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Content Description

Selecting Materials for Outdoor Applications: Choice of Materials—and Product Suppliers—Matters on Many Levels, 2024
CEU: 0.125 | CEU Code: FS-EN-142305-0225

Architects and designers have many options for specifying site furniture products for their projects. Selecting materials and finishes is an integral part of this process, yet making material selections has become more and more complex. The course examines conditions and constraints of outdoor environments; evaluates materials commonly used in outdoor applications; discusses using green building standards and rating systems, and the role of suppliers as resources for material selection; and provides examples of products that adhere to a higher environmental standard.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify conditions and constraints typical of outdoor environments, and state the potential impact each can have on materials, products, and installed projects as a whole.
  • Evaluate several types of materials appropriate for outdoor applications based on criteria including aesthetics, durability, performance, and environmental impact.
  • Recognize leading green building standards and rating systems, and understand the importance of a product supplier's role, including the importance of their environmental management programs, environmental data collection, and reporting practices in material and product selection.
  • Cite examples of products that use high-performance materials to balance these diverse criteria while offering tremendous design potential and adhering to a higher environmental standard.

Faculty BIO

The instructor of this course is a SME. The course has been written by qualified education developers and is conducted in accordance with all applicable regulations.