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Content Description

Architectural Coatings: Building a Lasting Finish, 2024
CEU: 0.125 | CEU Code: DC-EN-143703-0623

Coatings are about more than a building's appearance; they play a vital role in preserving the architectural elements of the façade. This course explains coating chemistries and manufacturing, as well as the role they play in sustainability. The course also offers a detailed look at industry standards and tests that result in coating performance metrics. Specifying the correct coating for a given application can dramatically improve a building's appearance and its cradle-to-cradle environmental footprint.

Learning Objectives

  • Recall the role coatings play in protecting architectural elements and extending a building's life span, improving its sustainability and durability.
  • Recognize basic coating chemistries, ingredients, and manufacturing processes and their associated environmental issues and benefits including material recycling and heat recovery.
  • List quality testing procedures and industry standards, and describe how these performance metrics influence a building's cradle-to-cradle design.
  • Assess which coating formula to specify in order to control costs and prevent premature failure of architectural components.

Faculty BIO

Ben Mitchell, MBA, is Dura Coat Products' Global Extrusion Sales Manager for liquid coatings at Axalta Coating Systems, a global paints and coatings company. He has a bachelor's degree in comprehensive science as well as an MBA from Urbana University in Ohio. Mitchell started as a chemist, formulating PVDF coatings in the research and development lab in 1990, before moving into technical service, and then sales management.

Referenced Codes & Standards with this Course