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Content Description

Artisanal Craft in Sustainable Spaces, 2024
CEU: 0.1 | CEU Code: NT-EN-125908-0624

This presentation celebrates the value of incorporating artisanal, handcrafted fixtures and furnishings into a building's design. Not only are these products unique, functional, and aesthetically appealing, but they can also establish a sense of connection with their maker. Many artisanal, handcrafted products are made using traditional techniques that have been passed down over time, often from generation to generation. And because many of these products are made from sustainable, recycled, or reclaimed materials that are locally available, they can help reduce the environmental impact of a new build. This course illustrates how sourcing artisan-made products for their projects can allow designers and builders to effect social, economic, and environmental change.

Learning Objectives

  • Examine how designer and consumer interests have evolved to include products that demonstrate sustainable, environmental, ethical, and sociocultural values'and how these values are reflected in their enhanced appreciation of artisan products in hospitality and residential spaces
  • Identify a variety of sustainable and reclaimed materials used by artisans for home, commercial, and hospitality design, and discuss the importance of material transparency, traceability, and third-party certifiers to the maker and the consumer
  • Discuss how sustainable craft plays a strong role in protecting and caring for the environment, stimulates employment, enhances people's lives, and preserves cultural heritage
  • Recognize why the look and feel of sustainably made, handcrafted kitchen and bath fixtures and furnishings can promote the physical, mental and social well-being of occupants and users of these spaces

Faculty BIO

The instructor of this course is a SME. The course has been written by qualified education developers and is conducted in accordance with all applicable regulations.