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Content Description

Advantages of Cold-Applied Roofing Systems, 2024
CEU: 0.1 | CEU Code: DB-EN-71809-0225

When the asphalt fumes, open flame, and kettles that accompany hot-applied roofing are not permissible, cold-applied roofing is an option. There are a variety of types of cold-applied roofing that offer easy portability of materials to the roof, smaller roofing crews, ease of application, and a low-VOC option. In this course, we focus on the adhesive application of modified bitumen membranes using bituminous cold-process adhesives, the adhesive types, their components and characteristics, application methods, and design and use considerations.

Learning Objectives

  • Define cold-applied roofing and its benefits over traditional hot-applied systems that present potential health and safety hazards (open flames, asphalt fumes, etc.), increased brittleness, breakdowns, and premature aging.
  • Identify the key components of polymer-modified cold adhesives that combine to offer long-term performance.
  • Recognize the types of cold-applied roof systems and their advantages in terms of VOC content, waterproofing properties, and performance.
  • Describe the application methods to ensure a long-lasting, successful installation and the precautions to consider when using cold-applied systems to avoid any indoor air quality and odor concerns.

Faculty BIO

Michael Gada is the Director - Technical & Consultant Services at SOPREMA. Over the last 25 years, Michael has worked in a variety of senior level technical positions where he resolves technical, guaranty/warranty issues and implements testing at outside agencies to upgrade and enhance local, state, and national code approvals at UL, FM, and Miami-Dade. He is an active Registered Roof Observer (RRO), and a member of RCI, ARMA, & CSI.