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Content Description

Air Curtains: Energy Savings & Occupant Comfort, 2024
CEU: 0.125 | CEU Code: BE-EN-139703-0324

An air curtain, also known as an air door, employs a controlled stream of air aimed across an opening to create an air seal. This seal separates different environments while allowing a smooth, unhindered flow of traffic and unobstructed vision through the opening. This course discusses how air curtains work and why they can contribute to occupant comfort, energy efficiency, and indoor air quality when the door is open. It also reviews how air curtains improve whole-building energy efficiency versus conventional methods.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe air curtains in terms of their components, function, and operation.
  • Discuss how air curtains enhance the safety of a entrance or opening by evaluating air curtain design criteria to determine the correct size and placement of an air curtain for a specific application.
  • Explore the benefits of air curtains to determine how they improve occupant thermal comfort levels and reduce whole-building energy use.
  • Recognize why it is necessary to specify the right air curtain and controls to achieve optimal air curtain effects for environmental separation, to reduce dust, fume, and insect infiltration, and to maintain air movement control.
  • Identify industry building codes and testing standards relevant to air curtains.
  • Refer to case studies to illustrate the efficiency of air curtains for energy savings, climate separation, and comfortable air temperature.

Faculty BIO

David A. Johnson is the Director of Engineering at Berner International and has spent the last 25 years there working in the heating, ventilating, and air conditioning industry primarily dealing with air curtain systems. David is responsible for the research, design, development, and certification of all of Berner's products and engages in regulatory affairs concerning national, international, and government codes and standards. David has a bachelor's of science in mechanical engineering from Gannon University and has been very active in AMCA by participating in and serving as chair on multiple committees for the past 23 years.

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