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Content Description

Architectural Aluminum Canopies for Commercial Buildings, 2024
CEU: 0.1 | CEU Code: MA-EN-168402-0825

Architectural canopies are versatile additions to a wide variety of commercial buildings and serve both functional and aesthetic purposes. They can highlight entrances, create visual interest, support signs and lights, and offer protection from snow, rain, and sun. This course examines canopy types, styles, materials, finishes, and wall attachment considerations and offers guidance on how to select the right system for a project. Case studies demonstrate how canopies can assist in solving common building design challenges.

Learning Objectives

  • Compare and contrast the purposes, support needs, installation considerations, and long-term durability of different canopy materials.
  • Differentiate the types of aluminum canopies in terms of their shading, load-bearing, and aesthetic characteristics.
  • Summarize the considerations for attaching a canopy safely and securely to various types of wall materials.
  • Explore the canopy features that help guide selection of the level of quality, performance, and durability suitable for a given project.
  • Recall case studies that use canopies to address common design challenges and enhance how occupants use and experience buildings.

Faculty BIO

Mark has been with Mapes for more than 20 years. In the early days, much of his work was involved with the design and development of the architectural canopies manufactured by Mapes Canopies. The last 10 years have focused on the marketing and market development of the canopies and contact with architects and engineers throughout the country designing projects with architectural canopies. His prior expertise with the original designing and engineering of Mapes canopies has provided him with an excellent basis for reaching out to those currently doing the same with canopies in today's world.

Referenced Codes & Standards with this Course

Format Year Publisher Type Title Annual Price
Federal Guideline