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Content Description

Smart Landscape Lighting: A Review of Emerging Technologies, 2024
CEU: 0.1 | CEU Code: SJ-EN-203402-0126

Modern landscape lighting systems featuring integrated automation and intuitive smartphone controls have revolutionized the industry. Designers can easily transform front lawns from eerie Halloween displays to soft, romantic ambiances with just the touch of a button. These new technologies provide seamless control and user-friendly interfaces while enhancing home occupants' safety and security. Additionally, the widespread adoption of LED lights within those systems has improved energy efficiency and expanded the range of available options. This course explores some of the key principles of landscape lighting design and the various related fixture types and highlights some of the latest advancements in smart landscape lighting technology.

Learning Objectives

  • Discuss the emergence of smart systems in landscape lighting, focusing on advancements in automation, ease of control, and customization options, and their multiple benefits.
  • Recount some of the guiding principles of landscape lighting design and describe available associated lighting fixtures.
  • Describe some of the available lighting fixtures that are compatible with smart control systems.
  • Explore the benefits of LED technology and related systems, including energy efficiency, varied effects, rich color saturation, customizable light temperatures, and their effect on wildlife well-being.

Faculty BIO

The instructor of this course is a SME. The course has been written by qualified education developers and is conducted in accordance with all applicable regulations.