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Content Description

Anodizing 101: Building, Construction, & Design, 2024
CEU: 0.125 | CEU Code: AA-EN-174102-1224

In the 1920s, aluminum turned the world of metals upside down with its benefits of light weight, strength, fabrication flexibility, and durability. Since then, finishing technology has provided a steady stream of protection and coloring improvements. This course explores the sustainability of aluminum, the anodizing process, and the performance characteristics of architectural anodized aluminum. It includes information to assist in the selection and specification of architectural anodized finishes for aluminum sheet, extrusions, and panels.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe the aluminum anodizing process and evaluate the differences between the different methods and types of anodizing.
  • Identify the elements added to aluminum to improve its performance and reference the wrought aluminum alloy designation system to describe the characteristics of the aluminum alloy series.
  • Discuss the sustainable, life cycle, and environmental features of anodized aluminum.
  • Describe the sequence of treatments and treatment options for aluminum sheet and extruded parts and panels.
  • Evaluate the advantages of using architectural anodized aluminum as part of building construction and the factors that must be considered when selecting a high-performance aluminum finish.

Faculty BIO

Todd Hamilton has worked in the building products and metal finishing industry for over 18 years. He has worked in sales, sales management, and production management and he currently manages SAF's anodizing and metal distribution facility in Atlanta, GA. Todd has also been actively involved with the Aluminum Anodizers Council for over 10 years, serving on the Board of Directors for the past 7 years. He served as Board Chairman for 3 years and headed the Promotion Committee as well. Currently Todd is an active member of AAC's Promotion Committees where he works to promote anodizing to specifiers and end users.

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