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Content Description

An Introduction to Air Control Dampers, 2024
CEU: 0.125 | CEU Code: MC-EN-133204-1023

Air control dampers are an essential component of a building's HVAC system, regulating heating, cooling, and ventilation performance. Presented here is an introduction to control, balancing, backdraft, industrial, and multizone dampers; each type plays an important role in the HVAC system. Discussed are damper types, components, and performance metrics. Guidance is provided for damper specification, installation, maintenance, and inspection.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the different types of air control dampers and how they maintain acceptable indoor air quality and occupant comfort by regulating heating, cooling, and ventilation performance.
  • Recall the function of individual damper components and accessories and identify how they contribute to meeting HVAC system performance requirements.
  • Discuss the performance metrics of dampers, such as free area, pressure drop, airflow direction, and air leakage, and their relationship with a correctly sized and balanced HVAC system.
  • Select and size an air control damper for various duct types, sizes, and applications.

Faculty BIO

Michael Binkholder's career has spanned 36 years in the distribution and manufacturing of commercial construction products, 10 with Mestek in their Commercial Damper Louver Group as VP Sales and Marketing. In support of the industry, he has served on various AMCA-related committees, as well as the AMCA Board of Directors. Michael is a member of NFPA and an associate member of the Washington DC/MD chapter of SMACNA. He was a co-patent holder for the original design of the first vertical storm louver, a paradigm changing design which spawned the current hurricane and wind driven rain louver category.

Greg Crosby started out working for Krueger Manufacturing as a regional manager following obtaining his degree from ASU in 1975 as a Regional Sales Manager. In 1979, he accepted the position as National Sales Manager for J&J Register Company, where he remained until starting his own company in 1983: Arizona Air Devices. Arizona Air was a very successful company, which Greg sold in 1998 to Metal Industries. At Metal Industries, he accepted the position of Vice President of Sales, Marketing, and Engineering. In 2006, Greg left Metal Industries to join Mestek. Greg enjoys working with his many friends in the HVAC industry and spending time with his wife of 35 years, along with his two adopted children, Bandit and Little Bit; both very active Australian Shepherds. His two biological children have moved out and are on to bigger and better things.