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Content Description

Resin-Based Coatings for Metal, 2024
CEU: 0.125 | CEU Code: AK-EN-158204-0125

There are many kinds of resin-based coatings for metal. The type of resin used plays an important role in determining a coating's durability and physical properties. This course discusses these coatings and their application techniques. It also discusses why the coatings may deteriorate and how to measure the performance of the coatings. The role that resin-based coatings perform in cool roofs is explored along with the standards that measure the sustainability of cool roofs. This course provides the information one needs to ensure that the coated product will perform as expected and provide a durable, long-lasting finish.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the components of paint, as well as common substrates and pretreatments.
  • Describe how the coil- or spray-coating processes are used to capture and incinerate volatile organic compounds, which can cause indoor air quality problems.
  • Explain what causes coating failure and how coatings are tested for weathering and performance.
  • Discuss how resin-based coatings can provide high solar reflectance and thermal emittance values.
  • Explain how resin-based coatings contribute to cool roofs and reduce energy consumption.
  • Discuss how prepainted metal roofs can contribute to points earned in several LEED categories and meet California's Title 24 standards.

Faculty BIO

Vince is the Sales and Marketing Manager for Arkema's Fluoropolymers Division, responsible for Kynar 500 PVDF resin and Kynar Aquatec PVDF latex. He holds a B.S. in mechanical engineering from Drexel University, and a business certificate from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. In his 31 years at Arkema, Vince has been market manager and technical service engineer for the Plexiglas acrylic and Tuffak polycarbonate sheet products, and he has held positions in acrylic coatings manufacturing and R&D.

Referenced Codes & Standards with this Course