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  • ASSE
    ASSE Standard #1082-2018 Performance Requirements for Tankless water heaters used as temperature control devices for hot water distribution systems
    Edition: 2018
    / user per year

Content Description

Performance Requirements for Water Heaters with Integral Temperature Control Devices for Hot Water Distribution Systems (ANSI Approved: October 2018) This standard covers water heaters with defined setpoint controls under various steady state flow conditions. ASSE 1082 is for water heaters that control the outlet temperature to specific limits and are installed within a hot water distribution system but not at point-of-use. The water heater shall consist of a heat exchanger, a cold water inlet connection, a hot water outlet connection, and a means for precisely governing the outlet temperature. The water heater controller shall be listed to the appropriate electrical safety standard in accordance with the water heater category. These devices are not intended for end use applications without point-of-use control valves, as specified by ASSE 1016 / ASME A112.1016 / CSA B125.16, ASSE 1069, ASSE 1070 / ASME A112.1070 / CSA B125.70, or other appropriate standards.

About ASSE

ASSE, the American Society of Sanitary Engineering, is a nonprofit organization that develops and publishes standards aimed at preventing unsanitary design in plumbing systems. Headquartered in Westlake, United States, ASSE standards contribute heavily to the IAPMO Uniform Plumbing Code, the overarching standard for plumbing in the United States. With 70 member companies and many more individual members, ASSE work promotes the prevention rather than cure philosophy.