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Content Description

Achieving Fire Suppression and Safety with Standpipe Systems, 2024
CEU: 0.1 | CEU Code: ZU-EN-143302-1223

It's imperative to have a dependable, well-designed fire protection system that helps save lives and property. This course is designed to advance awareness and understanding about the wide range of components, functionality, and benefits of today's most innovative standpipe fire systems and how to select the optimal system for your design based on building type, codes, and other requirements.

Learning Objectives

  • Explain the top six reasons for having a standpipe system.
  • Identify the specific functions of a standpipe fire system's components and why they are essential to fire protection.
  • Describe new system innovations that benefit installation, operation, safety, and maintenance.
  • Explain how a well-designed/installed standpipe fire system meets NFPA codes and standards, but more importantly, works to save lives and property in the case of a fire.
  • Describe how standpipe fire systems vary greatly based on building types, building pressure, codes and standards, and exceptions required by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).

Faculty BIO

Luke's career started in the outdoor and apparel industry working for a fourth-generation family-owned apparel manufacturer, Wigwam Mills, Inc. During his more than seven years at Wigwam, he had five different roles of increased responsibility within the marketing group, including brand and event management, digital marketing, and marketing communications. In 2018, Luke moved into the plumbing industry as Zurn's customer engagement manager. After two years in this role he shifted focus to drive growth within the sales channel as the channel marketing manager, and was later promoted to field marketing manager in July of 2021. He now oversees Zurn's training programs for internal associates and external customers, channel marketing strategy, and industry partnerships..

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