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Content Description

Acoustic Door Assemblies and Their Role in Sound Control, 2024
CEU: 0.1 | CEU Code: AM-EN-162703-0525

Sound control is a critical element in a building's design.We all think of the walls, ceiling, and floor when discussing sound attenuation, but without the proper acoustic door, the sound-control goals in an acoustic plan may not be met. This course reviews healthy sound levels and how to test and identify target STC ratings. Also discussed are the elements of acoustic door assemblies and how they address fire ratings and ADA compliance, contribute to LEED certification and green building, and provide security for classified files and electronic data.

Learning Objectives

  • Recognize the importance of proper acoustic control relative to health, speech privacy, security, and the ability to learn.
  • Explain how to use key sound measurements in determining a successful acoustic plan, with a focus on acoustic door and frame assemblies, in environments such as schools, offices, theaters, and medical buildings.
  • Describe the acoustic door assembly and the importance of specifying the entire assembly from a manufacturer who offers test reports from an independent and certified lab.
  • Discuss the performance options available in acoustic door assemblies, including level of sound control, fire rating, LEED contribution, ADA compliance, and security.

Faculty BIO

Steve Peterman is the Director of Sales and Marketing and has been with AMBICO Limited since 1988. With 32 years at AMBICO, Steve has spent many years in engineering and operations fostering detailed product knowledge. His role and technical knowledge are key to ensuring that AMBICO's services and marketing continue to remain at the forefront of the specialized door, frame, and window industry.

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