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Content Description

Acoustics A–Z: Products & Applications for Architectural & Industrial Noise Problems, 2024
CEU: 0.1 | CEU Code: SO-EN-129206-0625

Unwanted sound can become more than a mere annoyance. Excess noise has been found to increase stress and distraction, reduce learning and productivity, and even lead to hypertension and permanent hearing loss. This course presents an overview of how sound is described and measured and describes the many industrial and architectural products available to control noise in virtually any environment.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe the basics of acoustics: what sound is, how it is measured, and how it travels, as well as the effects of excess noise.
  • Discuss the relevant definitions to describe noise control and testing methods, and the measurements that describe how well a noise control product performs.
  • List and describe the noise mitigation products for use in industrial applications.
  • List and describe the noise mitigation products for use in architectural applications.
  • Use case studies to recognize the effectiveness of products for noise control.

Faculty BIO

The instructor of this course is a SME. The course has been written by qualified education developers and is conducted in accordance with all applicable regulations.

Referenced Codes & Standards with this Course