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Content Description

Sun Control Window Films, 2024
CEU: 0.1 | CEU Code: 3M-EN-144505-0324

Originally developed to reduce solar heat gain from entering through a pane of glass, window films in today's market provide UV protection, reduce glare, reduce fading, increase occupant comfort, offer safety and security, and yield energy savings. This course evaluates the performance of different types of solar control window films and offers daylighting strategies for commercial, retail, and residential building and architectural applications.

Learning Objectives

  • Discuss the history and basics of window film materials and applications, including how and why they work.
  • Demonstrate increased energy savings and proof of performance for solar control window films in a variety of applications.
  • Discuss the benefits of solar control window films to building occupants and the interior environment in terms of thermal comfort levels and reduced glare.
  • Explain how safety and security window films can protect buildings and their occupants from break and entry, natural disasters, and blast-related incidents.
  • Identify the ways window films contribute to daylighting strategies in commercial, retail, and residential building applications.

Faculty BIO

Victoria Kampmeyer has been an inside sales representative with 3M for over two years. Her focus has been on driving sales and developing new business for 3M's decorative, sun control, safety and security, and daylight redirecting window films.
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