Acoustical Ceiling Restoration, 2024
CEU: 0.1 | CEU Code: PC-EN-196901-0425

In today's building designs, considering the environmental impact of construction projects is of utmost importance. As a result, factors such as durability, installation speed, cost reduction, and long-term value have become crucial aspects of building designs. This course addresses these concerns in the context of nonresidential building renovations, focusing specifically on using state-of-the-art acoustical ceiling coatings as an alternative to removal and replacement with new materials. The course also examines how acoustical ceiling coatings may apply to several credits and features in the LEED v4.1 Building Design and Construction rating system and the WELL Building Standard" version 2.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify where using acoustical coatings is an appropriate design alternative to replacement.
  • Recall the sustainability benefits of acoustical ceiling coatings through reuse to help meet LEED v4.1 requirements for the Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction credit.
  • Discuss how acoustical ceiling coatings can help meet the LEED v4.1 Optimize Energy Performance credit requirements by reducing the wattage required for adequate interior lighting.
  • Explain how acoustical ceiling coatings contain low VOCs and the importance of seeking low-VOC products with disclosed chemical inventories as required by LEED v4.1 and WELL v2.
  • Review case studies and project examples to discover how acoustical ceiling coatings can help meet LEED v4.1 indoor lighting requirements by providing increased light reflectance to brighten and improve occupant productivity, comfort, and well-being.

Faculty BIO

After graduating, I began my engineering career working as a stress engineer at NASA in Houston. Also, on a part-time basis, I taught structural courses at the civil engineering department. After the lunar landing, I elected to serve as a full-time assistant professor at U of H. Opportunities allowed me to accept appointments at three other universities in administrative positions.

I moved back to Boston and a position in industry as the Director of Training and Personnel for the international division of Camp, Dresser and McKee. I also enjoyed private consulting in organizational planning and management development.

I founded ProCoat Products, Inc. in October 1983.

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