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Content Description

Rethinking Solid Waste Management, 2024
CEU: 0.25 | CEU Code: DP-EN-131903-0124

The magnitude and negative impacts of solid waste have become increasingly apparent, especially in regard to plastics and their presence in the oceans. As a result, there have been many approaches to rethinking what constitutes waste and how it can be avoided or used/managed in a more sustainable manner. This course explores these emerging approaches to waste management planning and illustrates them with current examples of solid waste management plans and initiatives from various countries around the globe. In the first part of this course, we'll dig into the impact of our growing waste problem and some methods for rethinking this waste. In the second, we'll provide guidance for the design of a sustainable community waste management plan.

Learning Objectives

  • Recall the ways in which waste and waste management impact community health, form, and energy use.
  • Utilize waste more effectively as materials or energy.
  • Incorporate waste management programs and tactics that view waste as a resource.
  • Use the solid waste management principles of rethink/redesign, prevention/reduction, usage/diversion, and disposal to determine key goals and strategies of a solid waste management plan.
  • Use international, national, and regional examples to inform and improve solid waste management approaches.

Faculty BIO

Doug operated a number of architectural practices in Toronto for 25 years before joining the CMHC (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Canada's national housing agency) in 1998. His practices prioritized projects incorporating user participation and effective use of resources and finances, earning several sustainable design awards and a lifetime achievement award. CMHC roles included 12 years as a senior researcher in sustainable community development and 3 years as a senior analyst for the international division. Both roles included giving lectures and presentations on sustainable communities, the organization and facilitation of design charrettes across Canada and abroad, and workshops and manuals on charrette and IP development. Doug also developed design tools, community development programs, and educational materials related to green buildings and sustainable communities.