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  • ASCE
    ASCE/SEI Standard 43 Seismic Design Criteria for Structures, Systems, and Components in Nuclear Facilities
    Edition: 2005
    / user per year

Content Description

ASCE/SEI 43-05 provides stringent design criteria for nuclear facilities. Due to the potential risk associated with nuclear hazards, it is desirable that nuclear facilities have a lower probability that structural damage will be caused by earthquake than do conventional facilities. The goal of this Standard is to ensure that nuclear facilities can withstand the effects of earthquake ground shaking with desired performance. This Standard will be of use to any designers or analysts involved in the design of new nuclear structures, systems, or components. Topics include: Evaluation of Seismic Demand; Evaluation of Structural Capacity; Load Combinations and Acceptance Criteria for Structures; Ductile Detailing Requirements; Equipment and Distribution Systems; and Seismic Quality Provisions.

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