ASTM D1335-67e1
Historical Standard: ASTM D1335-67e1 Standard Method Of Test For Tuft Bind Of Pile Floor Coverings
SUPERSEDED (see Active link, below)
ASTM D1335
2. Referenced Documents (purchase separately) The documents listed below are referenced within the subject standard but are not provided as part of the standard.
ASTM Standards
D76 Specification for Tensile Testing Machines for Textiles
D123 Terminology Relating to Textiles
D1776 Practice for Conditioning and Testing Textiles
D5684 Terminology Relating to Pile Floor Coverings
E177 Practice for Use of the Terms Precision and Bias in ASTM Test Methods
E691 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to Determine the Precision of a Test Method
carpet; floor-covering; pile yarn; tuft bind ;