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Content Description

Sealing the Envelope with Insulated Metal Panels, 2024
CEU: 0.125 | CEU Code: KI-EN-123002-0723

Today's building professionals and owners share enthusiasm for building envelope performance. Building envelopes separate the building interior from the exterior environment. As such, they are exposed to a variety of environmental loads, including wind pressure, solar radiation, and rain. This course provides an overview of the major thermodynamic considerations for the proper construction of the building envelope with a focus on insulated metal panels (IMPs) that provide all four control layers (air, water, vapor, and thermal) in a single-component system.

Learning Objectives

  • Define the functions of the building enclosure and how insulated metal panels perform these functions through a single component that simplifies installation with fewer transitions and less chance of failure.
  • Discuss the basic concepts of thermodynamics and how different elements are used to control the environmental loads acting on buildings.
  • Describe what makes the 'perfect" (universal) wall and roof from a performance standpoint.
  • Explain best practices for sealing an insulated metal panel envelope.

Faculty BIO

Brent has truly run the gamut of construction industry professions'serving in various roles, including architect, developer, and even project owner'which allows him to fully understand the sustainability ecosystem. As Sustainability Director for Kingspan North America, Brent is committed to reducing the environmental impact of business operations, products, and services through continuous improvement and environmental transparency.

Since 2015 Brent has led Kingspan North America's material health and transparency program while driving a culture promoting Healthier Building, Healthier Planet, Healthier People across Kingspan's global footprint.

Brent also leads Kingspan's Planet Passionate program for the Americas, which supports strategic planning for the business development group and provides insight on current and future sustainability initiatives keeping Kingspan at the forefront of our industry.

Referenced Codes & Standards with this Course