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Content Description

Servicing Open Spaces with Convenient, Code-Compliant Electrical and Digital Infrastructure, 2024
CEU: 0.1 | CEU Code: LE-EN-120701-0320

The commercial space design trend toward open plans has had a major impact on interior electrical and digital infrastructure. Offices, hotels, retail spaces, and transit areas all utilize open spaces, each with their own specific issues and requirements. This course provides designers with the information required to provide code-compliant, user-friendly, and convenient power, data/communication, and AV access for a wide variety of spaces and end users, including facility managers, cleaning staff, and visitors.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the specific needs for power, data, communications, and AV in individual and collaborative work spaces.
  • Evaluate specific building characteristics that will affect the selection of appropriate floor and work space outlets.
  • Assess all outlet options that address client needs and aesthetic preferences.
  • Adhere to all current building codes and standards when choosing floor and workstation outlets.
  • Utilize design and performance criteria to specify wire and cable solutions for floors and workstation outlets.

Faculty BIO

Liz Gulsvig creates and manages content for the Electrical Wiring Systems division of Legrand, North America. With a focus on commercial and industrial applications, she specializes in writing a wide range of materials that educate and build awareness around electrical devices, cable management and new solutions for power and charging.

Jeff McDermott has a Bachelor of Science from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology and an M.B.A. from West Virginia University. During his 25 year career at Legrand, Jeff has held roles in product development, project management, and product marketing. Jeff has specialized in providing the market with elegant and efficient options to deliver power, communications, and audio visual connections in user spaces.

Keara Schoenhardt has a B.S. in Marketing and Management from Central Connecticut State University. She currently works for Legrand, North America as a Sales and Marketing Associate. She spends her time brainstorming and creating marketing collateral for various divisions within Legrand. Keara is also an active member of HYPE (Hartford Young Professionals and Entrepreneurs) as well as the women lead business organization known as Lean In.

Referenced Codes & Standards with this Course

Format Year Publisher Type Title Annual Price
Federal Guideline
Model Code