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Content Description

Applying Kitchen Design Principles to the Bathroom, 2024
CEU: 0.1 | CEU Code: RN-EN-119704-0325

While the kitchen has long been considered the heart of the home, the bathroom is often thought of as a utilitarian space. However, by drawing inspiration from kitchen design principles, designers can create a bathroom that's personalized, organized, and highly functional. Beyond serving basic needs, the bathroom is a space for relaxing, recharging, and preparing for the day ahead. This course discusses strategies for incorporating organization, ergonomics, personalization, and technology to create a streamlined styling space.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify design principles used to simplify the daily workflow within the kitchen and incorporate these ideas into bathroom design to promote organization and relaxation, resulting in a minimal stress experience.
  • Recognize the importance of ergonomic considerations and implement them in a bathroom design that supports wellness by focusing on a healthy lifestyle and by simplifying self-care.
  • Summarize how modularity, common in kitchen design, can create a personalized storage solution in the bathroom, providing a streamlined and stress-free styling space.
  • Describe how innovations in storage, lighting, cabinetry, and more can vastly improve the everyday experience in the bathroom by promoting key WELL Building Standard concepts such as Comfort, Light, and Mind.

Faculty BIO

The instructor of this course is a SME. The course has been written by qualified education developers and is conducted in accordance with all applicable regulations.