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Content Description

Safe Water Delivery in Healthcare Facilities, 2024
CEU: 0.1 | CEU Code: WM-EN-172202-1224

Just as healthcare providers strive to stop the spread of disease at its source in the body, so too are facilities trying to stop the source of waterborne viruses and bacteria before they get out of control. This course highlights the concerns and consequences of improper water delivery in healthcare facilities and discusses why they are embarking on a systems approach and using a monitoring system to manage water and infection control.

Learning Objectives

  • Recognize why healthcare facilities must pay attention to the inherent structure of their plumbing systems and what is happening behind their walls so they can deliver safe, clean water to their patients, staff, and visitors.
  • Discuss why monitored recirculating hot water systems and digital mixing valves protect user health and safety.
  • Evaluate a healthcare facility's water system, identify potential problems, and discuss possible water delivery solutions.
  • Discuss current codes and guidelines regarding water management programs (WMPs) and discuss the risk and prevention of the Legionella bacteria in healthcare settings.
  • Compare traditional dialysis systems to modular dialysis systems and explain why modular dialysis systems and all-inclusive dialysis boxes protect the patient and the building's water supply.

Faculty BIO

Dennis DeHaan is the National Sales Manager for Acorn Controls and Acorn Safety. He has worked closely with engineers in the plumbing industry over the last 20-plus years, sharing his vast knowledge on the topics of water safety, control valves, and water management design and implementation. Dennis attended Purdue University and resides in Indiana with his wife of 24 years and their four children.

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