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Content Description

Reflective Insulation & Radiant Barriers, 2024
CEU: 0.1 | CEU Code: CT-EN-174003-0724

Building systems can be enhanced by incorporating reflective insulation or radiant barriers into the building envelope. With effective insulation, heat transfer is reduced, resulting in less summer heat gain, and less winter heat loss. This course explains common and effective uses for reflective insulation and radiant barriers in a wide range of construction and building applications and demonstrates how these systems reduce energy usage, increase the lifespan of the mechanical equipment for heating and cooling, and reduce maintenance requirements and frequency of replacement.

Learning Objectives

  • Discuss the fundamentals of heat transfer, with an emphasis on radiant heat transfer.
  • Discuss reflectivity and emissivity and the relationship between the two.
  • List and compare the principles of reflective insulation and radiant barriers.
  • Explain effective methods of use of reflective insulation and radiant barriers.
  • Identify specific applications well-suited for both types of reflective products.

Faculty BIO

Kelly Myers has 16 years of experience in the reflective insulation and radiant barrier industry, including 11 years managing sales of rFOIL Insulation Products in the United States and Central America. Kelly has vast experience and knowledge of the principles of reflective insulation/radiant barriers, and a keen ability to educate others about the technology, performance, and applications for these products. Kelly has led seminars and presentations to a wide variety of groups, including architects, municipal agencies, code officials, universities, and industry trade conventions. Kelly is an active member of RIMA (Reflective Insulation Manufacturers Association), and currently serves on RIMA's Technical Committee and Verification Committee. He is also a member of NIA, ICAA, SSA, and NFBA.

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